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For over 20 years, Nature in Shetland has been collecting and sharing information on all of Shetland's natural history.



2nd October 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Yellow-browed Warbler count today in Shetland (excluding Fair Isle) is a conservative 130.  

Unst:  Little Bunting at Skaw.  Barred Warbler at Leawart, Norwick.  Little Bunting north of Haroldswick. Chaffinch at Daisy Park, 7 Redpolls, Rosefinch south of school, increase in Brambling and Redwing at Halligarth, Baltasound.  Glaucous Gull at Easter Loch.  

Yell:  Barred Warbler at Cullivoe.  Garden Warbler at Effstigarth.  Whinchat at Gloup.  Hawfinch and Pied Wagtail at Hillend, Mid Yell.  Hawfinch at North a Voe.  Peregrine at Arisdale, Merlin at Hamnavoe.  Barred Warbler at Burravoe.  Tree Pipit at Gutcher. 

Fetlar:  2 Barred Warbler at Feal Plantation.  

Bressay:  Little Bunting at Gunnista.  2 Lesser Whitethroat, Redwing, 5 Redpoll, Siskin and Merlin at Gorie.  

Out Skerries: Grey Wagtail, Yellow Wagtail and Whinchat.  

West Mainland:  2 Magpie at Sandness. Rose-coloured Starling at Michealswood, Aith.  Golden Oriole at Summerside, Walls.  

Central Mainland:  Siberian Chiffchaff at Muckle Roe, and 5 Redwing at Brae.  Barred Warbler at Sweening.  Barred Warbler at Toogs, Burra.  2 Stonechat at Dale Golf Course.  Barred Warbler at Clickimin, 5 Redwing and Siskin at Burn of Sound.  Redstart at Gulberwick.  Siberian Chiffchaff and 35+Redwing at Wester Quarff.  Barred Warbler, Siberian Chiffchaff and 20 Redwing at Easter Quarff.  

North Mainland:  Richard's Pipit at Eshaness.  2 Barred Warbler and Song Thrush at head of Ronas Voe.  

South Mainland:  Siberian Chiffchaff, Lesser Whitethroat, and Wood Warbler at Orca Inn, and Barred Warbler at Hoswick. Lesser Whitethroat at Brakefield Rd, Sandwick. 5 Siberian Chiffchaff at Maywick.  Siberian Chiffchaff and 12 Redwing over, at Swinister burn.  Whinchat at Boddam.  Short-eared Owl and Wood Warbler at Quendale.  Lesser Whitethroat at Grutness.  Red-backed Shrike and 2 Brambling at Toab.  


Cetacean Sightings:  2 Minke Whale at Haroldswick and 3 at Braewick, Eshaness.  Super pod of >200 White-beaked Dolphin was off Mousa Sound.  a pod of 15 dolphin were also off Bressay Light.  Pod of Orca were seen off Levenwick, before heading south and last seen 2-3km off Grutness.  

Species in red are national (BBRC) rarities. Species in orange are local/Scottish rarities.

For more news of recent sightings visit the Recent Sightings page


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