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For over 20 years, Nature in Shetland has been collecting and sharing information on all of Shetland's natural history.



3rd October 2024

Bird Sightings: 

Yellow-browed Warbler count today in Shetland (excluding Fair Isle) is a conservative 49, a big fall in numbers from yesterday.  Maybe under-reporting, or birds have left, or perhaps spread out more?  

Unst: Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler at Valyie, Tree Pipit, Barred Warbler, 4 Redpolls, 2 Lesser Whitethroat at Norwick.  Little Bunting at Baliasta. Garden Warbler and Pied Flycatcher at Halligarth.  Grey Wagtail at Balta Light.  5 Snow Bunting at Haroldswick.  

Yell:  6 Whooper Swan at Kirk Loch, Barred Warbler at Marina plantation, Cullivoe.  Whinchat at Gloup.  12 Redpoll, Water Rail, 5 Redwing and Brambling at Hillend, Mid Yell.  Siskin and Sparrowhawk at Gutcher.  

Bressay:  Sparrowhawk and Hen Harrier at Gorie.  

West MainlandEastern Crowned Warbler at Transition Turrifield, Sandness.  If viewing please park sensibly and do not enter the garden unless invited by the owners.  Lesser Whitethroat, Whinchat, and 2 Magpie also Sandness.  Sparrowhawk at Dale of Walls.  Red-backed Shrike at Culswick. Rose-coloured Starling and Golden Oriole at Aith.  

Central Mainland:  Pink-footed Goose, Great Spotted Woodpecker and 20+ Siskin at Brae.  Barred Warbler at Sweening, Vidlin.  Little Bunting at Burn of Sound, and Barred Warbler at Queendale Burn, and at Clickimin, Lerwick.  Glaucous Gull at sea, 2 miles south of Noss.  Redstart, Sedge Warbler, Sparrowhawk and Pink-footed Goose at Gulberwick.    

North Mainland:  Red-backed Shrike at Sullom plantation.  

South Mainland:  Red-breasted Flycatcher at Geosetter.  Slavonian Grebe on Spiggie Loch.  Jack Snipe, Ring Ouzel and Barred Warbler at Quendale Burn.  


Cetacean Sightings:  Minke Whale at Norwick and Muness, Unst.  Minke Whale and Risso's dolphin at Haroldswick.  2 Humpback Whales 10miles east of Mousa.  

Species in red are national (BBRC) rarities. Species in orange are local/Scottish rarities.

For more news of recent sightings visit the Recent Sightings page


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