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Shetland Bird Club


The Shetland Bird Club was founded in 1973 to promote study, conserve and record the bird life of the Shetland Islands. The club publishes an annual report every year (Shetland Bird Report); promotes and manages the Nature in Shetland website and social media; responds to local political and environmental concerns; hosts talks and social events; participates in Shetland Nature Festival; manages Calum's Fund to further the club's aims; and, is looking for ways to encourage new membership.  

The club's aims:​

  • to study and record bird life in Shetland, and where appropriate, other aspects of the natural environment of Shetland

  • to co-operate with local and national bodies in ornithological enquiries 

  • to produce an annual report, to be known as the 'Shetland Bird Report' 

  • to promote and develop interest in ornithology in Shetland 

  • the conservation of Shetland's bird life 

Shetland Bird Club committee (2024)

Dennis Coutts - Honorary President
Martin Heubeck - Honorary Member

Mike Richardson - Honorary Member

Kevin Kelly - Chair
Phil Harris - Vice Chair
Helen Moncrieff - Club Secretary
Rebecca Nason - Treasurer & Membership Secretary
Rob Fray - County Recorder
Mike Pennington - Editor (Shetland Bird Report)

Julie Redpath - Newsletter Editor
Gary Bell

Pete Ellis - Conservation Officer
Joyce Garden - Newsletter Editor
​Will Miles
Logan Johnson
Colin Smith 

Matt Bruce

Matt Willmott

If you are a Shetland Bird Club member and interested in joining the Shetland Bird Club committee please get in touch...

After a five year term, committee members must either stand down or stand for re-election. This process takes place at the Annual General Meeting, usually in February, and means that each year there is a chance for you to get involved and have your say.

For more information, please contact the SBC Secretary.

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