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30th September 2020


Bird Sightings:

Fetlar: Black-throated Diver at Hamars Ness.

Unst: 2 Pale-bellied Brent Goose at Westerpark.

Yell: Yellow-browed Warbler and Goldcrest at Burravoe. Arctic Warbler at Cullivoe.

Burra: Snow Bunting at West Burra. Little Bunting at East Burra.
North Mainland: Ruff, 3 Great Skua, 4 Northern Wheatear and Snow Bunting at Eshaness.

Central Mainland: Olive-backed Pipit at Asta. 6 Yellow-browed Warbler, 1 Blackcap, 5 Goldcrest, Song Thrush, 3 Robin, 4 Redwing, Chaffinch, Brambling and 5 Siskin at Voe.

West Mainland: Yellow-browed Warbler, Song Thrush and Redwing at West Burrafirth.

South Mainland: Long-tailed Duck at Grutness. Redstart, Robin, Redwing and Grey Wagtail at Fladdabister. Hawfinch at Wester Quarff. Yellow-browed Warbler at Bigton.


Whale and Dolphin Sightings:

Burra: Humpback Whale off Bannamin




29th September 2020


Bird Sightings:

124 Yellow-browed Warbler reported today; South Mainland (6), Central Mainland(15), North Mainland (24), West Mainland (35),  Burra (3), Trondra (), Yell (4), Unst (36), Whalsay (), Bressay(1)

Foula: Red-breasted Flycatcher and juvenile Woodchat Shrike at Ham. Hornemann's Arctic Redpoll at Gravins.

Unst: Wryneck, Lesser Whitethroat, 10 Blackcap, Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, 15 brambling, Chaffinch and Common Redpoll at Norwick. Stonechat, Dunnock and Common Redpoll at Burafirth.

Yell: Brambling at Breckon. Blackcap and Arctic Warbler at Cullivoe. Tennessee Warbler at Burravoe.

Burra: Redwing at East Burra. Adult Iceland Gull at Papil, West Burra.
North Mainland: Brent Goose at Lochend. Willow Warbler and Barred Warbler at Ollaberry. 2 Lesser Whitethroat and 3 Blackcap at Bardister. Chiffchaff at Sullom. Feldfare and Brambling at North Collafirth.

Central Mainland: 12 Lesser Redpoll, 4 Common Redpoll and 3 Siskin at Burn of Sound, Lerwick. Olive-backed Pipit at Asta. Moorhen and 4 Lesser Redpoll at Veensgarth.  Redwing and Fieldfare at Voe. Blackcap, 2 Redwing, Fieldfare, 2 Bramblng and 2 Chaffinch at Swinning.

West Mainland: Tree Pipit, Lesser Redpoll and Hawfinch at Dale of Walls. Hawfinch at Mid Walls. Common Rosefinch at Sandness.

South Mainland: Goldcrest and 2 Brambling at Quendale. Chaffinch at Dalsetter. Goldcrest and Song Thrush at Geosetter. Red-breasted Flycatcher at Hoswick. Redstart and Lesser Whitethroat at Sandwick. Redstart at Ocraquoy.


Whale and Dolphin Sightings:

South Mainland: Minke Whale at  Compass Head. 2 Minke Whale off Dalsetter. Minke Whale and 25 Risso's Dolphin off Levenwick.

North Mainland: 6-8  Common Dolphin between Haggrister and Brae.




28th September 2020


Bird Sightings:

35 Yellow-browed Warbler reported today; South Mainland (7), Central Mainland(7), Burra (1), Trondra (2), Yell(1), Unst (12), Whalsay (5).

Unst: 2 Scaup at Easter Loch. 2 Buff-breasted Sandpiper at Skaw. Glaucous Gull at Lamba Ness. Turtle Dove, Blyth's Reed Warbler and Hawfinch at Halligarth. 2 European Stonechat at Norwick. Little Bunting at Burrafirth.

Yell: Chiffchaff and Song Thrush at Cullivoe.

Whalsay: Great Spotted Woodpecker and Chiffchaff at Symbister.  Hornemann's Arctic Redpoll at Whitefield. 2 Barred Warbler at Skaw. Hawfinch at Brough. Lesser Whitethroat and Willow Warbler at Isbister.

Burra: Sparrowhawk and Brambling at East Burra.
Central Mainland: Olive-backed Pipit at Asta. 2 Goldcrest, 3 Fieldfare, 9 Redpoll spp,. and 9 Siskin at Sandgarth. Pied Flycatcher at Lower Voe. Kingfisher at Voe.

South Mainland:Pied Flycatcher at Sumburgh Farm. Blackcap, Redwing and Brambling at Virkie. Lapland Bunting at Grutness.Song Thrush at Boddam.  Barred Warbler at Dalsetter. Red-throated Pipit at Hillwell. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Levensick. Pied Flycatcher, Redwing, Song Thrush, 2 Goldcrest and Siskin at Geosetter. Common Rosefinch and Brambling at igton. Red-breasted Flycatcher at Hoswick. Redwing and Little Bunting at Swinister Burn. Common Redstart at Ocraquoy. Common Redstart and Brambling at Fladdabister.




27th September 2020


Bird Sightings:

95 Yellow-browed Warbler reported today (highest daily total so far this autumn); South Mainland (19), Central Mainland(13), West Mainland (4), Yell(3), Out Skerries (1), Unst (36), Whalsay (2), Foula (17).

South Mainland:4 European Stonechat at Ireland. Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler,   Dusky Warbler, Fieldfare and Redwing at Maywick. 2 Slavonian Grebe at Loch of Spiggie. Barnacle Goose, Brent Goose, Grey Wagtail, and Lesser Whitethroat at Quendale. Juvenile Woodchat Shrike at Toab. 2 Dark-bellied Brent Goose at Scatness.  Greenshank and Knot at Virkie. Pied Flycatcher and Brambling at Sumburgh Quarry. Willow Warbler at Sumburgh Farm. 2 Goldcrest, Lesser Whitethroat and 4 Siskin at Sumburgh Head.

Central Mainland: Olive-backed Pipit at Asta, 4 Redwing, Willow Warbler, Barred Warbler and 3 Redpoll spp. at Sandgarth.  9 Brambling at Swinning. Little Bunting at Lower Voe.

West Mainland: Willow Warbler, European Stonechat, Pied Flycatcher, Common Redstart and 5 Common Redpoll at Dale of Walls. 2 Willow Warbler and 3 Siskin at Mid Dale.

Bressay: Brambling at Voehead.

Yell: Bar-tailed Godwit , first calendar year Glaucous Gull, Chiffchaff, Lesser Whitethroat and Redwing at Cullivoe. Goldcrest and Brambling at Windhouse.

Out Skerries: Goldcrest.

Unst: 2 Buff-breasted Sandpiper and Hornemann's Arctic Redpoll at Skaw. Red-flanked Bluetail at Valyie. 2 Scaup at Easter Loch. Pale-bellied Brent Goose, Brambling and 5 Snow Bunting at Lamba Ness. Pied Flycatcher , Spotted Flycatcher and at least 30 Yellow-browed Warbler (included in total above) at Baltasound.

Foula: Juvenile Woodchat Shrike, Comon Rosefinch and Little Bunting at Ham. Short-toed Lark at South Ness.  2 Hornemann's Arctic Redpoll at south cliffs. 




Whale and Dolphin Sightings

South Mainland: Humpback Whale off Sumburgh Head.

North Mainland: 10 Risso's Dolphin of Muckle Roe.

Whalsay: Minke Whale in West Linga Sound.


Insect Sightings:

South Mainland: Red Admiral at Sumburgh Quarry.




26th September 2020


Bird Sightings:

South Mainland:2 Brent Goose at Pool of Virkie. Juvenile Woodchat Shrike at Virkie. 2 Yellow-browed Warbler, Pied Flycatcher and 2 Goldcrest at Swinister Burn.Goldcrest at Hoswick. Barred Warbler at Dalsetter. Lesser Redpoll, Chaffinch and Brambling at Quendale. Barnacle Goose at Sumburgh Farm. Snow Bunting at Sumburgh Head. Dusky Warbler , Barred Warbler and Yellow-browed Warbler at Maywick.

Central Mainland: 2 Yellow-browed Warbler, Redwing and 3 Chaffinch at Kergord.

West Mainland: Yellow-browed Warbler and Redwing at West Burrafirth. Sparrowhawk at Aith.

North Mainland: 4 Pale-bellied Brent Goose, Greenshank, 20 Lapland Bunting and Snow Bunting at Eshaness.

Yell: Chiffchaff and Yellow-browed Warbler at Camb.

Unst:Spotted Flycatcher, Olive-backed Pipit and Brambling at Halligarth. Turtle Dove and Barred Warbler at Saxa Vord. Slavonian grebe at Haroldswick. 2 Buff-breasted Sandpiper at Skaw. Peregrine at Sanarravoe. Chiffchaff, Yellow-browed Warbler, Blackcap, Common Redstart and Brambling at Norwick.

Foula: Juvenile Woodchat Shrike at Ham. Hornemann's Arctic Redpoll at Burns.


Whale and Dolphin Sightings

South Mainland: Humpback Whale between Mousa and Helliness.




25th September 2020


Bird Sightings:

South Mainland:Garden Warbler and Yellow-browed Warbler at Sumburgh Farm. Knot at Virkie. Peregrine and Yellow-browed Warbler at Maywick. 2 Yellow-browed Warbler, Willow Warbler, 2 European Stonechat and Pied Flycatcher at Ellister, Maywick. Lesser Whitethroat at Noness. Great Spotted Woodpecker, Yellow-browed Warbler and 2 Goldcrest at Wester Quarff.

Central Mainland: Water Rail, Yellow-browed Warbler and 3 Redwing at Gulberwick. 3 Yellow-browed Warbler, Goldcrest and Brambling at Kergord.

West Mainland: Yellow-browed Warbler at Walls.

Bressay: Yellow-browed Warbler, 3 Blackcap, 3 Chiffchaff, Common Whitethroat, redpoll spp. and Tree Sparrow on Bressay.

Whalsay: Jack Snipe and 2 Purple Sandpiper at Skaw Taing. Barn Swallow and Goldcrest at Marrister.​

Out Skerries: 2 Common Redpoll, Common Rosefinch and 3 Snow Bunting on Skerries.

Yell: Hawfinch, 2 Yellow-browed Warbler and Blackcap at Mid Yell. Blackcap at Cullivoe. Brambling at Gutcher.

Unst: 2 Buff-breasted Sandpiper and Lapland Bunting at Skaw. Turtle Dove and Barred Warbler at Saxa Vord. European Stonechat at Norwick. Pied Flycatcher at Valyie.


Whale and Dolphin Sightings

South Mainland:2 Humpback Whale, 2 Minke Whale and small pod of dolphin spp. between Mousa and Helliness. 6 Risso's Dolphin off Scatness.




24th September 2020


​Bird Sightings:

Foula: Little Grebe, and juvenile Woodchat Shrike at Ham.

Bressay: Bar-tailed Godwit, Whinchat, 2 Blackcap, 4 Chiffchaff and Robin on Bressay.

Whalsay: Common Rosefinch at Skaw.

Yell: 4 Knot at Cullivoe. Yellow-browed Warbler and Goldcrest at Hillend. 2 Goldcrest at Camb. Yellow-browed Warbler and Brambling at Gutcher.

Unst: Buff-breasted Sandpiper at Skaw. Barred Warbler and Yellow browed Warbler at Halligarth. European Stonechat at Burrafirth.

Burra: Yellow-browed Warbler at East Burra.

​South Mainland: 2 pale-bellied Brent Goose at Virkie. Adult American Golden Plover and Knot at Clevigarth. Pied Flycatcher and 2 Yellow-browed Warbler  at Sumburgh Quarry. Yellow-browed warbler at Sumburgh Hotel. Lesser Whitethroat, Yellow-browed Warbler, Lesser Redpoll and Common Rosefinch at Grutness. Blackcap at Toab. Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Yellow-browed Warbler and 2 Lesser Redpoll at Quendale. Common Redstart, Whinchat and Willow Warbler at Geosetter. Bar-tailed Godwi, Black-tailed Godwit and Yellow-browed Warbler at Maywick. Blackcap at Channerwick. Great Spotted Woodpecker, Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler Yellow-browed Warbler, Grey Wagtail , 5 European Stonechat and 5 Goldcrest at Wester Quarff.

Central Mainland: Kingfisher at Voe. Water Rail, Yellow-browed Warbler, and Redpoll Spp. at Loch of Voe. Yellow-browed Warbler, 10 Redpoll spp. and 3 Siskin at Gulberwick. Yellow-browed Warbler at Asta.

West Mainland: 2 Common Redpoll at Aith.


Whale and Dolphin Sightings

South Mainland:Humpback Whale north of Mousa.




23rd September 2020


​Bird Sightings:

Strong passage of Pink-footed Goose early this morning in Bressay, South and Central Mainland with between 3000 and 4000 birds heading mainly SE.

23 Yellow-browed Warbler reported today: South Mainland (6) Central Mainland (7), Bressay (5), Unst  (2) and Yell (3).


Foula: Short-toed Lark and juvenile Woodchat Shrike at Ham.

Bressay: Bar-tailed Godwit, Common Whitethroat, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, Garden Warbler, Goldcrest, Pied Flycatcher and Redwing on Bressay.

Trondra: Reed Bunting.

Whalsay: Bluethroat at Isbister. Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Yell: Juvenile Woodchat Shrike  and Barred Warbler at Windhouse. Pied Flycatcher, Blackcap, 3 Lapland Bunting at Burravoe. 3 Blackcap, Willow Warbler and Brambling at Mid Yell.

Unst: Booted Warbler and Willow Warbler at Baltasound. Pied Flycatcher, 2 Blackcap, 2 Garden Warbler, Reed Warbler, European Stonechat  and 5 Tree Sparrow at Norwick. Pied Flycatcher at Skaw. Whinchat and 3 Lesser Whitethroat at haroldswick.

​South Mainland: Peregrine at Sumburgh Head. Citrine Wagtail at West Voe of Sumburgh. American Golden Plover and Barred Warbler at Toab. Red-backed Shrike at Boddam. Snow Bunting at Dalsetter. Common Redstart and Lesser Whitethroat at Hillwell. Male Surf Scoter, Red-backed Shrike, Barred Warbler, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, 5 Willow Warbler  Common Redstart, Redwing, Pied Flycatcher, Lesser Redpoll at Maywick. Common Rosefinch at Hoswick. Pied Flycatcher at Sandwick.

Central Mainland: Spotted Flycatcher, Common Redpoll, Lesser Redpoll, Siskin, Blackcap, Chiffchaff and chaffinch at Gulberwick. Siskin at Law Lane, lerwick.Male Velvet Scoter at Vassa Voe, Nesting. 2 Redwing and Fieldfare at South nesting. Barred Warbler at Sandgarth. 2 Jackdaw, Blackcap, 2 Song Thrush,  2 Pied Flycatcher, Common Crossbill, 6 Siskin and Chaffinch at Kergord.

North Mainland: 5 Pheasant at Hillswick. Adult Mediterranean Gull at North Roe. Hawfinch at Loch of Housetter. Lapland Bunting and Snow Bunting  at Midfield, Ronas Hill


Whale and Dolphin Sightings

South Mainland: 2 Minke Whale off Dalsetter. 2 Humpback Whale and 3 Minke Whale off Levenwick. 3 Minke Whale off Sandwick. 

North Mainland: 6 Killer Whale (unidentified pod) off Eshaness heading north to Tingon. 30-40 common Dolphin (largest ever pod in Shetland waters) off Dore Holm.

Yell: 4 White-beaked Dolphin in Colgrave Sound.


Insect Sightings:

An arrival, or more likely emergence of Red Admiral butterfly today in sunny weather. Records from Central Mainland (Upper Kergord 4, Brae 1, Blackhill Industrial estate , lerwick1), West Mainland (Fogrigarth 1), South Mainland (Sumburgh 3, Grutness 6, Bakkasetter 2, Culsetter 1, Scousburgh 1, Durigarth 1, Sandwick 1, Hoswick 1) and Yell (Camb 1).

South Mainland: Peacock butterfly at Culsetter.


Plant Sightings:

Unst: Coconut washed up on Westing Beach.




22nd September 2020


​Bird Sightings:

3 Yellow-browed Warbler reported today: South Mainland (2) and Unst (1).

Unst: Common Redstart and 8 Lapland Bunting between Skaw and Lamba Ness.14 Pale-bellied Brent Goose and Slavonian Grebe at Norwick.

​South Mainland: 6 Pale-bellied Brent Goose and Lapland Bunting at Grutness. Lesser Whitethroat and Garden Warbler at Dalsetter. Juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker at Bakkasetter. Common Rosefinch and Grey Wagtail at Hoswick.Red0backed Shrike and European Stonechat at Ellister, Maywick.

Central Mainland: Pied Flycatcher, Chiffchaff, Robin and Chaffinch at Gulberwick.


Whale and Dolphin Sightings

South Mainland: Humpback Whale off Sandwick. 




21st September 2020


​Bird Sightings:

8 Yellow-browed Warbler reported today: South Mainland (2), Central Mainland (1), Bressay (4) and Yell (1).

Yell: Arctic Tern at Breckon. Juvenile Woodchat Shrike at Windhouse.

Bressay: Red-breasted Flycatcher and Pied Flycatcher at Voehead. Common Redstart and Blackcap also on Bressay.

​South Mainland: Brent Goose at Hillwell. Little Stint and 5 Knot at Virkie. Juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker and Barred Warbler at Bakkasetter. Greenshank at Peerie Spiggie Voe. Pied Flycatcher and Blackcap at Bigton. Red-backed Shrike between Bigton and Maywick.

Central Mainland: 16 Pale-bellied Brent Goose at Loch of Benston. Kingfisher , Sparowhawk, Pied Flycatcher and Siskin at Voe. Peregrine at Gulberwick.

West Mainland: 29 Pale-bellied Brent Goose and 17 Arctic Tern at Norby.  




20th September 2020


Bird Sightings:

17 Yellow-browed Warbler reported today: South Mainland (8), Central Mainland (4), West Mainland (1), Bressay (4).

Yell: Juvenile Little Gull at Breckon Sands, Cullivoe.

Bressay: Reed Warbler, 2 Redpoll sp., 2 Reed Bunting, Lesser Whitethroat, 4 Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Brambling and European Stonechat on Bressay.

​South Mainland: Lapland Bunting and Snow Bunting at Grutness. Lapland Bunting at Sumburgh Head. Little Stint at Pool of Virkie. Juvenile Red-backed Shrike, 2 Whinchat and Common Redstart at Boddam. Jack Snipe at Clevigarth.  Slavonian Grebe at Spiggie Loch. Brent Goose at Hillwell. Lesser Whitethroat at Quendale. 8 Common Pheasant, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Barred Warbler, Garden warbler and Blackcap at Bakkasetter. Peregrine at Brow Marsh. Barred Warbler at Fladdabister. Barred Warbler at Geosetter.


Insect Sightings:

South Mainland:Brick trapped overnight at Boddam.

Bressay: A late Map-winged Swift among moths trapped overnight at Voehead.




19th September 2020


Bird Sightings:

24 Yellow-browed Warbler reported today: South Mainland (9), Bressay (2), Trondra (1), Unst (5), Yell (2) and Out Skerries (5).

Yell: Juvenile Woodchat Shrike at Windhouse. Pied Flycatcher at West Sandwick.

Unst: Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Blackcap, 5 Tree Sparrow and Common Rosefinch at Norwick. 3 Snow Bunting at Lamba Ness. 2 Willow warbler, Blackcap and 3 Brambling at Halligarth. Little Bunting at Uyeasound.                     

Out Skerries:Water Rail, Whinchat, Western Bonelli's Warbler, Willow Warbler, Redwing, 3 Common redpoll  and Blackcap.

Trondra: Common Crossbill at Cutts.

​South Mainland: 2 Sooty Shearwater at Sumburgh Head. Lapland Bunting and Common Redstart at Grutness. Pied Flycatcher at South Voe, Dunrossness.  Little Stint at Virkie. Little Stint at Boddam. Goldcrest, European Stonechat and Lesser Whitethroat at Sumburgh Farm.  2 Lapland Bunting at Sumburgh Hotel. Lesser Whitethroat at Quendale. Ruff at Fleck. Willow Warbler, European Stonechat and 2 Brambling at Bigton. 2 Pied Flycatcher at Williamsetter, Maywick.  Pied Flycatcher at Ellister. Ruff at Sandwick Wart. Lesser Whitethroat at Noness.

Central Mainland: Pied Flycatcher at Njugal's Water plantation, Brig of Fitch.

North Mainland: Common Crossbill at Urafirth.


Whale and Dolphin Sightings:

South Mainland: 20 White-beaked Dolphin and small number of Risso's Dolphin  in Levenwick Bay.​ 6 Risso's Dolphin in Mousa Sound.

Central Mainland: 2 Humpack Whale, Minke Whale and pod of 60  White-beaked Dolphin in South Nesting Bay.Humpback Whale off Moul of Eswick. Killer Whale in Brewick, Lerwick. Minke Whale off Lunna.

North Mainland: 2 Minke Whale off North Roe.

Yell: Pod of Dolphin (species unknown) in Yell Sound.

Out Skerries: Minke Whale off Housay. Minke Whale seen from Skerries ferry.

Fetlar: 20 Risso's Dolphin and Minke Whale off Funzie.

Unst: 5 Risso's Dolphin off Muness.


Insect Sightings:

South Mainland: Red Swordgrass  trapped overnight at Boddam.



18th September 2020


Bird Sightings:

41 Yellow-browed Warbler reported today. Skerries (7), South Mainland (17), Central Mainland (11), Yell (4) and Unst (2).

Yell: Juvenile Woodchat Shrike , 2 Pied Flycatcher and Barred Warbler at Wind House. Chaffinch and Brambling at Mid Yell.

Unst:Arctic Warbler at Skaw. 2 Little Bunting at Burrafirth.  Juvenile Little Gull and Bluethroat at Baltasound. Pied Flycatcher at Westing. Pied Flycatcher at Muness.

Out Skerries: Western Bonelli's Warbler at Rocklea. Common Redstart, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, Chiffchaff, and 2 Lapland Bunting on Bruray. Whimbrel, Wryneck, Pied Flycatcher, Garden Warbler, 2 Whinchat and Common Rosefinch on Housay.

Whalsay: Pied Flycatcher and Common Rosefinch at Skaw.

Trondra: Little Tern

​South Mainland: 2 Little Stint, 3 Knot, 5 Black-tailed Godwit, 2 Bar-tailed Godwit at Virkie. Peregrine and Sand martin at Bakkasetter. Juvenile Woodchat Shrike Blackcap and Chiffchaff at Levenwick. Kestrel, House Martin, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, male Blackcap,  2 goldcrest, Redwing, Lapland Bunting at Sumburgh. Common Redstart at Grutness. Pied Flycatcher, Red-backed Shrike and Whinchat at Boddam. Common Whitethroat at Quendale. 2 Pied Flycatcher, 2 Lesser Whitethroat and Willow Warbler at Maywick. Red-backed Shrike at Scousburgh. Yellow Wagtail and Pied Flycatcher at Spiggie.

Central Mainland: 15 Rook, 11 Common Redpoll, 8 Reed Bunting and Chaffinch at South Nesting. European Stonechat at Clickimin Loch.


Whale and Dolphin Sightings:

South Mainland: Humpback Whale seen briefly in Mousa Sound.​

Out Skerries: 5 Killer Whale (unidentified pod) seen from Skerries ferry and later east of Housay. 7 Risso's Dolphin seen from Skerries ferry.


Insect Sightings:

South Mainland: Red Swordgrass and Brick trapped overnight at Boddam.




17th September 2020


Bird Sightings:

Moderate arrival of Yellow-browed Warbler today with 23 birds reported from Unst (3) at Vaylie, Northdale and Burrafirth, Yell (2) at Windhouse and Otterswick, Out Skerries (6) on Bruray and Housay, Whalsay (2) at Skaw and South Mainland (10) at Quendale, Bigton, Ireland, Ellister, Maywick, Sandwick and Durigarth.

Yell: Juvenile Woodchat Shrike and Pied Flycatcher at Wind House. Robin at Camb. Brambling at Mid Yell. Willow Warbler and Pied Flycatcher at Otterswick.

Unst:Spotted Sandpiper on Norwick Beach. Arctic Warbler at Skaw. Common Rosefinch, Pied Flycatcher and Red-breasted Flycatcher at Valyie.

Out Skerries: Garden Warbler on Bruray. 2 Whinchat and Redstart on Housay. Common Redpoll  and 2 Common Rosefinch.

Whalsay: Pied Flycatcher and Common Rosefinch at Skaw.

​South Mainland: Little Stint at Boddam. Peregrine at Toab. Wryneck at Sumburgh farm. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Bakkasetter. 2 European Stonechat at Channerwick.  European Stonechat at Ireland. European Stonechat at Boddam. Pied Flycatcher at Williamsetter. 4 Common Redpoll at Ocraquoy. Lapland Bunting at Grutness.

Central Mainland: Bar-tailed Godwit at Bellister. Siskin at Stendaal.Hawfinch at Whiteness.


Whale and Dolphin Sightings:

South Mainland: Minke Whale in Mousa Sound.​




16th September 2020


Bird Sightings:

Yell: Juvenile Woodchat Shrike at Wind House. Redwing at Mid Yell.

Unst: Juvenile Spotted Sandpiper at Haroldswick Beach. 4 Tree Sparrows at Norwick. Barred Warbler at Saxa Vord.

Central Mainland: Male Common Scoter off Victoria Pier, Lerwick. 2 Brent Goose at Little Ness, Dury Voe.

​South Mainland:  4 Knot, Greenshank, Whimbrel, Ruff and 2 Little Stint at Virkie. Juvenile Little Stint at Boddam. Citrine Wagtail, Peregrine, 2 Common Rosefinch, 3 Lapland Bunting and Jackdaw at Grutness. Citrine Wagtail and Garden Warbler at Quendale. Juvenile Woodchat Shrike at Levenwick. Garden Warbler, Goldrest and European Stonechat at Bigton. Tree Sparrow at Sumburgh Farm. Water Rail at Hillwell.

At Sea: Sooty Shearwater and Peregrine seen between Sumburgh Head and Fair Isle.


Whale and Dolphin Sightings:

South Mainland: 5 Killer Whale (unidentified pod) at Sumburgh Head north to Troswick.

Whalsay: Minke Whale off East Linga.  Minke Whale off Challister Ness.


Insect Sightings:

​South Mainland: 2 Red Admiral at Grutness.




15th September 2020


Bird Sightings:

Yell: Adult American Golden Plover and 2 Black-tailed Godwit  at Cullivoe.

Unst: American Golden Plover at Baltasound. Willow Warbler and 5 Tree Sparrows at Norwick.

West Mainland: Great Spotted Woodpecker at Sandness.

​South Mainland:  2 Little Stint at Virkie.  Wood Warbler at Bigton.  Lesser Whitethroat at Sandwick. 2 Common Rosefinch and Lapland Bunting at Grutness. 2 Lapland Bunting at Scatness. Citrine Wagtail at Leebitton.

At Sea: 2 Sooty Shearwater and 4 Blue Fulmar seen 18 miles east of Isle of Noss.


Whale and Dolphin Sightings:

South Mainland: Minke Whale in Mousa Sound.


Insect Sightings:

Central Mainland: Convolvulus Hawkmoth in Lerwick.

South Mainland: Brick trapped overnight at Boddam.




14th September 2020


Bird Sightings:

Foula: Turtle Dove.

Yell: Adult American Golden Plover at Cullivoe.

Fetlar: Large all dark petrel seen from ferry considered most likely to have been White-chinned Petrel by the observer.

Unst: Common Rosefinch at Skaw.

Central Mainland: Juvenile American Golden Plover at Houlland, South Nesting.

​South Mainland:  Long-tailed Duck at Mousa Sound. Blackcap, Common Rosefinch and Tree Sparrow at Sumburgh Farm.


Whale and Dolphin Sightings:

Out Skerries: 4 Dolphin sp. (Probably Risso's Dolphin) off north side of Out Skerries.




13th September 2020


Bird Sightings:

Yell: American Golden Plover, Knot and 2 Black-tailed Godwit at Cullivoe. Woodchat Shrike at Windhouse. 2 Blackcap at Mid Yell. Pied Flycatcher at Camb. 

Unst: Grey Phalarope at Balta Isle. 53 Lapland Bunting in north-east Unst on various headlands.

North Mainland: Black-necked Grebe at Loch of Urafirth. 

Central Mainland: Male Common Scoter in Lerwick Harbour.  Goosander and 2 Slavonian Grebe at Houb of Scatsta. Sparrowhawk at Mulla, Voe. Grey Wagtail at Voe.

​South Mainland:  2 Pintail and 10 Black-tailed Godwit at Hillwell. Shoveler at Loch of Brow. Reed Warbler, Willow Warbler and Barred Warbler at Virkie. Lapland Bunting and Snow Bunting at Compass Head. Bar-tailed Godwit at Sanick.


Whale and Dolphin SIghtings:

South Mainland: 4 Minke Whale in Mousa area. 6 Dolphin sp. off Levenwick. Minke Whale and 6 Risso's Dolphin at Sumburgh Head. 6 White-beaked Dolphin at Dalsetter.

Out Skerries: Minke Whale off north end of Skerries. Minke Whale near Muckla Skerry.  

Fetlar: 8 Risso's Dolphin off SW Fetlar.


Fish Sightings:

Unst: Basking Shark in Skuda Sound.




12th September 2020


Bird Sightings:

Yell: American Golden Plover at Cullivoe.
Out Skerries: Jackdaw and 2 Lapland Bunting.

Unst: 3 Curlew Sandpiper and Little Gull at Baltasound. Red-backed Shrike at Westing.

North Mainland: Sooty Shearwater at Eshaness. Black-necked Grebe at Urafirth. Willow Warbler at Murrion.

Central Mainland: Kingfisher at Lower Voe. Black-tailed Godwit and 4 Bar-tailed Godwit at Scatsta. 2 Curlew Sandpiper at Brae. 3 Lesser Redpoll at Mulla, Voe.

​South Mainland: Greenshank at Spiggie Peerie Voe. Common Redpoll at Boddam. Lapland Bunting at Scatness.




11th September 2020


Bird Sightings:
Out Skerries: Jackdaw and 3 Lapland Bunting.

Unst: 3 Curlew Sandpiper and Little Gull at Baltasound.

North Mainland: Sooty Shearwater at Eshaness. Black-necked Grebe at Urafirth. 2 Pheasant at Hillswick.

​South Mainland: Curlew Sandpiper, Bar-tailed Godwit and Black-tailed Godwit at Sandwick.


Whale and Dolphin Sightings:

South Mainland: 6 White-beaked Dolphin off Sumburgh Head.

North Mainland: 4 Risso's Dolphin off Eshaness.




10th September 2020


Bird Sightings:

South Mainland: Kestrel at Grutness.

Central Mainland: Grey Plover at Houb of Scatsta.

West Mainland: Lapland Bunting and Sparrowhawk at Deepdale.

North Mainland: Sooty Shearwater and 2 Lapland Bunting at Eshaness. Black-necked Grebe at Urafirth.

Yell: Juvenile Woodchat Shrike at Windhouse. American Golden Plover and Common Redpoll at Cullivoe.


Whale and Dolphin Sightings:

South Mainland: Minke Whale off Aithsetter.

West Mainland: Small pod of Dolphin (probably Risso's Dolphin) at Aith Voe.

Yell: Minke Whale at Cullivioe Ness, Bluemull Sound


Insect Sightings:

Bressay: Pink-barred Sallow trapped overnight at Voehead.




9th September 2020


Bird Sightings:

South Mainland: 7 Sooty Shearwater off St Ninian's Isle. Woodcock on Mousa. Garden Warbler at Bigton. 5 Whooper Swan, 20 Black-tailed Godwit and Sand Martin at Virkie. Citrine Wagtail and Common Rosefinch at Swinister Burn.

Central Mainland: 10 Goosander, Pied flycatcher and Chiffchaff at Scalloway.

Unst: Robin and Reed Warbler at Skaw. Kestrel, Greenish Warbler, Barred Warbler, Chiffchaff  and Common Rosefinch at Norwick.

Yell: Juvenile Woodchat Shrike at Windhouse. 2 Black-tailed Godwit at Cullivoe.

Out Skerries: Common Rosefinch.

Trondra: Robin

Burra: Greenshank at Kettlaness.


Whale and Dolphin Sightings:

South Mainland: Minke Whale off Casho, Quarff..


Insect Sightings:

West Mainland: Small Tortoiseshell at Dale of Walls.




7th September 2020


Bird Sightings:

South Mainland: Citrine Wagtail  at Swinister Burn. Juvenile Black-tailed Godwit at Sandwick.

Central Mainland: Kingfisher at Lower Voe.

West Mainland: Juvenile Great Spotted Woodpecker at Bridge of Walls.

Out Skerries: Common Rosefinch.

Unst: Greenish Warbler at Valyie.


Whale and Dolphin Sightings:

South Mainland: 8 White-beaked Dolphin and 3 Risso's Dolphin  off Dalsetter.


Insect Sightings:

Central Mainland: Convolvulus Hawkmoth at Vidlin.




8th September 2020


Bird Sightings:

South Mainland:Curlew Sandpiper at Virkie. Citrine Wagtail , Common Rosefinch and Water Rail at Swinister Burn. First calendar year Mediterranean Gull, juvenile Curlew sandpiper and juvenile Black-tailed Godwit at Sandwick. Wood Warbler at Hoswick.

Central Mainland: Kingfisher at Lower Voe. 3 Common Redpoll at North Road, Lerwick.

North Mainland: Black-necked Grebe at Loch of Urafirth. 6 Knot at Eshaness.

Unst: Juvenile Red-backed Shrike at Lamba Ness.

Yell: Adult American Golden Plover at Cullivoe. Female or immature Kestrel at Mid Yell. Juvenile Woodchat Shrike at Windhouse.

Out Skerries: Common Rosefinch and Jackdaw.


Whale and Dolphin Sightings:

South Mainland: Single bull Killer Whale off Sumburgh Head.




6th September 2020


Bird Sightings:

Unst:40 Sooty Shearwater, 2 Blue Fulmar and Puffin off Lamba Ness. Common Rosefinch at Haroldswick. Greenish Warbler, Garden Warbler and Barred Warbler at Valyie. Kestrel, Redd Warbler and Garden Warbler at Skaw.

Yell: American Golden Plover  at Cullivoe.

Out Skerries: Common Rosefinch

Burra: Greenshank at Kettleness.

​​North Mainland: Black-necked Grebe at Urafirth. Male Snowy Owl on Ronas Hill.

West Mainland:

Central Mainland: Black-tailed Godwit at Loch of Tingwall.

​South Mainland: 16 Pink-footed Goose at Quendale.10 Pink-footed Goose at Sandwick.  Wood Sandpiper at Noss Farm, Spiggie. First calendar year Mediterranean Gull at Cunningsburgh. Citrine Wagtail  at Swinister Burn. 4 European Stonechat at Channerwick. 2 European Stonechat at Bigton. Barred Warbler at Ellister, Maywick.


Whale and Dolphin Sightings:

South Mainland: 35 White-beaked Dolphin and 14 Risso's Dolphin off Boddam




5th September 2020


Bird Sightings:

Out Skerries: Common Rosefinch

Whalsay: Bar-tailed Godwit at The Houb.

Yell: American Golden Plover at Cullivoe.

Unst: Sooty Shearwater and 'blue' Fulmar off Lamba Ness. Greenish Warbler, Blackcap  Garden Wabler, Barred warbler and Common Rosefinch at Valyie. Greenish Warbler and 2 Barred Warbler at Sandwick

South Mainland:3 Pink-footed Goose and 2 Peregrine at Virkie.

West Mainland: Ruff at Park Hall, Bixter.

Central Mainland: 5 Goosander and Slavonian Grebe at Weisdale Voe. 2 Jackdaw at Kergord.

North Mainland: 4 Sooty Shearwater and 4 Manx Shearwater off Eshaness. Second calendar year Mediterranean Gull at North Roe. Black-necked Grebe at Urafirth. Wood Warbler at Hillswick.




4th September 2020


Bird Sightings:

Out Skerries: 6 Knot, Garden Warbler, 2 Common Whitethroat, Tree Pipit,  Jackdaw, 2 Common Redpoll and Common Rosefinch

Yell: American Golden Plover , 2 Jack Snipe, 13 Knot and Ruff at Cullivoe.

Unst: Little Gull at Baltasound. Curlew Sandpiper at Uyeasound.  Greenish Warbler  and Barred Warbler at Easting.  Kestrel and Reed Warbler at Skaw. Lapland Bunting at Norwick.

South Mainland: Pintail at Hillwell. Peregrine at Loch of Brow. 21 Sooty Shearwater and male Gadwall off Fora Ness, Spiggie. First calendar year Mediterranean Gull at Cunningsburgh. Curlew Sandpiper at Scord Beach.  Arctic Warbler and Wood Warbler at Ellister, Maywick.. Citrine Wagtail  at Swinister Burn.. Two-barred Crossbill at Scousburgh.

West Mainland: 4 Arctic Skua, 20 Great Skua, 50 Tern sp. and 40 Sanderling at Melby.

Central Mainland: Mistle Thrush at Pitt Lane, Lerwick.

North Mainland: 22 Sooty Shearwater and 5 Manx Shearwater off Eshaness.  Black-necked Grebe at Urafirth. Citrine Wagtail at Hillswick. Male Snowy Owl on Ronas Hill.


Whale and Dolphin Sightings:

Out Skerries: Risso's Dolphin north of Out Skerries.

South Mainland: 3 White-beaked Dolphin off Dalsetter.




3rd September 2020


Bird Sightings:

Out Skerries: 4 Sooty Shearwater off Housay.  Icterine Warbler, Garden Warbler, Jackdaw and Common Rosefinch. ​

Yell: Arctic Warbler at Windhouse. Arctic Warbler and Pied Flycatcher at Camb. 3 Ruff at Cullivoe.

Unst: Little Gull, 7 Ruff, 4 Curlew Sandpiper and Kestrel at Uyeasound.  Greenish Warbler  at Valyie. Barred warbler and Common Rosefinch at Norwick. Wryneck at Halligarth. Reed Warbler at Skaw. Lapland Bunting at Lamba Ness.

South Mainland: 3 Sooty Shearwater off Dalsetter.  Arctic Warbler at Ellister, Maywick. European Stonechat, Wood Warbler and Pied Flycatcher at Maywick. . Citrine Wagtail and Wood Warbler at Swinister Burn. Lesser Whitethroat at Ocraquoy.

West Mainland: Wood Warbler at Da Gairdins o' Sand.

Central Mainland: Wood Warbler at Helendale, Lerwick.

North Mainland: Black-necked Grebe at Urafirth. Male Snowy Owl on Ronas Hill.


Whale and Dolphin Sightings:

Out Skerries: 15 Risso's Dolphin and Killer Whale (single animal) off Housay.

Yell: 20 Dolphin sp (probably White-beaked Dolphin) off Burravoe. 




2nd September 2020


Bird Sightings:

Large passage of Sooty Shearwater south mainly off South Mainland  where 101 birds logged in 3hrs 40 minutes from Virkie. Smaller numbers seen off Out Skerries (6 in 1 hour off Housay  ),  Whalsay (4 in 1 hour off Skaw Taing)  and Unst (1 in 30 minutes off Lamba Ness).


Out Skerries: Manx Shearwater off Housay.

​Yell: Black-tailed Godwit at Cullivoe.

Unst: Greenish Warbler and European Stonechat at Valyie. Arctic Warbler and Common Rosefinch at Skaw.

South Mainland: Manx Shearwater from Dalsetter, Manx Shearwater from Virkie. Citrine Wagtail and Common Rosefinch at Swinister Burn.  Wood Sandpiper at Noss Farm, Spiggie.

Central Mainland: Greenshank at North Hamarsland.


Insect Sightings:

Central Mainland: Setaceous Hebrew Character trapped at North Hamarsland, Tingwall.


Whale and Dolphin Sightings:

Out Skerries: 7 Risso's Dolphin and Pilot Whale seen from Bruray.




1st September 2020


Bird Sightings:

​Yell: American Golden Plover , Black-tailed Godwit and 30 Twite at Cullivoe. Arctic Warbler at Windhouse Plantation.

Unst: Greenish Warbler at Valyie. Arctic Warbler at Skaw. Wood Warbler at Haroldswick,. Marsh Warbler at Halligarth. 

South Mainland: Common Rosefinch in Swinister Burn. 

North Mainland: Juvenile Black-necked Grebe at Urafirth. 



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