2023 Sightings
We try to include most records sent directly to us and we collect records from many other sources. As a news site, there will inevitably be errors included - in identification and in compilation. This site does not constitute an official record; this is published annually in the Shetland Bird Report, using records which have been formally submitted and assessed by local and national committees.
Species in red are national (BBRC) rarities.
Species in orange are local/Scottish rarities.
31st December 2023
Bird Sightings:
No News Today
30th December 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Pink-footed Goose, Bar-tailed Godwit, Grey Plover and 4 Sanderling at Uyeasound.
Yell: Snow Bunting at Gutcher.
North Mainland: 32 Snow Bunting and Woodcock on Ronas Hill.
Central Mainland: 150 Eider off Burland, Trondra. Coot and 30 Tufted Duck on Loch of Tingwall. 4 Bullfinch close to Lerwick Power Station.
West Mainland: White-billed Diver off Vaila, seen from Foula Mailboat.
South Mainland: 4 Sanderling at West Voe. Scaup and 2 Coot on Loch of Spiggie.
Fin Whale identified from drone footage close to shore at Uyeasound, Unst. Also seen there on 31st Dec.
29th December 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: 2 Glaucous Gull at Westing. Pink-footed Goose at Uyeasound. Knot at Baltasound.
Yell: Snow Bunting at Gutcher.
Foula: 2 Velvet Scoter, Cormorant and Glaucous Gull in Ham Voe.
Whalsay: Hen Harrier at Symbister.
South Mainland: 2 European White-fronted Geese at Ringasta.
28th December 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: 2 Snow Buntings at Norwick. Water Rail at Baltasound. Moorhen at Northdale Pines. White-fronted Goose, Pink-footed Goose and Velvet Scoter off Hamar.
Central Mainland: Carrion Crow at Veensgarth, Tingwall.
South Mainland: Ring-tail Hen Harrier at Dalsetter.
27th December 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Moorhen at Norwick, and Iceland Gull at Haroldswick.
Central Mainland: 2 Chaffinch in Brae.
26th December 2023
Bird Sightings:
Yell: Goldcrest at Hillend. Iceland Gull at Papil, Cullivoe.
Central Mainland: 2 Great Northern Diver at Minn Beach. Coot at Loch of Tingwall. 6 Velvet Scoter at South Nesting. Blue Tit and Wood Pigeon at Helendale.
South Mainland: Blue Tit in Sandwick.
25th December 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Water Rail at Baltasound.
Central Mainland: 4 Common Scoter at Vassa Voe.
South Mainland: Hen Harrier at Sumburgh airport.
24th December 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Glaucous Gull at Burrafirth. Wood Pigeon and Meadow Pipit at Baltasound.
Yell: Snow Bunting at Gutcher.
Central Mainland: 6 Goldfinch at Stendaal, South Nesting.
South Mainland: 4 Scaup and Spiggie. Ring-tail Hen Harrier at Noness, Sandwick.
1st November 2023
Bird Sightings:
Foula: The missing dates will be added as soon as is practical - thank you for your continued patience.
Central Mainland:
South Mainland:
30th October 2023
Bird Sightings:
Foula: Siberian Rubythroat at Hametoun and Red Kite on the isle.
Central Mainland: Northern Treecreeper still at Helendale. Magpie still at Lerwick. Magpie at Stromfirth.
31st October 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Hornemann's Arctic Redpoll still at Baltasound as well as 3 Coues's Arctic Redpolls.
Foula: Siberian Rubythroat still at Hametoun.
Central Mainland: Northern Treecreeper still at Helendale.
South Mainland: Firecrest still at Hoswick.
28th October 2023
Bird Sightings:
Central Mainland: Northern Treecreeper at Kergord. Northern Treecreeper still at Helendale. Magpie still at Lerwick.
South Mainland: Firecrest at Hoswick. Cattle Egret back at Ringasta. Glossy Ibis still at Quendale but killed by Ravens.
29th October 2023
Bird Sightings:
Central Mainland: Northern Treecreeper still at Helendale.
South Mainland: Cattle Egret still at Ringasta.
26th October 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Male Pied Wheatear at Burrafirth. Hornemann's Arctic Redpoll still at Baltasound.
Central Mainland: Northern Treecreepers still at Helendale and in the Lerwick lanes. Firecrest at Frakkafield. Magpie still at Lerwick.
27th October 2023
Bird Sightings:
Central Mainland: Northern Treecreeper still at Helendale. Magpie still at Lerwick.
South Mainland: Cattle Egret back at Quendale and Glossy Ibis still there.
25th October 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Hornemann's Arctic Redpoll still at Baltasound.
Central Mainland: Northern Treecreepers still at Helendale and in the Lerwick lanes.
South Mainland: Glossy Ibis still at Quendale. ​
16th October 2023
Bird Sightings:
West Mainland: Magpie at Sandness.
South Mainland: Yellow Warbler still at Hoswick. Cattle Egret at Ringasta.
17th October 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Same Hornemann's Arctic Redpoll now at Baltasound.
South Mainland: Yellow Warbler still at Hoswick. Cattle Egret at Ringasta.
18th October 2023
Bird Sightings:
Fetlar: Firecrest at Houbie.
Central Mainland: Magpie at Lerwick.
South Mainland: Yellow Warbler still at Hoswick. Cattle Egret at Ringasta.
19th October 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Northern Treecreeper at Valyie, Norwick.
Whalsay: 3 Continental Coal Tits and Northern Treecreeper at Skaw.
20th October 2023
Bird Sightings:
Minimum of 23 Continental Coal Tits recorded at various sites as influx begins. Also Bullfinches, Blue Tits and Great Tits begin arriving.
Unst: Northern Treecreeper still at Valyie, Norwick.
Whalsay: Western Olivaceous Warbler at Skibberhoul: first for Britain.
Foula: Female American Wigeon at Mill Loch.
Central Mainland: Firecrest at Kergord.
South Mainland: Yellow Warbler still at Hoswick. Cattle Egret still at Quendale.
21st October 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Coues's Arctic Redpoll at Northdale. Two Coues's Arctic Redpolls and the Hornemann's Arctic Redpoll at Baltasound.
Whalsay: Western Olivaceous Warbler still at Skibberhoul: first for Britain.
Foula: Coues's Arctic Redpolls at South Ness.
Central Mainland: Coues's Arctic Redpolls at Billister, North Nesting. Northern Treecreeper at Helendale. Firecrest at Swining.
South Mainland: Yellow Warbler still at Hoswick.
22nd October 2023
Bird Sightings:
Foula: Female American Wigeon still at Mill Loch.
Central Mainland: Northern Treecreepers at Helendale and Hayfield in Lerwick.
South Mainland: Yellow Warbler still at Hoswick. Glossy Ibis and Rough-legged Buzzard at Quendale, as well as Cattle Egret still present.
23rd October 2023
Bird Sightings:
Foula: Three Cattle Egrets on stack off the north coast.
West Mainland: Red Kite at Dale of Walls.
Central Mainland: Pallid Swift at Lerwick. Northern Treecreeper still at Helendale. Firecrest still at Kergord.
South Mainland: Yellow Warbler still at Hoswick. Glossy Ibis and Rough-legged Buzzard still at Quendale.
24th October 2023
Bird Sightings:
Central Mainland: Red-flanked Bluetail at Staney Hill, Lerwick. Magpie still at Lerwick.
South Mainland: Glossy Ibis still at Quendale. Cattle Egret now at Toab.
15th October 2023
Bird Sightings:
West Mainland: Magpie at Norby.
Central Mainland: Siberian Stonechat still at Hamnavoe, Lunna Ness.
South Mainland: Yellow Warbler still at Hoswick. Cattle Egret at Ringasta.
12th October 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Hornemann's Arctic Redpoll & 2 Hawfinch at Norwick. Pectoral Sandpiper at Westings. Tree Pipit at Clibberswick. Slavonian Grebe at Haroldswick.
Whalsay: 2 Waxwing at Isbister.
Foula: Hornemann's Arctic Redpoll at Ham.
North Mainland: Snow Bunting at Eshaness Lighthouse & Grey Plover at Stenness junction.
West Mainland: Common Redpoll & Lesser Redpoll at Fogrigarth.
Central Mainland: Waxwing at Voe. Siberian Stonechat still at Hamnavoe, Lunna Ness. Ringtail harrier at Kergord and Siberian Chiffchaff at Asta.
South Mainland: Yellow Warbler at Hoswick. Whinchat & Brambling at Sannick. Slavonian Grebe at West Voe.
Cetacean Sightings:
Report of Orca from Belmont Ferry.
11th October 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Hornemann's Arctic Redpoll, 2 Hawfinch & Grey Wagtail at Norwick. Pied Wheatear still at Northdale. Slavonian Grebe at Haroldswick.
Yell: Surf Scoter off Burravoe.
Fetlar: White-crowned Sparrow still at Peerie House, Houbie.
Central Mainland: Siberian Stonechat still at Hamnavoe, Lunna Ness. Magpie at Kergord. 400 Redwing near Veensgarth. Scaup at Loch of Tingwall. 16 Knot & 48 Oystercatcher on AHS playing fields.
South Mainland: Slavonian Grebe at West Voe of Sumburgh.
13th October 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Hornemann's Arctic Redpoll still at Norwick.
Yell: Juvenile Surf Scoter at Burravoe.
Central Mainland: Siberian Stonechat still at Hamnavoe, Lunna Ness.
South Mainland: Yellow Warbler still at Hoswick. American Golden Plover at Skelberry.
14th October 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Hornemann's Arctic Redpoll still at Norwick.
Central Mainland: Siberian Stonechat still at Hamnavoe, Lunna Ness.
South Mainland: Yellow Warbler still at Hoswick. Cattle Egret at Ringasta.
10th October 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Hornemann's Arctic Redpoll, Mealy Redpoll, 25 Brambling and brief visit from Common Swift at Valyie. . Pied Wheatear still at Northdale. Hawfinch at Norwick and 2 Hawfinch at Leawart. Little Bunting, Yellow-browed Warbler & Siberian Chiffchaff at Setter Hill Estate (SHE) and 11 Snow Bunting on East Hill. 2 Waxwing at Halligarth. 2 Velvet Scoter off Baltasound. Short-eared Owl on fishing boat 10 miles north of Unst.
Yell: Surf Scoter still off Burravoe - visible from end of Old Haa road
Fetlar: White-crowned Sparrow still at Peerie House, Houbie . 2 Grey Plover & 2 Brambling at Funzie..
Whalsay: Common Rosefinch at Skaw.
Foula: American Wigeon on Mill Loch.
Bressay: White's Thrush still at Gorie plantation & Song Thrush. Blackcap at Voehead.
North Mainland: Yellow-browed Warbler at Gluss.
Central Mainland: Barred Warbler near Garths cemetry, South Nesting. Yellow-browed Warbler & Garden Warbler at Kergord. Curlew Sandpiper briefly at Sea Road, Lerwick.
South Mainland: Cattle Egret still at Sumburgh Farm.
Insect Sightings:
5 Angleshades, 3 Dark Sword-grass & Setaceous Hebrew Character on sugar at Bakkasetter.
9th October 2023
Bird Sightings:
Summary: Continued migration of Redwing, Fieldfare & Brambling reported along with other common migrants including Robin, Blackcap & Goldcrest.
Unst: 2 Hornemann's Arctic Redpoll & 2 Waxwing briefly at Valyie. Also Ring Ouzel, Pied Flycatcher, Common Rosefinch, Hawfinch, Siskin & Redpoll sp at Valyie and Waxwing at Norwick.. Pied Wheatear at Northdale. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Burrafirth Shore Station. 3 Ring Ouzel at Leawart. Yellow-browed Warbler at Uyeasound, Baltasound and Setter Hill Estate (SHE). Also at SHE, Little Bunting & Sparrowhawk. Dusky Warbler at Alma/Westbrek Road. Siberian Chiffchaff along road to Eastings.
Yell: Surf Scoter off Burravoe.
Fetlar: White-crowned Sparrow still at Peerie House, Houbie + Little Bunting in area. Ring Ouzel & Lesser Whitethroat at Tresta.
Out Skerries: Bluethroat, Common Rosefinch, 10 Chiffchaff & Lapland Bunting.
Bressay: White's Thrush still at Gorie plantation & Red-breasted Flycatcher. Long-billed Dowitcher at Leira Voe. Slavonian Grebe at Noss Sound.
North Mainland: Ring Ouzel at Sandgarth. Grey Plover & Yellow-browed Warbler at Scatsta. Barred Warbler & Reed Bunting at Hillswick. Ring Ouzel & Stonechat at Collafirth.
Central Mainland: Siberian Stonechat at Hamnavoe, Lunna. Magpie and Tundra Bean Goose at Kergord. Red-breasted Flycatcher at Garth, South Nesting. Ring Ouzel & Hawfinch on hill above Anderson High School and Yellow-browed Warbler at Clickimin, Lerwick.
South Mainland: Cattle Egret still at Sumburgh Farm and Yellow-browed Warbler & Pied Flycatcher at Sumburgh Head. Short-eared Owl over Scatness. 123 Shag at West Voe. 4 Snow Bunting and138 Turnstone at Grutness. 4 Ring Ouzel & Song Thrush at Mossy Hill. Bluethroat at Bakkasetter. Siberian Chiffchaff at Hoswick. Ring Ouzel and Great Spotted Woodpecker at Levenwick. 16 Pink-footed Geese over Hoswick & 18 over Sumburgh Head.
Cetacean Sightings:
4 Orcas reported off Mangaster travelling south. 27s Orca pod at Stenness and Eshaness.
8th October 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: American Golden Plover with flock of 150+ Golden Plover at East Hill. Lapland Bunting, Short-eared Owl and 60 Snow Bunting flew over Halligarth. 3 Fieldfare at Uyeasound. Dusky Wabler, 12 Brambling, 2 Mealy Redpoll, 2 siskin, Pied Flycatcher, Hawfinch, Waxwing, and lesser White throat at Valyie. Velvet Scoter, Long-eared Owl and Curlew Sandpiper still at Houb Baltasound. 3 Brambling and Lesser Whitethroat at Burrafirth. Little Bunting at Setter Hill Estate (SHE).
Fetlar: White-crowned Sparrow at Peerie House garden.
Out Skerries: Richard's Pipit, 2 Rosefinch, 6 Chiffchaff, 1 Robin, 4 Blackcap, 11 Twite, 2 Willow Warbler, 2 Brambling, 3 Goldcrest, 3 Great Spotted Woodpecker, Jack Snipe, 2 Grey Heron, 2 Fieldfare, Whinchat, 30 Redwing, 56 Snow Bunting and a Little Auk from the Ferry.
Bressey: White's Thrush still there.
North Mainland: 25 Snow Bunting, 30+ Twite and Jack snipe at Eshaness.
West Mainland: 4 Goldeneye at Hula water, Shoveler at Loch of Norby. 5 Red Grouse at Burn of Lunket.
Central Mainland: Siberian Stonechat still at Luna. Barred Wabler and Yellow-browed Wabler at Lerwick. Lesser Whitethroat at Muckle Roe.
South Mainland: Cattle Egret still at Sumburgh Farm and a Hen Harrier. Wood Warbler and Yellow-browed Warbler at Hillwell. 6 Snow bunting at Grutness. Kestrel and Yellow-browed Warbler at Channerwick. 2 Long-tail duck, Great Northern Diver, Red-throated Diver, Common Scoter, 2 Knot at Quendale. Little Bunting at Cunningsburgh. Common Rosefinch at Geosetter.
Cetacean: Risso's Dolphins reported off Bluebell sound Ferry and Minke Whale seen off Braewick.
7th October 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: 2 Pintail and a Peregrine at Skaw. 2 Tree Pipit, Pied Flycatcher, 3 Rosefinch, Lesser Whitethroat and Song Thrush at Norwick. Barred Warbler at Haroldswick, Lesser Whitethroat at Uyeasound. Blackcap at Leawart. and Curlew Sandpiper still at Houb.
Foula: Olive Backed Pipit
Out Skerries: Rosefinch and Chiffchaff.
Fetlar: Ring Ouzel reported
Yell: Red-flanked Bluetail.
Bressay: White's Thrush still, Yellow-browed Warbler, Willow Warbler, Blackcap, 3 Ruff and Goldcrest.
North Mainland: 20 Snow Bunting, Arctic Redpoll, Rosefinch, Twite and Jack Snipe at Eshaness.
West Mainland: Amur Stonechat at Norby still along with a Cormorant and Whinchat. Blyth's Reed Warbler at Melby. Barred warbler at Da Gardins O'Sand. Siberian Chiffchaff, Yellow-browed Warbler, Brambling and 300+ Redwing at Walls. Yellow-browed Warbler and Great Spotted Woodpecker at Vementry.
Central Mainland: Great Spotted Woodpecker at lower Voe, 5 Mealy Redpoll, Fieldfare, Garden Warbler, Grey wagtail at Sullom. Reed Warbler at Voxter. 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker 2 Redpoll and 2 Crossbill at Brae. Yellow-browed Warbler, Redpoll, Grey Wagtail, Pied Wagtail, 4 Purple Sandpiper and a Brambling at Lerwick. Eastern Subalpine Warbler and Hawfinch still at West Quarff along with 4 Brambling, 2 chiffchaff, 3 Robin, 2 Blackcap, Siskin, 3 Goldcrest, Barred Warbler and 50+ Redwing. Siberian Chiffchaff, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Yellow-browed Warbler and brambling at Scalloway. Yellow-browed Warbler, 3 Chiffchaff, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Willow Warbler, Garden Warbler, and Fieldfare at Muckle Roe.
South Mainland: Cattle Egret still at Sumburgh Farm. 4 Pintail, 5 Moorhen and a Shoveler at Hillwell. Icterine Warbler at Bigton. Barred Warbler and Yellow-browed Warbler at Hoswick. 4 Pochard at Spiggie. Marsh Warbler, 2 Great Northern Diver, 3 Long-tailed Duck, 9 Red-throated Diver, Ruff, Knot, 16 Oystercatcher, Peregrine, Slavonian Grebe, Common Scoter at Quendale. Lesser Whitethroat and Yellow-browed Warbler at Levenwick. Lesser Whitethroat, Whooper Swan, Great Northern Diver at Exnaboe.
Cetacean: Common Dolphins crossing Papa Sound this morning and 7-8 Risso's Dolphins reported off Urafirth Voe tonight.
6th October 2023
Bird Sightings:
Summary: The seasonal migration continues all over Shetland with lots of reported sights of flocks of Redwing.
Unst: Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2 Barred Warbler, 2 Pied Flycatcher, 3 Rosefinch, 100+ Redwing at Norwick. Arctic Warbler, Still 100+ Redwing, 2 Song Thrush, Lesser Whitethroat, Blackcap and 2 Whinchat at Skaw. Song Thrush and Northern Wheatear at Westing.
Out Skerries: 2 Rosefinch
Fetlar: Ring Ouzel reported
Yell: Yellow-browed Warbler at Hoswick, Ring Ouzel and Greenshank at Mid Yell.
Bressay: White's Thrush still, Garden Warbler, Blackcap, Willow Warbler, Blackcap, Spotted Flycatcher, Goldcrest and 2 Redwing.
Whalsay: American Golden Plover still at Skaw.
North Mainland: Pink-footed Goose at Braewick.
West Mainland: Amur Stonechat at Norby. Grasshopper Warbler and Pied Flycatcher at Melby. Red-breasted Flycatcher and Barred Warbler at Da Gardins O'Sand. 23 Goosander at Tresta. 7 Goosander and a Yellow-browed Warbler at Dale of Walls.
Central Mainland: Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Swallow, 2 Brambling, Song thrush, 30-40 Redwing and a Great Spotted Woodpecker at Vidlin. Tree Pipit at Brae. Honey Buzzard and Red-throated Diver at Gulberwick. Eastern Subalpine Warbler and Hawfinch still at West Quarff. 2 Merlin and a Sparrowhawk at Kergord. Long-eared Owl and Sparrowhawk at Urdale.
South Mainland: Cattle Egret still at Sumburgh Farm along with a White Wagtail. 10 Snow Bunting still at Grutness. 3 Goldeneye at Spiggie Loch. 3 Yellow-browed Warbler between Toab and Exnaboe. Little Bunting at Boddam. Brambling at Sandwick.
5th October 2023
Bird Sightings:
Summary: The seasonal migration continues all over Shetland.
Unst: Great Spotted Woodpecker, Barred Warbler, Yellow-browed Warbler, 3 Rosefinch, Hen Harrier still and Whinchat at Northdale. Arctic Warbler, Still and Whinchat at Skaw. Rosefinch, Little Bunting and Yellow-browed Warbler at Shore station. Siberian Chiffchaff at Hermaness. Swallow at Haroldswick, 3 Rosefinch and a Brambling at Valyie, Curlew Sandpiper back at the Houb.
Fetlar: Yellow-browed Warbler
Bressay: White's Thrush still, Magpie 2 Garden Warbler, Blackcap, Yellow-browed Warbler, Long-tailed duck and 5 Goosander.
North Mainland: Pink-footed Goose at Braewick. Hawfinch at Murrion. 14 Grey Heron at Haggrister.
West Mainland: 3 Yellow-browed Warbler and a Barred Warbler at Sandness. Rosefinch, 3 Yellow-browed Warbler and a suspected Stejneger's Eastern Stonechat at Melby. Blyth's Reed Warbler, 3 Yellow-browed Warbler and a Goldfinch at Dale of Walls.
Central Mainland: Lots of Redwing recorded overnight between 1-4am. Siberian Stonechat still at Lunna. Hawfinch, Great Spotted Woodpecker and Crossbill at Lerwick. Eastern Subalpine Wabler and Northern Tree Creeper still at West Quarff. Barred Warbler, Siberian Chiffchaff, 3 Goldcrest and 50 Redwing at Kergord. 4 Red-throated Diver and 6 Great Northern Diver at South Nesting Bay.
South Mainland: Cattle Egret still at Sumburgh Farm. Yellow-browed Warbler, Robin, Goldcrest, 2 Blackcap, 11 Snow Bunting and a Great Northern Diver at Grutness. Mealy redpoll and Blackcap at Hoswick. Redstart, 2 Yellow-browed Warbler, 2 Robin, 2 Blackcap and 30+Redwing at Geosetter. Arctic Warbler at Levenwick. Barred Warbler at Cunningsburgh. Red-breasted Flycatcher at Fladdibister. 3 Yellow-browed Warbler between Toab and Exnaboe.
Cetacean: Small pods of active Risso's Dolphins, Harbour Porpoise and a Minke Whale throughout the day reported off South Mainland. A Risso's Dolphin was reported off Haroldswick, Unst.
Insects: Convolvulus Hawkmoth was reported overnight at Scalloway.
4th October 2023
Bird Sightings:
Summary: The seasonal migration continues all over Shetland.
Unst: Merlin, Hen Harrier and Whinchat at Northdale. Arctic Warbler, 3 Lesser Whitethroat, at Skaw. Barred Warbler, Tree Pipit, Reed Warbler, Yellow-browed Warbler, Rosefinch at Norwick and Northdale. 2 Short Eared Owls, Pink-footed and Pale-ballied Geese at Baltasound. Little Egret at Snarravoe. 2 Reed Wabler at Halligarth. 3 Rosefinch, Siskin, Mealy Redpoll, Brambling, Yellow-browed Wabler, Reed Wabler and Tree Pipit at Valyie.
Foula: Olive-backed Pipit
Fetlar: Little Bunting
Bressey: White's Thrush reported.
North Mainland: Merlin, Snow Bunting, Blyth's Reed Warbler, and Golden Plover at Ronas. Hawfinch at Eshaness. Blyth's Reed Warbler and Tree Sparrow at Hillswick. Bluethroat and a Dotterel still at Stenness.
West Mainland: Red-breasted Flycatcher at Da Gardins O'Sand and Carrion Crow at Walls.
Central Mainland: Barred Warbler at Scatsta. Garden Warbler and Barred Warbler at Sullom plantation. Olive-backed Pipit at Voxter. Siberian Stonechat and Black Redstart still at Lunna Kirk. Magpie, Barred Warbler and 3 Crossbill at Lerwick. Eastern Subalpine Warbler and Northern Tree Creeper at West Quarff. 2 Brambling, 1 Great Spotted Woodpecker and a Water Rail at Vidlin.
South Mainland: Cattle Egret still at Sumburgh Farm along with 2 Long-tailed Ducks. 150+ Barnacle Geese at Dunrossness. Marsh Warbler at Quendale. Jack Snipe, Merlin and Whimbrel at Geosetter. Pallid Harrier, Red-breasted Flycatcher, 3 Swallow and a Rustic Bunting at Hoswick.
Cetacean: 10-12 Risso's and Harbour Porpoise and a Minke Whale reported off South Mainland. 25-30 Dolphins reported off Haroldswick, Unst.
Insects: 3 dark swords and an Angle Sword at Burravoe, Yell reported overnight.
3rd October 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: 2 Blackcap, Rosefinch and 9 Twite at Shore station. Hen Harrier at Northdale.
Foula: Lapland Bunting
Fetlar: Hawfinch, American Golden Plover still with Golden Plover flock. Little Bunting and Jack Snipe reported.
Whalsay: Richard's Pipit reported.
Noss: Pectoral Sandpiper.
North Mainland: Snowy Owl at Mid Field along with a Snow Bunting and 5 Golden Plover, Ronas. 40-50 Snow Bunting at Eshaness. Great Snipe at North Roe. Blyth's Reed Warbler at Housetter.
West Mainland: Magpie at Melby.
Central Mainland: Barred Warbler at Scatsta. Red-breasted Flycatcher at Sullom plantation. Olive-backed Pipit, Great Spotted Woodpecker and Blackcap at Voxter. River Warbler at Brae. Siberian Stonechat and Black Redstart, along with Shetland's 4th Veery still at Lunna Kirk. Magpie, Merlin, 4 x Common Crossbill at Lerwick. Eastern Subalpine Wabler at West Quarff. Barred Wabler, 3 lesser White Throat at East Quarff. Eastern Stonechat at Hamnavoe.
South Mainland: Cattle Egret still at Sumburgh Farm. 11 x Barnacle Geese and a Short-toed Lark at Scatness. Bluethroat Throat, 30 x Twite and a Dotterel with Flock of Golden Plover at Stenness. 2 x Curlew Sandpiper and Black-tailed Godwit at Pool of Virkie. 123 Barnacle Geese at Spiggie. Pallid Harrier, Red-breasted Flycatcher, Yellow-browed Wabler and Great Spotted Woodpecker at Hoswick. Hawfinch at Sandwick. Marsh Wabler at Quendale. Jack Snipe at Boddam. Sand Martin at Mail. Redstart, Sparrow hawk, 3 x Goldcrest and a Robin at Geosetter. Rosefinch, Peregrine and Rustic Bunting at Bigton.
Insects: A Deaths Head Hawkmoth was reported overnight.
2nd October 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Curlew Sandpiper, Little Stint and 2 Dublin at Buness. Richard Pipit at Haroldswick. 2 Yellow-browed Wabler and Jack Snipe at Baltasound. Willow Wabler, Blackcap and 2 x Whooper Swan at Westing. Barred Wabler at Kirkaton. Collard Dove, Blackcap, Willow Wabler at Halligarth.
Fetlar: Hawfinch, American Golden Plover with Golden Plover flock reported.
Yell: Jack Snipe and 2 x Knot at Loch Papil.
North Mainland: Snowy Owl at Mid Field, Ronas. 30 Snow Bunting, Hawfinch, Barred Wabler and Pomarine Skua at Eshaness. Yellow-browed Warbler at Hillswick.
West Mainland: Goosander at West Burrafirth. Yellow-browed Wabler, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Siskin and Common Crossbill at Tresta.
Central Mainland: River Warbler at Brae. Siberian Stone Chat, Jack Snipe and Black Redstart, along with Shetland's 4th Veery still at Lunna Kirk. 37 x Snipe Pullers Loch and 3 x Purple Sandpiper, Sea Rd, Lerwick. Bluethroat and Yellow wagtail near West Hall, 2 x Rosefinch, Moorhen and Yellow-browed Warbler at Sound. Little Bunting, Grey Wagtail and 2 Brambling at Lerwick. Ruff and Lapwing at Tingwall. House Martin, Great Spotted Woodpecker and Red-throated Diver at Lower Voe. Red-throated Diver at Scalloway. Barred Wabler at Gulberwick.
South Mainland: 2 Common Crossbill and Cattle Egret at Sumburgh. 2 Pintail Ducks and a Short-toed Lark at Scatness. 3 Snow Bunting, Yellow-browed Wabler, Common White Throat and 5 Linnets at Grutness. Dotterel with Flock of Golden Plover at Stenness. Curlew Sandpiper and Black-tailed Godwit at Pool of Virkie. Scaup, Slav Grebe, 135 Barnacle Geese and 19 Pink-footed Geese at Spiggie. Great Spotted Woodpecker and Whinchat at Boddam. Peregrine at Dalsetter. 3 Bar-tailed Godwits at Virkie. Red-breasted Flycatcher at Swinister. Eastern Subalpine Warbler at Wester Quarff. Marsh Wabler at Quendale. Pallid Harrier, Curlew Sandpiper and 2 Redwing at Sandwick. Grey Plover recorded overnight at Toab. 40 Barnacle Geese at Leebitten.
1st October 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: 2 Pale-bellied Brent Goose and a Curlew Sandpiper at Baltasound. Barred Warbler, Redstart and Little Bunting at Norwick. Brambling and 2 Yellow-browed Warbler at Setter Hill Estate. Long-eared Owl at Clingera. Sparrowhawk at the Shorestation. Yellow-browed Warbler at Burrafirth. Barred Warbler and Little Bunting at Uyeasound. 2 Yellow-browed Warbler at Valyie.
Fetlar: Little Bunting at Feal Plantation.
Out Skerries: Rosefinch, 2 Garden Warbler, 2 Whinchat, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Redstart and Brambling.
Whalsay: American Golden Plover still at Skaw.
Bressay: 2 Yellow-browed Warbler, Snow Bunting, Garden Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat and Robin.
Foula: Olive-backed Pipit.
North Mainland: Dotterel and Pectoral Sandpiper at Stenness. Hawfinch at Eshaness. Yellow-browed Warbler at Hillswick.
West Mainland: Siskin, Tree Pipit and Reed Bunting at Cuslwick. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Walls.
Central Mainland: River Warbler at Brae. Shetland's 4th Veery still at Lunna Kirk. Citrine Wagtail, at Seafield, Bluethroat near West Hall, Rosefinch, Garden Warbler and Yellow-browed Warbler at Sound. Sparrowhawk and 2 Brambling at Vidlin. Great Spotted Woodpecker and Turtle Dove at Voe.
South Mainland: Cattle Egret at Sumburgh. Short-toed Lark at Scatness. 12 Snow Bunting and Greenish Warbler at Grutness. 2 Scaup at Spiggie. Great Spotted Woodpecker and Whinchat at Boddam. Peregrine at Dalsetter. 3 Bar-tailed Godwits at Virkie. Whinchat and Marsh Warbler at Quendale. Tree Sparrow at Hillwell. Red-breasted Flycatcher, Rosefinch, Spotted Flycatcher and Barred Warbler at Hoswick. Red-breasted Flycatcher at Swinister. Eastern Subalpine Warbler at Wester Quarff. Rustic Bunting at Cunningsburgh. Pallid Harrier at Maywick.
29th September 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Eastern Yellow Wagtail at Haroldswick. Long-eared Owl and Yellow-browed Warbler at Clingera. Little Bunting and 25 Snow Bunting at Norwick. Whinchat and Northwestern Redpoll at Burrafirth. Hen Harrier at Northdale. Crossbill and 2 Yellow-browed Warbler at Setter Hill Estate.
Fetlar: Tennessee Warbler at Feal Plantation. Also Hawfinch, Yellow-browed Warbler, 50 Snow Bunting and Spotted Flycatcher. Red-backed Shrike Tresta. American Golden Plover at Aith.
Out Skerries: Corncrake, Wryneck, Rosefinch and 2 Little Bunting.
Whalsay: American Golden Plover still at Skaw.
Bressay: 1 Yellow-browed Warbler, 1 Snow Bunting, Redwing, 2 Fieldfare.
North Mainland: Kestrel at Hillswick. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Ollaberry. Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Grey Plover, Hawfinch, Siskin and Yellow-browed Warbler at Eshaness.
West Mainland: Yellow-browed Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat at Walls. 6 Siskin Bixter. Yellow-browed Warbler at Burrafirth.
Central Mainland: Shetland's 4th Veery was found at Lunna Kirk. Citrine Wagtail, at Seafield, Bluethroat near West Hall, Rosefinch and Yellow-browed Warbler at Sound. 2 Brambling, Great Spotted Woodpecker and Sparrowhawk at Vidlin. Barred Warbler, 2 Yellow-browed Warbler, 2 Lesser Whitethroat at Lunning. 4 Snow Bunting, Black Redstart and Yellow-browed Warbler at Lunna. Little Bunting at Clickimin, Lerwick.
South Mainland: Cattle Egret at Sumburgh. Dunnock at Wester Quarff. Redstart and Common Scoter at Quendale. Yellow-browed Warbler at Virkie. 6 Pintail and 254 Wigeon at Spiggie. Short-eared Owl and Spotted Flycatcher at Burraland, Sandwick. Spotted Flycatcher and Pied Flycatcher Swinister Burn, Barred Warbler and 3 Yellow-browed Warbler at Hoswick.
Cetacean Sightings:
27's Orca pod travelled South down the East coast of Yell and then from Mossbank to Lunning.
30th September 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Eastern Yellow Wagtail at Haroldswick. Little Egret at Snarravoe. 3 Little Bunting at Norwick. 2 Rosefinch, Reed Warbler at Valyie. Little Bunting at Uyeasound. Reed Warbler at Lund. Yellow-browed Warblers at Clingera and Halligarth. Hen Harrier at Loch of Cliff.
Yell: Redstart, Dunnock, Lesser Whitethroat and White Wagtail at Mid Yell.
Fetlar: Hawfinch near Feal Plantation. Yellow-browed Warbler at Houbie. 50 Snow Bunting at Velzie.
Out Skerries: Little Bunting, 3 Redstarts and Yellow-browed Warbler.
Whalsay: American Golden Plover still at Skaw.
North Mainland: Dotterel at Eshaness.
West Mainland: Yellow-browed Warbler at West Burrafirth.
Central Mainland: Shetland's 4th Veery still at Lunna Kirk. Citrine Wagtail, at Seafield, Bluethroat near West Hall, Rosefinch, Garden Warbler and Yellow-browed Warbler at Sound. Little Bunting, Magpie, Yellow Wagtail and Yellow-browed Warbler at Clickimin, Lerwick. Slavonian Grebe and 2 Sparrowhawk at Sandgarth. Pied Flycatcher at Swining. Rosefinch, 2 Grey Wagtail, Pied Flycatcher, Short-eared Owl, North Road, Lerwick. Yellow-browed Warbler, Grey Wagtail and Great Spotted Woodpecker at Voe. Great Spotted Woodpecker and 6 Siskin at Brae. Hawfinch at Hamnavoe. Yellow-browed Warbler at Lunna. Red-breasted Flycatcher and Yellow-browed Warbler at Kergord.
South Mainland: Cattle Egret at Sumburgh. Red-breasted Flycatcher, Spotted Flycatcher and Pied Flycatcher Swinister Burn, Red-breasted Flycatcher and Barred Warbler and 3 Yellow-browed Warbler at Hoswick. Short-toed Lark and Curlew Sandpiper at Scatness. 12 Snow Bunting and Greenish Warbler at Grutness. Pallid Harrier at Channerwick. Rosefinch at Toab. 2 Paled-bellied Brent Geese at Hestingott. Short-eared Owl Virkie. Spotted Flycatcher Ireland.
Cetacean Sightings:
27's Orca pod travelled South from Ocraquoy, through Mousa Sound and round Sumburgh Head.
Insect Sightings:
Death's head Hawkmoth at Lerwick.
28th September 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Eastern Yellow Wagtail, Yellow Wagtail, Tree Pipit, 3 Redstart and 2 Lesser Whitethroat at Haroldswick. Little Egret at Snarravoe. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Ordall. Water Rail and 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker at Westing. Crossbill at Setter Hiller Estate. Yellow-browed Warbler at Halligarth. Barred Warbler at Baltasound. Tree Pipit and Barred Warbler at Norwick. Little Bunting and Great Spotted Woodpecker at Uyeasound. Barred Warbler at Clivocast. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Skaw.
Yell: Arctic Warbler at Arisdale Burn.
Fetlar: Barred Warbler and Hawfinch at Houbie. Yellow-browed Warbler at Feal Plantation. Red-backed Shrike and Barred Warbler at Tresta.
Whalsay: American Golden Plover still at Skaw with Redstart, Spotted Flycatcher and Yellow-browed Warbler.
Bressay: 2 Yellow-browed Warbler, 2 Fieldfare, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, Songthrush, Dunnock and Robin.
Noss: Little Bunting, Kestrel, Redstart, Whinchat, 4 Robin, 3 Song Thrush, 2 Garden Warbler, 9 Blackcap, Reed Warbler, Chiffchaff, 5 Goldcrest, Yellow-browed Warbler, and 2 Chaffinch.
Foula: Olive-backed Pipit
North Mainland: Yellow-browed Warbler, Great-spotted Woodpecker and Tree Sparrow at Hillswick. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Brae.
West Mainland: Great Spotted Woodpecker at Skeld. Goldeneye, Stonechat, Yellow-browed Warbler at Walls. 2 Crossbill, 2 Bramblings, 7 Common Redpoll and 2 Siskin at Aith. Magpie still at Melby. Little Bunting and 2 Whinchat at Dale of Walls.
Central Mainland: Citrine Wagtail, at Seafield, Bluethroat near West Hall, Rosefinch and Yellow-browed Warbler at Sound. Great Spotted Woodpecker and 2 Brambling at Vidlin. Sparrowhawk, Lesser Whitethroat, Chiffchaff at Tingwall. Blackcap, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Robin, Lesser Redpoll at Sandgarth. Barred Warbler, Grey Wagtail, Great Spotted Woodpecker at Voe. Cuckoo, Little Bunting, Barred Warbler, Wryneck and Grey Wagtail at Clickimin, Magpie at King Harold Street, Lerwick. Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2 Yellow-browed Warbler and Reed Bunting at Lunna.
South Mainland: Pallid Harrier at Quendale and Spiggie. Cattle Egret at Sumburgh. Red-breasted Flycatcher at Noness, Curlew Sandpiper at The Wart, Sandwick. Rustic Bunting, Yellow-browed Warbler and Dunnock at Wester Quarff. Great Spotted Woodpecker at West Voe. Yellow-browed Warbler, Whinchat and Spotted Flycatcher at Swinister Burn. Yellow-browed Warbler at Sumburgh. 20 Snow Buntings at Grutness. Yellow-browed Warbler at Geosetter. 2 Grey Plover and 3 Ruff at Virkie. Firecrest at Exnaboe. Rosefinch at Toab. Mediterranean Gull at Spiggie. Spotted Crake at Quendale. 2 Pale-bellied Brent Goose and Blyth's Reed Warbler at Hestingott. Little Bunting at Sumburgh Head.
Cetacean Sightings:
2 Risso's Dolphins from the Whalsay Ferry. 2 Orca seen North of Noss.
27th September 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Eastern Yellow Wagtail, Little Bunting and Yellow Wagtail at Haroldswick. Blyth's Reed Warbler and Garden Warbler at Halligarth. Barred Warbler and Tree Pipit at Leawart. Reed Warbler at Lund. Little Bunting at Skaw. Long-tailed Duck on Easter Loch. Barred Warbler and Whinchat at Baltasound. Dunnock at Easting. Little Egret at Snarravoe. Barred Warbler at Baliasta. Pied Flycatcher at Norwick. Yellow-browed Warbler at Cameron Cottage.
Yell: Arctic Warbler at Arisdale Burn. Lesser Whitethroat and Bar-tailed Godwit at Gutcher.
North Mainland: 10 Snow Bunting at Eshaness.
West Mainland: Honey Buzzard at Walls. Lesser Whitethroat and Grey Wagtail at West Burrafirth.
Central Mainland: 5 Knot on Sound Beach. Yellow-browed Warbler and Mealy Redpoll at Burn of Sound. Grey Plover at Gilbertson Park, Lerwick. Wood Warbler at Asta. White-tailed Eagle, 2 Yellow-browed Warbler, 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker and a Garden Warbler at Sandgarth. Yellow-browed Warbler at Sullom Plantation. Sparrowhawk at Scatsta.
South Mainland: Barnacle Geese at many sites in the south. Yellow-browed Warbler and Red-breasted Flycatcher at Geosetter. Blackcap, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, Whinchat and Pied Flycatcher at Boddam. Whinchat, Yellow-browed Warbler, Spotted Flycatcher and Grey Wagtail at Swinister Burn. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Sandwick. Spotted Flycatcher and Fieldfare at Gulberwick. Brambling, Kestrel and Pied Flycatcher at Sumburgh. Cattle Egret, 10 Ruff and Red-backed Shrike at Spiggie. Redstart at Cunningsburgh. 15 Snow Buntings at Grutness. Yellow-browed Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat and 2 Blackcap at Wester Quarff. Turtle Dove at Exnaboe. Pallid Harrier around the south between Dunrossness and Quendale again. Rustic Bunting at Wester Quarff. Wryneck at Ringasta. Little Egret at Sumburgh Farm.
26th September 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: 2 Rosefinch, Little Bunting, Barred Warbler, Whinchat, 2 Pied Flycatcher and Red-breasted Flycatcher at Norwick. Eastern Yellow Wagtail and Yellow Wagtail at Haroldswick. Bluethroat at Baliasta. Lesser Whitethroat at Skaw.
Yell: Arctic Warbler at Arisdale Burn.
Whalsay: American Golden Plover still at Skaw.
North Mainland: American Golden Plover and Grey Plover at Eshaness also 2 Snow Bunting.
West Mainland: Sparrowhawk, 2 Redstart and Goldcrest at West Burrafirth.
Central Mainland: Citrine Wagtail, at Seafield, Bluethroat near West Hall, Barred Warbler and Magpie at Clickimin, Lerwick. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Helendale.
South Mainland: Blackburnian Warbler, Red-breasted Flycatcher and Yellow-browed Warbler at Geosetter. at Pallid Harrier at Quendale and Spiggie. Red-backed Shrike also at Spiggie still. Blackcap, Yellow-browed Warbler and Long-tailed Duck at Grutness. Little Stint at Scatness. 24 Barnacle Geese at Noss Farm. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Sandwick.
25th September 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: 2 Rosefinch, Little Bunting, Barred Warbler and Red-breasted Flycatcher at Norwick. Sand Martin, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Whinchat at Skaw. 2 Ruff at Uyeasound. Little Egret still at Loch of Snarravoe. Storm Petrel at Easter Loch. Redwing at Ramnageo.
Yell: Arctic Warbler at Arisdale Burn.
Whalsay: American Golden Plover still at Skaw.
Bressay: Lesser Whitethroat at Voehead, 2 Snow Bunting at the Noss car park.
North Mainland: Grey Plover at Eshaness, Kestrel at North Collafirth. Pochard at Loch of Housetter.
West Mainland: Possible Eastern Towhee at Melby. Glaucous Gull, 3 Goldcrest and 2 Carrion Crows at Skeld. Peregrine at Sandness.
Central Mainland: Red-backed Shrike and Sparrowhawk at Swining. Citrine Wagtail, at Seafield, Bluethroat near West Hall, Barred Warbler and Magpie at Clickimin, Lerwick. 15 Lesser Redpoll and 2 Rosefinch at Loch of Sound. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Loch of Voe. 2 Ruff at Laxo.
South Mainland: . Pallid Harrier at Quendale. Red-backed Shrike, 8 Ruff, 2 Redwing, Kestrel at Spiggie. 16 Ruff at the Wart, Sandwick. 2 Ruff, Little Stint and a Snow Bunting at Scatness. Common Scoter at Levenwick. Snow Bunting at Bakkasetter. 7 Ruff, 21 Pink-footed Goose, 14 Barnacle Goose at Fleck.
24th September 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: 22 Snow Bunting & 2 Swallow at Burrafirth Burn. Little Bunting at Kirkton and Little Bunting at Norwick. Merlin & Stonechat at Skaw. Red-breasted Flycatcher, Common Rosefinch & Tree Pipit at Valyie. Common Crossbill at Clingera. Barred Warbler & Icterine Warbler at Leawart. 7 Whooper Swan, 6 Tufted Duck, 6 Wigeon, Long-tailed Duck & Common Guillemot on Easter Loch. Little Egret still at Loch of Snarravoe.
Yell: Arctic Warbler at Arisdale Burn.
Whalsay: Yellow-browed Warbler, 2 Common Redstart, Spotted Flycatcher & Song Thrush at Skaw plantation.
Out Skerries: Blyth's Reed Warbler, 3 Hawfinch, Barred Warbler, Common Redstart, Chaffinch, Lesser Whitethroat, Common Whitethroat, 2 Chiffchaff, 6 Willow Warbler, Swallow, Song Thrush, Robin & Whinchat on island & Sooty Shearwater offshore.
Bressay: Blyth's Reed Warbler at Gorie. Garden Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat, Blackcap, Willow Warbler, Fieldfare & 9 Barnacle Goose on island.
North Mainland: Wood Warbler at Hamnavoe & 12 Snow Bunting at Eshaness Lighthouse. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Sandgarth, Dale.
West Mainland: Yellow-browed Warbler at Dale of Walls. Garden Warbler at Vementry. 15 Goosander at Bridge of Walls. Magpie at Sandness and Great Northern Diver at Melby.
Central Mainland: Red-backed Shrike at Swining. 9 Red Grouse at start of track to the Hams, Muckle Roe. Wood Warbler at Asta. Citrine Wagtail, at Seafield, Bluethroat near West Hall & Barred Warbler at Clickimin, Lerwick.
South Mainland: . Pallid Harrier over and Red-breasted Flycatcher & Fieldfare at Sandwick. 44 Knot & Ruff at Noness. Red-backed Shrike still at Spiggie Hotel. Pectoral Sandpiper & Yellow-browed Warbler at Noss Farm, Spiggie. & 12 Knot at Noss. Marsh Warbler at Quendale burn and 3 Blackcap, 2 Willow Warbler, Dunnock & Bluethroat at quarry. Common Rosefinch briefly at Toab.
Cetacean Sightings:
2 Minke off St Ninian's Isle.
23rd September 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Little Bunting at Burrafirth shore station. Hawfinch, Red-breasted Flycatcher, Pied Flycatcher, Common Rosefinch, 2 Whinchat, Tree Pipit, & Brambling at Valyie. Little Bunting, Blackcap & 3 Knot at Norwick. Arctic Warbler, Blyth's Reed Warbler, Wood Warbler & Barred Warbler at Halligarth. Little Egret still at Loch of Snarravoe.
Yell: Spotted Redshank, 2 Wood Warbler & 2 Lesser Whitethroat at Gutcher.
Whalsay: American Golden Plover still at Skaw.
Foula: Buff-breasted Sandpiper & 2 Little Bunting.
North Mainland: Great Spotted Woodpecker at Sandgarth & Kestrel over.
Central Mainland: Common Redstart & Sparrowhawk at Mulla, Voe. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Houll Road, Scalloway. Hen Harrier at Catfirth. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Wester Quarff. In Lerwick - Great Spotted Woodpecker at Nederdale, .Citrine Wagtail, Yellow Wagtail, Yellow-browed Warbler, Bluethroat & Barred Warbler in Seafield Park area, Common Rosefinch & Magpie at Hayfield House, Blyth's Reed Warbler at Gremista & Little Grebe at Lerwick Marina.
South Mainland: Bluethroat at Fladdabister.160 Golden Plover, Ruff & 4 Knot at the Wart & Pink-footed Goose & 3 Gadwall at the Broch of Burland, Sandwick.. Whinchat, 2 Yellow-browed Warbler & Lesser Whitethroat at Swinister Burn and Kestrel, Sparrowhawk and White-tailed Eagle over. Pallid Harrier over Spiggie/ Hillwell. Pectoral Sandpiper, Yellow-Browed Warbler & 3 Knot at Noss Farm, Spiggie. Red-backed Shrike still at Spiggie Hotel & Kestrel over. Blyth's Reed Warbler at Hestingott. Red-breasted Flycatcher & Lesser Whitethroat on St Ninian's Isle. Rosefinch & Mealy Redpoll at Grutness. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Dalsetter & at Boddam. Kestrel & 5 Swallow at Sumburgh Head.
Cetacean Sightings:
Minke off Sumburgh Head and Noness. Risso's Dolphin off Sumburgh Head & pod of approx 12 White-beaked Dolphin off Mousa. 2 Harbour Porpoise off Scarvister.
Insect Sightings:
Sword-grass, 5 Dark Swordgrass & 11 Angleshades on sugar at Bakkasetter.
22nd September 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: 2 Little Bunting, Willow Warbler & Swallow along burn and Spotted Flycatcher, Robin, Whinchat, Common Whitethroat & 2 Blackcap at Shore Station, Burrafirth. 3 Redpoll & Blackcap at Northdale. Collared Dove, 5 Blackcap, 2 Common Rosefinch, Hawfinch, Yellow-browed Warbler & Red-breasted Flycatcher at Valyie. Arctic Warbler & Pied Flycatcher at Halligarth. Redstart & Whinchat at Uyeasound.
Yell: Arctic Warbler & Little Bunting at West Sandwick. Wood Warbler at Gutcher. Garden Warbler & Willow Warbler at Burravoe. Sparrowhawk, Redstart, Blackcap & 2 Goldcrest at Arisdale. 3 Bar-tailed Godwit & 5 Sanderling at Galtigarth.
Whalsay: American Golden Plover & Yellow-browed Warbler at Skaw.
Out Skerries: Hawfinch, Little Bunting & Yellow-browed Warbler.
Foula: Buff-breasted Sandpiper & Bluethroat along Hametoun Burn. Fieldfare on island.
Bressay: Blackcap at Voehead.
North Mainland: Common Crossbill, Yellow-browed Warbler, Pied Flycatcher, Sparrowhawk & Swallow at Gluss. Great Spotted Woodpecker & Chiffchaff at Sandgarth. Blyth's Reed Warbler at Oxensetter, North Roe.
West Mainland: Goosander at Weisdale Voe & Merlin at West Burrafirth..
Central Mainland: Tree Pipit, Common Redstart, Goldcrest, Willow Warbler & Peregrine at Lunna. Common Redstart at Mulla & Pied Flycatcher at Voe. Pallid Harrier at Tingwall. Citrine Wagtail & Yellow Wagtail in Seafield area & Yellow-browed Warbler at Law Lane, Lerwick. 2 Blackcap, Pied Flycatcher, Garden Warbler, 3 Willow Warbler & Tree Pipit at Strand Plantation.
South Mainland: Blyth's Reed Warbler, Little Bunting, 2 Yellow-browed Warbler & Lesser Whitethroat at Swnister Burn. 2 Yellow-browed Warbler, 2 Willow Warbler, 3 Robin & Goldcrest at Geosetter. Pectoral Sandpiper at Noss Farm, Spiggie. 14 Ruff and Gadwall at Spiggie hide. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Crofthouse Museum. Wryneck, Redstart, Whinchat, Merlin & 20 Swallow at Quendale. 2 Little Stint, 2 Merlin & 5 Barnacle Goose at Scatness. 25 Barnacle Goose over Virkie and 24 at Sumburgh Head.
Cetacean Sightings:
5 White-beaked Dolphin off Dalsetter.
Insect Sightings:
Pearly Underwing at Scatness.
21st September 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Little Bunting, Sparrowhawk & Merlin at Skaw. 2 Little Bunting, Garden Warbler & Whinchat at Burrafirth. Sparrowhawk, Blackcap, Lesser Whitethroat & Snow Bunting at Northdale. Robin & Collared Dove at Valyie and Redstart at Norwick Beach. Arctic Warbler & Swallow at Halligarth. Barred Warbler, Merlin & Blackcap at Baltasound + 2 Little Stint and 5 Knot. Barred Warbler, Yellow-browed Warbler & Blackcap at Hillsgarth. Grey Plover at Smaa Waters. Garden Warbler & Pied Flycatcher at Westing. Common Rosefinch at Uyeasound.
Yell: Arctic Warbler at West Sandwick.
Out Skerries: Hawfinch, 2 Tree Pipit, 2 Whinchat, 3 Little Bunting, 4 Redstart, Spotted Flycatcher & 23 Snow Bunting.
Fetlar: 2 Yellow-browed Warbler, Barred Warbler, Common Rosefinch & Grasshopper Warbler on island.
Foula: Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Pectoral Sandpiper (at Ristie Pools) & Little Bunting.
North Mainland: Common Crossbill at Gluss. Barred Warbler & Kestrel at Hillswick.
West Mainland: Yellow-browed Warbler at Walls & Whinchat at Dale of Walls. 10 Goosander at Bridge of Walls. Jack Snipe at Melby.
Central Mainland: Pallid Harrier at Tingwall. Honey Buzzard over Scalloway. Whinchat at Nordavatn, Goldcrest, Willow Warbler & Lesser Whitethroat at Netherdale & Citrine Wagtail at Seafield Park, Lerwick.
South Mainland: Red-backed Shrike & Citrine Wagtail at Spiggie Hotel. Little Bunting at Toab. Wryneck at Quendale. Redwing over Swinister & 5 Knot at Sannick, Sandwick. Little Stint & Curlew Sandpiper at Scatness. 2 Long-tailed Duck at Grutness. Whinchat & 2 Goldcrest at Sumburgh Quarry.
Insect Sightings:
2 Dark Swordgrass to sugar in Sandwick.
20th September 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Blyth's Reed Warbler still at Northdale.Yellow-browed Warbler, 2 Blackcap, Lesser Whitethroat, Whinchat, & 2 Robin at Burrafirth Shorestation. Little Bunting still along Burrafirth Burn. Sedge Warbler at Holsen's Road & Siskin at Skaw.
Foula: Buff-breasted Sandpiper still at South Ness. Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler & 2 Barred Warbler at Ham.
Bressay: Blackcap, Goldcrest & Garden Warbler at Voehead.
Central Mainland: Magpie at playpark, King Harald Street. Common Rosefinch, Yellow-browed Warbler, Garden Warbler, Willow Warbler & Pied Flycatcher near Lerwick power station. Yellow-browed Warbler & Great Spotted Woodpecker in Helendale area. Kestrel, Sparrowhawk & Merlin over North Staneyhill. Pied Flycatcher, 5 Goldcrest, 2 Chaffinch & Swallow at Gulberwick.
South Mainland: Little Bunting & Grey Wagtail at Toab. Red-backed Shrike near Spiggie Hotel and 2 Yellow-browed Warbler & Chiffchaff at Southerhouse. Slavonian Grebe at N end of Loch of Spiggie. Marsh Warbler, 2 Willow Warbler, 2 Garden Warbler, Blackcap, Robin & Goldcrest at Quendale. 6 Purple Sandpiper on Grutness Beach & Little Stint at the Pool of Virkie.
19th September 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Common Rosefinch, Goldcrest, Chiffchaff, Barred Warbler, Common Whitethroat, Whinchat, Garden Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat & Yellow-browed Warbler at Burrafirth Shorestation. Wryneck, 2 Barred Warbler, Wood Warbler, Little Bunting, Lesser Whitethroat, Blackcap & Willow Warbler along Burrafirth Burn. Peregrine, Wood Warbler & Willow Warbler at Skaw. Kestrel at Loch of Cliff. Blyth's Reed Warbler & Robin at Northdale. Colllared Dove at Quoys. Yellow-browed Warbler, Barred Warbler, Redstart, Tree Pipit, Merlin, Pied Flycatcher, Lesser Whitethroat, Willow Warbler, Garden Warbler & Arctic Warbler at Halligarth. Robin, Whinchat, Bluethroat, 2 Willow Warbler & Sparrowhawk at Holsen's Road. Redstart, Barred Warbler & Sand Martin at Baltasound. Barred Warbler, Garden Warbler, 3 Blackcap & Hawfinch at Leawart. 2 Common Rosefinch, 2 Yellow-browed Warbler, 2 Tree Pipit, Garden Warbler, Spotted Flycatcher, Willow Warbler, Sparrowhawk, Collared Dove & Moorhen at Valyie. Common Rosefinch at Kirkaton. Redstart, Spotted Flycatcher, Blackcap, Garden Warbler & Willow Warbler at Setter's Hill Estate. Little Egret & 6 Tufted Duck at Loch of Snarravoe.
Whalsay: Wryneck, Redstart, 2 Barred Warbler, 2 Pied Flycatcher, 3 Spotted Flycatcher, Garden Warbler, Common Rosefinch & American Golden Plover at Skaw. Yellow-browed Warbler at Symbister.
Out Skerries: Bluethroat on 18th.
Foula: Buff-breasted Sandpiper at South Ness & Little Bunting at Hametoun.
Bressay: Whinchat, Redstart, Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Blackcap, 2 Robin on island. 2 Goldcrest at Voehead and 2 at Bressay Lighthouse. Bar-tailed Godwit on Leira Voe.
Central Mainland: Magpie at Anderson High School. Garden Warbler & Willow Warbler at North Road, 2 Garden Warbler, 2 Willow Warbler, 2 Lesser Whitethroat & Barred Warbler at Clickimin and a Grey Wagtail at Helendale, Lerwick. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Mulla, Voe. 14 Collared Doves at Kalliness, Weisdale. cc 60 auks, mainly Razorbills in Scalloway Harbour.
West Mainland: Merlin at West Burrafirth.
South Mainland: Little Bunting briefly at Swinister Burn and Lesser Whitethroat, Yellow-browed Warbler & Swallow at Sandwick. Barred Warbler, Garden Warbler and Willow Warbler at Noness. Bluethroat,
Red-throated Pipit, Barred Warbler, Common Rosefinch and Marsh Warbler at Quendale.
Insect Sightings:
20 Silver Y at Bakkasetter. Also a Brick & 2 Rusty Dot Pearl at sugar there. Brick at Boddam.
18th September 2023
Bird Sightings:
Fall of migrants, particularly on east side, as winds became south easterly, .
Unst: Red-breasted Flycatcher & Common Crossbill at Valyie. Yellow-browed Warbler & 3 Goldcrest at Burrafirth. Wood Warbler & Willow Warbler at Halligarth. Blyth's Reed Warbler, 3 Blackcap, Redstart & 10 Redpolls at Northdale. Willow Warbler & Common Crossbill over Setter's Hill Estate. Common Rosefinch, Yellow-browed Warbler, Redstart, Lesser Whitethroat, Chiffchaff & Garden Warbler at Uyeasound. Slavonian Grebe in Uyeasound Bay & 6 Curlew Sandpiper over.
Yell: 2 Yellow-browed Warbler, Blyth's Reed Warbler, Barred Warbler, Blackcap, Garden Warbler, Wood Warbler & Willow Warbler at Gutcher.
Whalsay: American Golden Plover, Little Bunting, Common Rosefinch, Redstart, Garden Warbler, 2 Willow Warbler, 2 Blackcap, Barred Warbler, Pied Flycatcher, Spotted Flycatcher, Song Thrush, Dunnock & Great Spotted Woodpecker at Skaw.
Out Skerries: Spotted Flycatcher, Robin, Redstart, 3 Blackcap, 4 Goldcrest & Great Spotted Woodpecker.
Noss: Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler, Greenish Warbler, Barred Warbler, 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker, Pied Flycatcher, 6 Redstart, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, Common Whitethroat, Chaffinch, 10 Blackcap, 9 Goldcrest, 6 Garden Warbler, 6 Chiffchaff, 5 Willow Warbler, 23 Robin, 4 Dunnock, 2 Song Thrush, 6 Ruff & 6 Grey Heron on the island.
North Mainland: Buff-breasted Sandpiper at Eshaness Lighthouse & Great Spotted Woodpecker at Stenness.
Central Mainland: Magpie at Anderson High School/ Helendale, Yellow-browed Warbler & Lesser Whitethroat at the Burn of Sound, Lerwick. Lesser Whitethroat at Wester Quarff.
South Mainland: Yellow-browed Warbler at Sandwick. Wood Warbler, Willow Warbler, Spotted Flycatcher, Common Crossbill at Levenwick. Red-flanked Bluetail, 2 Garden Warbler, Yellow-browed Warbler, Blackcap & Pied Flycatcher at Sandlodge. 2 Lesser Whitethroat, Garden Warbler, Goldcrest & Robin at Noness. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Sumburgh Quarry. Common Crossbill at Sumburgh Head & 3 Sooty Shearwater passing offshore. .Common Rosefinch, 3 Blackcap & Redstart at Sumburgh Hotel. Pied Flycatcher, Garden Warbler & 2 Goldcrest at Dalsetter. Barred Warbler, Common Rosefinch & Yellow Wagtail at Quendale. Osprey over travelling south.
Cetacean Sightings:
Pod of Risso's Dolphin off Skaw, Whalsay.
17th September 2023
Bird Sightings: ​
Unst: Little Egret still at Snarravoe. Merlin at Skaw. Whinchat at Holsen Lane. Common Crossbill at Saxa Vord. 4 Barred Warbler, 4 Yellow-browed Warbler and a Hawfinch at Norwick. Yellow-browed Warbler and a Garden Warbler at Burrafirth. 2 Blackcap, Garden Warbler and 2 Redpoll at Northdale Pines. 2 Rosefinch, Yellow-browed Warbler, Barred warbler, Willow Warbler and Great Spotted Woodpecker at Valyie. Hawfinch at Leeward. 2 Kestrel at Noosthamar. 2 Red-throated Diver at Hamness. Slavonian Grebe and 4 Tufted Duck at Uyeasound.
Foula: Buff-breasted Sandpiper still there today.
Whalsay: Blackcap and American Golden Plover still at Skaw.
Central Mainland: Great Spotted Woodpecker and Robin at Sandgarth. Hen Harrier at Stromfirth.
South Mainland: Blyth's Reed Warbler at Bakkasetter.
Cetacean and Fish Sightings:
Reports of Minke and White-beaked Dolphin continue today in Mousa Sound.
Insect Sightings:
Setaceous Hebrew Character, Small Wainscot, Yellow Underwing and first Autumn Brindled Ochre reported overnight.
16th September 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Yellow-browed Warbler at Skaw. 2 Spotted Flycatcher, Pied Flycatcher, Blackcap, Lesser Whitethroat, 150 Golden Plover, 2 Ruff, Barred Warbler and Chiffchaff at Baltasound. Yellow-browed Warbler, 4 Rosefinch, Blackcap, Willow Warbler at Valyie. Slavonian Grebe, Knot, Pied Flycatcher and 2 Swallow at Uyeasound. 2 Pied Wagtail, Pied Flycatcher, Redstart, and Song Thrush at Halligarth. Great Spotted Woodpecker flew over Hillsgarth. Yellow-browed Wabler, 4+Rosefinch, Hawfinch, and Common Crossbill at Norwick. Red-backed Shrike at Muness. Yellow-browed Warbler, Garden Warbler and Pied Flycatcher at Burrafirth.
Foula: Buff-breasted Sandpiper and Yellow-browed Warbler.
Whalsay: American Golden Plover.
Central Mainland: Magpie still in Lerwick. Yellow-browed Warbler and Rosefinch at Burn of Sound. 30 Wood Pigeon, 3 Jackdaw, 5 Robin, 11 Goldcrest, 1 Willow Warbler, 1 Chiffchaff at Kergord.
West Mainland: 2 Yellow-browed Warbler at Dale of Walls.
South Mainland: Barred Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat and Kestrel at Grutness. Whinchat, Lesser Whitethroat and Little Stint at Boddam. Yellow-browed Wabler at Swinister. Swift and Yellow-browed Warbler at Quendale. Lesser Whitethroat at Noness. 12 Swallow at Sandwick and 15+ Swallow at Hoswick
Cetacean and Fish Sightings:
Lots more sightings throughout today of Minke Whale, Harbour Porpoise, Risso's Dolphin, White-beaked Dolphin and a Basking Shark in Mousa Sound and off Sumburgh Head. The day ended with a sighting of a pod of Orca moving North from Haroldswick to Holm Skaw off Unst.
15th September 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Barred Warbler Northdale pines. Pink-footed Geese, Great Spotted Woodpecker and 3-5 Rosefinch at Norwick. Rosefinch, Blackcap and Hawfinch at Leawart. 40 Snipe and 20 Great Skua at The Noup, Saxa Vord.
Garden Warbler and Wood Warbler at Valyie. Slavonian Grebe at Uyeasound.
Bressay: Willow Warbler.
Out Skerries: Little Bunting in iris beds.
Whalsay: 8 Ruff, 2 Knot and a Barred Warbler at Skaw Plantation. Lesser Whitethroat, Garden Warbler, Pied Flycatcher, Chaffinch at Vatshoull. Rosefinch at Marrister.
Central Mainland: Bittern sighted over Sellaness. Magpie still in Lerwick. Redpoll, Wryneck, Yellow-browed Warbler and Rosefinch at Burn of Sound. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Helendale. Greenland Northern Wheatear and 2 Willow Warbler at Njuggles Water Plantation. 2 Goldcrest at Weisdale. 2 Goosander at Scalloway and a Scaup at Loch of Tingwall.
South Mainland: 11 Common Tern, 7 Great Northern Diver, 1 Red-throated Diver, 5 Swallow, 22 Pink-footed Geese and a Black-throated Diver at Quendale Bay. Barred Warbler, Common Redstart, Lesser White-throat and 2 Common Tern at Grutness. Curlew Sandpiper, 120+ Knot and 5 Bar-tailed Godwit on Virkie. Little Stint and Wood Warbler at Boddam. Moorhen and 6 Pink-footed Geese at Loch of Gards. 4 Moorhen and 3 Ruff at Loch of Hillwell. Ruff at Sumburgh Farm.
Cetacean and Fish Sightings:
Lots more sightings today of Minke Whales in Mousa Sound, Dalsetter, Mail and North of Noss. 15+ Porpiose also reported.
14th September 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: 2 Rosefinch, Little Bunting, Barred Warbler, Whinchat, 2 Pied Flycatcher and Red-breasted Flycatcher at Norwick. Eastern Yellow Wagtail and Yellow Wagtail at Haroldswick. Bluethroat at Baliasta. Lesser Whitethroat at Skaw.
Yell: Arctic Warbler at Arisdale Burn.
Whalsay: American Golden Plover still at Skaw.
North Mainland: American Golden Plover and Grey Plover at Eshaness also 2 Snow Bunting.
West Mainland: Sparrowhawk, 2 Redstart and Goldcrest at West Burrafirth.
Central Mainland: Citrine Wagtail, at Seafield, Bluethroat near West Hall, Barred Warbler and Magpie at Clickimin, Lerwick. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Helendale.
South Mainland: Blackburnian Warbler, Red-breasted Flycatcher and Yellow-browed Warbler at Geosetter. at Pallid Harrier at Quendale and Spiggie. Red-backed Shrike also at Spiggie still. Blackcap, Yellow-browed Warbler and Long-tailed Duck at Grutness. Little Stint at Scatness. 24 Barnacle Geese at Noss Farm. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Sandwick.
13th September 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: 51 Sooty Shearwaters passing East Hill. Crossbill, Lesser Whitethroat, Tree Pipit and Barred Warbler reported at Norwick. Lesser Whitethroat and Great Spotted Woodpecker at Haroldswick. 2 Great Northern Diver in Muness Bay. 45 Sooty Shearwater seen off Ham Ness. Merlin and 5 Knot at Baltasound. Tufted Duck at Easter Loch. Lesser Whitethroat at Valyie. Up to 90 Greylag Geese at the Houb, Baltasound.
Central Mainland: Magpie and 2 Crossbill at Lerwick. Willow Warbler at West Burrafirth.
South Mainland: 53 Knot and 1 Ruff at Virkie. 2 Great Northern Diver at Quendale, 10 Grey Heron at Ness. 100 Meadow Pipit, 20 Skylark 70+ Curlew at Noness, Sandwick.
Cetacean and Fish Sightings:
Another good day of sightings, with reports of Minke, Risso's Dolphin and Porpoise seen from Unst to Mousa throughout the day.
Insect Sightings:
A poor night for moths with only Frosted Orange, Rosy Rustic and Chevron reported
11th September 2023
Bird Sightings:
Foula: Yellow Warbler still at Ham Yard
Unst: 550 Golden Plover at Muness, Lesser Black-backed Gull at Easter Loch, House Martin at Haroldswick, Little Egret still at Loch of Snarravoe. Blackcap at North Dale Pines. 6 Knot at Norwick, Lesser Whitethroat and Barred Warbler at Valyie pines.
Central Mainland: Common Whitethroat at Burra and 4 Crossbill at Voe. 45 Rooks at Stendaal.
West Mainland: White-tailed Eagle reported West of West Burrafirth. Robin at Dale of Walls. 130 Golden Plover, 2 Knot and 4 Ruff below Bixter cemetery.
South Mainland: 21 Pink-footed Geese over Sumburgh Head.
Cetacean and Fish Sightings:,
Another good day of Minke sightings, with a single Risso's Dolphin and Porpoise galore seen at Cradle Holm, Noness, Levenwick, Mousa, Sumburgh Head and Yell Sound.
Insect Sightings:
Pink-Barred Swallow, Sliver Y and Small Wainscot reported
12th September 2023
Bird Sightings:
Foula: Rosefinch and Barred Warbler at Ham Yard
Unst: Lapland Bunting, Swift reported at Skaw along with an estimate of 2500 Knot, Gannets and 1000 Fulmars passing per hour. A pair of Tufted Duck on Easter Loch, Barred Wabler, 2 Tree Pipit, 2 Lesser Whitethroat and 2 Goldcrest at Norwick.
South: Wryneck at Hillwell and Barred Warbler at Burn of Sound.
Cetacean and Fish Sightings: Lots of Minke sightings off Mousa.
Insect Sightings:
Frosted Orange and Dark Swordgrass reported overnight.
10th September 2023
Bird Sightings:
Foula: Yellow Warbler still at Ham Yard
Unst: Barred Warbler at Millfield, Norwick. Little Egret still at Loch of Snarravoe. Common Whitethroat at Burrafirth. 4 Crossbill flew over Uyeasound. Wood Warbler, Willow Warbler, 3 Chiffchaff at Halligarth.
Yell: 3 Ruff at South Ladie, West Sandwick.
Out Skerries: Lesser Whitethroat, 3 Willow Warbler, Barred Warbler, Merlin, Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2 Swift, Redstart, Common Rosefinch, Common Sandpiper and Swallow.
Central Mainland: 2 Willow Warbler and Chiffchaff at Veensgarth pumping station. Great Spotted Woodpecker, Crossbill, 4 Grey Heron and 5 Willow Warbler at Clickimin. Crossbill over Victoria Pier, Lerwick. Magpie over Law Lane.
South Mainland: Barred Warbler and 8 Redpoll at Ocraquoy. 21 Pink-footed Geese and 2 Gadwall at Spiggie. Swift, 120 Meadow Pipits, 12 White Wagtails and 10 Swallows heading south over Sumburgh Head. 30 White Wagtail at Grutness. It appears that local breeding birds are continuing to leave our islands to head south.
Cetacean and Fish Sightings:,
Another bumper day of Minke sightings with whales being seen at Dalsetter, Noness, Levenwick, Mousa, Muckle Skerry, Eshaness, Sumburgh Head, Noss and Haroldswick. 10 Risso's and 20 White-beaked dolphin off Haroldswick. Risso's also seen off Eshaness, Vin Taing at Noness and Mousa. White-beaked also at Skaw, Whalsay, and off Sumburgh Head.
Insect Sightings:
Hummingbird Hawkmoth on Foula, and at least 2 Convovulous Hawkmoth at Mulla, Voe. Mouse Moth at Scatness. Lobesia littoralis micro moth at Mid Yell.
9th September 2023
Bird Sightings:
Foula: Yellow Warbler still at Ham Yard.
Unst: Common Sandpiper at Burrafirth. Willow Warbler at Quoys quarry. Little Egret still on Loch of Snarravoe with Peregrine and Merlin also there.
Yell: White Wagtail at Mid Yell.
Central Mainland: Short-eared Owl at Girlsta. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Sound Brae.
West Mainland: Magpie remains at Sandness. Sand Martin at Effirth.
South Mainland: Redpoll at Cunningsburgh and St. Ninian's beach. Merlin and 41 Swallow at Hoswick Burn. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Ocraquoy.
Cetacean and Fish Sightings:,
Multiple sightings of Minke Whales continues with whales seen off Dalsetter, Mousa, Noness, Sandsayre. Risso's dolphin seen off Mousa, and Dalsetter,
Insect Sightings:
Further reports of Convolvulus Hawkmoth from Yell and Mulla, Voe. Frosted Orange moth caught in Fair Isle is only the second record for Shetland.
8th September 2023
Bird Sightings:
Foula: Yellow Warbler still at Ham Yard
Unst: Peregrine, Great Spotted Woodpecker, 3 Crossbill and Common Rosefinch at Norwick. Barred Warbler at Northdale. Lesser Whitethroat and Great Spotted Woodpecker at Valyie.
Out Skerries: 3 Barred Warbler, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, Redstart, Whinchat and possibly 2 Common Rosefinch.
Central Mainland: Teal/Wigeon hybrid at Loch of Benston, South Nesting. Garden Warbler and Redpoll at Clickimin.
South Mainland: Barred Warbler at Brakefield Road, Sandwick. Pallid Harrier seen heading south over Sumburgh Head. Common Rosefinch at Exnaboe and another at Grutness. . Citrine Wagtail and 7 Pink-footed Geese at Bakkasetter. Green Sandpiper, House Martin and Great Spotted Woodpecker at Culsetter.
Cetacean and Fish Sightings:,
Cetacean Sea Watch undertaken today. Results were incredible - from Mousa Sound: 2 Humpback, 15-20 Minkie Whale, 20 White-beaked and 20 Risso's dolphin and numerous Harbour Porpoise. 6 Risso's dolphin past Sumburgh Head. Harbour Porpoise multiple sightings from many locations.
7th September 2023
Bird Sightings:
Foula: Yellow Warbler still at Ham Yard, along with Barred Warbler, Common Rosefinch, Redpoll, and Willow Warbler. The Yellow Warbler is continuing to attract a small number of intrepid birders who are finding all kinds of ways to get to the island!
Unst: Great Spotted Woodpecker, 4 Common Crossbill at Norwick. Wood Warbler, Blackcap and 2 Willow Warbler at Shore Station. 2 Bar-tailed Godwit and 2 Knot Baltasound. Common Crossbill, Lesser Whitethroat, 4 Willow Warblers and Chiffchaff at Haroldswick.
Yell: Great Spotted Woodpecker at Burravoe. 4 Sanderling and Black-tailed Godwit at Galtigarth, Willow Warbler at Arisdale and Otterswick. Garden Warbler at Aywick.
Bressay: Whitethroat.
Central Mainland: 3 Crossbill at Longland, Lerwick. Merlin at Robins Brae. Wood Warbler, Magpie, Lesser Whitethroat, Crossbill, 3 Willow Warbler and 2 Siskin at Helendale, Lerwick.
South Mainland: Great Spotted Woodpecker at Fladdibister, and another at Swinister, along with 2 Lesser Whitethroat. Crossbill at Hoswick Burn. 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker at Hillwell. Little Bunting at Sumburgh Head, along with a Crossbill. Report from Good Shepherd with 4 Sooty Shearwater north of Sumburgh.
Cetacean and Fish Sightings:,
Pod of 6 Orca (females, youngsters) heading south, seen from boat crossing to Foula this afternoon. 2 dolphin seen breaching off Mossbank.
6th September 2023
Bird Sightings:
Foula: Yellow Warbler still present at Ham Yard, with Barred Warbler and 3 Common Rosefinch.
Unst: Lesser Whitethroat at Valyie.
Yell: 6 Knot, 9 Dunlin and Bar-tailed Godwit at Hamnavoe.
Noss: Barred Warbler on Noss.
Central Mainland: Barred Warbler at Burn of Sound.
South Mainland: 2 Sooty Shearwater south past Sumburgh Head. Harrier sp heading out to sea at Clumlie. 2 Barred Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat and 2 Willow Warbler at Quendale.
5th September 2023
Bird Sightings:
Foula: Yellow Warbler found at Ham on this island! Likely to attract birders from Shetland mainland and further afield!
Unst: Lesser Whitethroat at Maundeville, Uyeasound. 2 Barred Warbler and 6 Crossbill at Norwick.
Yell: Merlin at Gutcher. Redstart and Kestrel at Camb. 2 Lesser Redpoll at Otterswick, and 3 Bar-tailed Godwit at Galtigarth. Common Crossbill at Cullivoe.
North Mainland: Common Crossbill at Gluss.
Central Mainland: Wood Warbler, Magpie, Lesser Whitethroat, Crossbill, 3 Willow Warbler and 2 Siskin at Helendale, Lerwick.
South Mainland: Barred and Wood Warbler, and Sandwich Tern at Quendale. Over 800 Meadow Pipits flew south over Sumburgh Head this morning. Arctic Warbler at Exnaboe.
The Good Shepherd spotted 2 Sooty Shearwater, a Puffin, and a Cormorant on the return trip to Fair Isle. Another ship recorded Sooty Shearwater 3 miles east of Mousa (6) and 7 miles east of Noss (3).
Cetacean and Fish Sightings:,
Minke Whale sightings today include Fetlar (1), Levenwick (5), Dalsetter (1), Sumburgh Head (1)
4 Risso's dolphin 8 miles south of Sumburgh, and 6 at Mousa, and Levenwick, and 6 at Skaw, Whalsay. Possible Humpback south of Mousa. 8 White-beaked dolphin off Sumburgh Head, with another pod seen near to Bressay from sea (The Swan) and land.
Convolvulus Hawkmoth sightings continue with emergence of Shetland bred Red Admiral butterflies, and Silver Y moths also continuing.
4th September 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Common Rosefinch at Halligarth.
Yell: 2 Goosander at Gutcher.
West Mainland: Great Spotted Woodpecker and Magpie at Sandness.
South Mainland: Sea-watch off Fora Ness at Spiggie produced singles of Manx and Sooty Shearwater. Merlin flew north over Hillwell. Pallid Harrier at Noss, Spiggie.
Cetacean and Fish Sightings:
6 White-beaked dolphins offshore of Dalsetter, South Mainland.
Convolvulus Hawkmoth visiting flowers at Mulla, Voe.
3rd September 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Little Egret at Snaravoe. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Halligarth. Sparrowhawk at Burrafirth.
Whalsay: Swift at Skaw.
Foula: 4 Common Rosefinch.
Bressay: 29 Knot at Gunnista, Willow Warbler at the Lighthouse.
Central Mainland: Magpie still in Lerwick.
South Mainland: Pallid Harrier at Boddam. Short-eared Owl and Merlin at Brow Marsh.
2nd September 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Great Spotted Woodpecker at Halligarth.
Central Mainland: Yellow Wagtail over Sound.
South Mainland: Great Spotted Woodpecker at Geosetter and Bakkasetter. 19 Ruff, 1 Black-tailed Godwit at Hillwell. Wood Warbler, Garden Warbler, 4 Willow Warbler at Quendale. 20 Ruff, 10 Knot, 3 Shelduck at Virkie
Cetacean Sightings:
Minkes off Haroldswick (4), Levewick (1), Dalsetter (1). Humpback of Levenwick (2). White-beaked Dolphin off Troswick (10), Haroldswick (12). Rissos off Brei Wick (6). Basking Shark close in off Lunna Kirk.
1st September 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Barred Warbler at Easting Road. Red-backed Shrike at Valyie.
Yell: Ruff, 3 Knot and 6 Sanderling at Cullivoe.
Skerries: Rosefinch, Red-backed Shrike and Barred Warbler
Bressay: 2 Ruff at Mail.
North Mainland: 2 Crossbill, 2 Willow Warbler and a White Wagtail at Gluss.
West Mainland: Little Gull at Norby.
Central Mainland: Rose-coloured Starling still near Banna Minn car park.
South Mainland: Wood Warbler at Sumburgh Head,
Cetacean Sightings:
2 Minke around Mousa and a pod of Rissos Dolphins off Bressay.
31st August 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Barred Warbler and Grasshopper Warbler at Skaw. Wood Warbler at the School, Baltasound. Red-backed Shrike, Barred Warbler and 6 Crossbill at Norwick.
Whalsay: Lesser Whitethroat, Willow Warbler and Redstart at Skaw.
Central Mainland: Rose-coloured Starling still near Banna Minn car park. 2 Ruff at Weisdale Voe.
Cetacean Sightings:
Rissos Dolphins off Levenwick (8). Minke Whale at Eshaness.
30th August 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Barred Warbler and Grasshopper Warbler at Skaw.
Whalsay: Greenshank at Vatshoull Loch.
Bressay: 13 Ruff at South Road.
West Mainland: 8 Knot, 2 Ruff and 150 Golden Plover at Effirth Voe.
Central Mainland: Rose-coloured Starling still near Banna Minn car park. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Lower Voe.
South Mainland: Great Spotted Woodpecker at Spiggie. Garden Warbler and Lesser Whitethroat at Sandwick. Wryneck at Gulberwick. Sooty Shearwater past Mousa from the Northlink Ferry. Little Stint at Virkie.
At Sea: 3 Sooty Shearwater seen south of Sumburgh from the Good Sheppard.
Cetacean Sightings:
Minke off Levenwick (5), Mousa (2), Heliness (1), Dalsetter (1) and Sumburgh Head. Possible Humpback off Levenwick. Risso's Dolphin off Hascosay, Yell (30) and Olnafirth (2). White-beaked Dolphin off Hascosay Yell (10). White-sided Dolphin off Sumburgh (10)
Insect Sightings: Convolvulus Hawkmoth at Boddam.
29th August 2023
Bird Sightings:
Bressay: Whitethroat and 3 Ruff Bressay.
Central Mainland: Rose-coloured Starling still near Banna Minn car park. Greenish Warbler still at Burn of Sound. Magpie still Helendale. Common Whitethroat, Lerwick. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Sandgarth.
South Mainland: Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2 Grey wagtail at Hoswick. Barred Warbler still Sumburgh Quarry. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Hillwell.
Cetacean Sightings:
Minke off Levenwick (1), Mousa (1), Skaw, Whalsay (2), Colgrave Sound, Yell and Sumburgh Head. Harbour Porpoise in Mousa Sound (2), Colgrave Sound, Yell (2). Risso's Dolphin off Bressay (20), Colgrave Sound (4), Aywick (6). White-beaked Dolphin off Noss (30), Sumburgh (8)
28th August 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Red-backed Shrike & 2 Swift at Valyie. 2 Pied Flycatcherat Uyeasound. 2 Ruff at Ordaal
Skerries: Great Spotted Woodpecker.
Foula: Red-backed Shrike, Rosefinch, Whinchat, Crossbill and 3 Garden Warbler around Foula.
Mousa: Merlin
Central Mainland: Rose-coloured Starling near Banna Minn car park, Woodcock also in West Burra. Greenish Warbler still at Burn of Sound. Also Magpie in Clickimin area.
South Mainland: Redstart, Grey Wagtail, 22 Sanderling, 15 Knot at Quendale. Barred Warbler at Sumburgh quarry. Pink-footed Goose at Sandwick, also Wood Warbler at Swinister and Great Spotted Woodpecker at Hoswick. Spotted Flycatcher and Redstart at Maywick. Wood Warbler at Virkie.
Cetacean Sightings:
Minke off Mousa (1), Noss (1). Harbour Porpoise in Mousa Sound (6), Muness, Unst (6). Risso's Dolphin off Levenwick (8), East of Noss (10), off Sumburgh Head and Cullivoe, Yell (2). Basking Shark close in at Minn Beach.
27th August 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Red-backed Shrike & 2 Common Crossbill at Valyie. Wood Warbler & Pied Flycatcher at Baltasound
Yell: Common Rosefinch at Camb.
Noss: Icterine Warbler.
Mousa: Greenish Warbler.
Central Mainland: Rose-coloured Starling near Banna Minn car park. Greenish Warbler still at Burn of Sound. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Helendale. Green Sandpiper over South Nesting.
South Mainland: Great Spotted Woodpecker, Wood Warbler, Reed Warbler & Grey Wagtail at Quendale. Wood Sandpiper at Hillwell. 5 Ruff near Spiggie Hide. 22 Sanderling, 6 Willow Warbler & Spotted Flycatcher at Grutness. 12 Swallow & Willow Warbler at Sumburgh Hotel. Reed Warbler at Sumburgh quarry. 30 + Dunlin at Boddam.
Cetacean Sightings:
Minke off Levenwick, Mousa (4), Haroldswick (2), Muness & Sumburgh Head. Harbour Porpoise in Mousa Sound (2), off Jarlshof (2), & Westerskeld (3), Risso's Dolphin off Mousa, Bressay, Noup of Noss (2) & Skaw, Whalsay (6).
Insect Sightings:
Sallow at Boddam.
25th August 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Wryneck and 2 Common Crossbill at Shorestation. Barred Warbler at Daisy Park. Red-backed Shrike and Pied Flycatcher at Valvie. Great Spotted Woodpecker at the Booth.
North Mainland:
Foula: Red-backed Shrike, Barred and Icterine Warbler on the island.
Whalsay: Pink-footed Goose at Burns. Wryneck at Symbister, Icterine Warbler at Skaw, and Great Spotted Woodpecker at Saeter.
Fetlar: Red-backed Shrike at Feal Burn.
Out Skerries: Booted Warbler, 2 Barred Warbler, Wryneck, Red-backed Shrike and Great Spotted Woodpecker on the island.
Central Mainland: 3 Crossbill at Vidlin. 5 Grey Heron in off the sea at South Nesting. 3 Crossbill, Willow Warbler, 3 Garden Warbler and Pied Flycatcher at Frakkafield. 8 Whimbrel flew south over Lerwick. Red Grouse in Kantersted Road! Ruff at Clickimin, with 52 Oystercatcher. Pied Flycatcher at North Staney Hill plantation.
Mousa: Bar-tailed Godwit on the island.
South Mainland: Red-backed Shrike and Spotted Flycatcher at Grutness Garden. Short-eared Owl, Tree Pipit, Fieldfare, Barred and Greenish Warbler at Sumburgh Quarry. Kestrel, Garden Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat, Redstart and Pied Flycatcher at Sumburgh Head. 6 Crossbill at Sumburgh Farm. 2 Black-tailed Godwit, Bar-tailed Godwit and Whimbrel in field near Spiggie Loch Hide.
Cetacean and Fish Sightings:
2 Orca reported from the Hrossey between Sumburgh and Fair Isle.
Convolvulus Hawkmoth at Valyie, Norwick, Unst.
26th August 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Barred Warbler at Skaw. Red-backed Shrike & Common Whitethroat at Valyie.
Foula: Red-backed Shrike, Garden Warbler, Reed Bunting & 7 Willow Warbler.
Whalsay: Arctic Warbler at Brough. Icterine Warbler at Marrister.
Noss: Reed Warbler, 2 Garden Warbler, Pied Flycatcher, Common Redstart, 6 Willow Warbler, Tree Pipit & 6 Grey Heron.
West Mainland: 6 Redpoll & 3 Common Crossbill in East Burrafirth plantation. 3 Common Crossbill at Sandness. 2 Goosander Brig of Twatt. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Bixter. Greenish Warbler, 4 Pied Flycatcher, Lesser Whitethroat, Tree Pipit & Common Sandpiper at Burn of Sound, Lerwick. Also Magpie in Clickimin area, Common Sandpiper at Victoria Pier and 20 Knot at Sandy Loch.
Central Mainland: Merlin at Gott & 3 Swallow at Veensgarth. Wood Warbler, Pied Flycatcher & 2 Common Crossbill at Lower Voe. Rose-coloured Starling near Banna Minn car park. Red-backed Shrike, 4 Pied Flycatcher, 4 Willow Warbler & Barred Warbler at Wester Quarff.
South Mainland: Lesser Whitethroat, Garden Warbler, Whinchat & 3 Common Crossbill at Swinister Burn/Hoswick. Grasshopper Warbler at Channerwick. 20+ Swallow at Levenwick & Red-backed Shrike at Levenwick campsite. 5 Knot at Boddam Voe. Red-backed Shrike & Merlin at Grutness. Wryneck at Ellister Burn. Red-backed Shrike at Toab. Common Rosefinch at Hillwell. Green Sandpiper at Bakkasetter. Pied Flycatcher at Geosetter & Williamsetter. Wood Warbler at Hestingot. 3 Common Crossbill at St Ninians. Black-throated Diver at Bay of Quendale. 3 Pied Flycatcher, Garden Warbler & 2 Willow Warbler at Sumburgh Head. Barred Warbler at Sumburgh quarry.
Cetacean Sightings:
50+ White-beaked Dolphin off Sumburgh Head. 20 Risso's Dolphin off Sumburgh Head moving north to Mousa Sound. Minke off Dalsetter, Mousa & 2 off Sumburgh Head. Risso's Dolphin off Bressay. 12 Harbour Porpoise in Quendale Bay, 3 off Lundawick, Unst & small pod off Burravoe. Also pod of Dolphin sp off Burravoe. 4 + Orca 1.5 m SE of Sumburgh Head.
Insect Sightings:
Red Wasp at Mulla, Voe. Angleshades at Cunningsburgh. >30 Pink-barred Sallow in garden in South Nesting.
23rd August 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Greenish Warbler at Norwick. Great Spotted Woodpecker, Golden Oriole, Spotted Flycatcher, Garden Warbler, Sedge Warbler, 8 Willow Warbler & Blyth's Reed Warbler at Halligarth. 9 Knot at Easter Loch. Ruff at Baltasound. 5 Swift over Sotland.
Yell: 46 Knot at Cullivoe.
Whalsay: 27 Swift over Skaw.
Out Skerries: Great Spotted Woodpecker & Swift.
Bressay: Willow Warbler at Voehead. 4 Swallow at Cullingsbrough.
North Mainland: 3 Swift at Gluss. 6 Manx Shearwater & 2 Sooty Shearwater past Eshaness.
Central Mainland: Spotted Flycatcher, 4+ Crossbill, Merlin & 11 Swallow at Clickimin. Great Spotted Woodpecker, 3 Pied Flycatcher, 4 Willow Warbler, Garden Warbler & 27 Rook at Frakkafield. Magpie at Helendale. Green Sandpiper & Red-backed Shrike at South Nesting.
South Mainland: Reed Warbler at Ocraquoy. Pied Flycatcher & 17 Swallow at Swinister Burn. Great Spotted Woodpecker & Common Rosefinch at Quendale. Little Stint on Quendale Beach. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Toab. Wood Warbler & Pied Flycatcher at Dalsetter. Short-eared Owl at Bakkasetter.
Cetacean Sightings: Pod of White-sided Dolphin off Haroldswick.
Mammal Sightings: Soprano Pipistrelle on Fair Isle.
Insect Sightings: Dog's Tooth at Boddam.
24th August 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Wryneck at Shore Station. Swifts east of Setters Quarry (2), at Quoys turn (3), Clingera (3), Dam Loch (10), and Hermaness (3). Barred Warbler at Northdale Pines. Red-backed Shrike, Pied Flycatcher, and Whitethroat at Valvie. Bar-tailed Godwit at Baltasound and 2 Knot at Westing.
Yell: Great Spotted Woodpecker at Hillend. Spotted Flycatcher at Windhouse. Pied Flycatcher, Crossbill and 2 Merllin at Camb. Pied Flycatcher at Gutcher.
North Mainland: 11 Swift and House Martin at Eshaness. 2 Bar-tailed Godwit at Stenness.
Foula: Icterine Warbler at Ham.
Bressay: Willow Warbler at Voehead.
Mousa: Pied Flycatcher.
Central Mainland: Crossbill, Whitethroat, 2 Garden and 3 Willow Warbler, and 2 Pied Flycatcher at Frakkafield. Crossbill, Whitethroat, 2 Pied Flycatcher, 2 Garden and 3 Willow Warbler at Frakkafield.
South Mainland: Sparrowhawk, Pied Flycatcher and Willow Warbler at Hoswick. Interesting male Crossbill spp seen at Maywick. Greenish and Barred Warbler plus 4 Common Crossbill at Sumburgh Head, 2 at Quarry, and 1 at Grutness Garden.
Cetacean and Fish Sightings:
12 dolphins seen off Lunning, Voe.
Dogs Tooth moth at Wiltrow, Boddam. Convulvulous Hawkmoth and Epinotia caprana (2nd record) on Foula.
22nd August 2023
Bird Sightings:
Notable passage of Common Swift reported from various locations.
Norwick (15 + 45), Cullivoe (27), Skaw, Whalsay (27), Fetlar (3), Sandwick/Hoswick (16), Veensgarth (4), Mousa (4) & Bixter (2).
Unst: Greenish Warbler, Wood Warbler, Barred Warbler, Common Crossbill & 2 Red-backed Shrike at Norwick.
Great Spotted Woodpecker, Golden Oriole & 2 Lesser Whitethroat at Halligarth. Green Sandpiper, 9 Knot & Black-tailed Godwit at Baltasound..
Yell: 2 Pied Flycatcher at Gutcher.
Fetlar: Greenish Warbler at Glebe. On island - 16 Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Common Redstart, 2 Reed Warbler, Garden Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat, Tree Pipit, 2 Whinchat & 5 Pied Flycatcher.
Whalsay: Icterine Warbler at Grunitaing & Great Spotted Woodpecker at Symbister.
Foula: Barred Warbler at Ham.
Bressay: Willow Warbler at Voehead.
Central Mainland: Crossbill, Common Redstart, 2 Wood Warbler & 4 Pied Flycatcher at Lower Voe. Great Sotted Woodpecker & Common Crossbill at Kergord. Wood Warbler, Pied Flycatcher & Common Crossbill at Helendale, Lerwick.
South Mainland: 6 Common Crossbill at Ocraquoy. Garden Warbler, Willow Warbler & Pied Flycatcher at Swinister Burn. 3 Whinchat, 2 Pied Flycatcher, Spotted Flycatcher, Common Whitethroat, 3 Common Crossbill & several Willow Warbler at Hoswick. 2 Pied Flycatcher & 2 Willow Warbler at Levenwick campsite. Barred Warbler at Scatness. Wryneck & 43 Ruff at Bakkasetter. Red-backed Shrike at Scousburgh & Common Redstart at Sumburgh Head. Sooty Shearwater & Manx Shearwater from Good Shepherd.
Cetacean Sightings: 6 Dolphin sp (poss White-beaked) off Dalsetter. 6 Common Dolphin off South Nesting.
Insect Sightings: Lime Speck Pug recorded on Fair Isle. Least Yellow Underwing & 2 Nutmeg at Boddam. 14Spot Ladybird from Tresta, Fetlar.
21st August 2023
Bird Sightings:
Continued easterly influx of common, scarce and very scarce migrants continued, but fewer, with Willow Warbler most frequent.
Unst: Blyth's Reed Warbler, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Wryneck, Spotted Flycatcher, Pied Flycatcher, Wryneck, > 6 Garden Warbler & Lesser Whitethroat at Halligarth with a Golden Oriole in nearby garden. Greenish Warbler
at Valyie. Wood Warbler, Red-backed Shrike & Barred Warbler at Norwick. Grasshopper Warbler at Easting.
Fetlar: Mistle Thrush at Glebe, 3 Whinchat, 2 Tree Pipit & 2 Garden Warbler at Feal.
Foula: 3 Wood Warbler, 3 Pied Flycatcher, 2 Whinchat, 2 Common Crossbill, Reed Bunting, 2 Green Sandpiper, Garden Warbler & Barred Warbler.
Whalsay: Icterine Warbler & 2 Swift at Skaw. Icterine Warbler at Lubba.
North Mainland: Cuckoo at Gluss.
Central Mainland: Kestrel at Muckle Roe. Wryneck at Frakkafield. Magpie near Lerwick Marina.
West Mainland: Pied Flycatcher at Dale of Walls. Ruff, 2 Sanderling & 2 Knot, Melby.
South Mainland: 2 Garden Warbler & 4 Whinchat, Swinister Burn. Icterine Warbler, Spotted Flycatcher & Garden Warbler at Hoswick. Wood Warbler at Levenwick. Greenish Warbler, Common Redstart, Whitethroat, Swift & Sparrowhawk at Sumburgh Head. Wryneck at Bakkasetter.
Cetacean Sightings: 6 Dolphin sp off Dalsetter. Minke off, Haroldswick, Gutcher, Vementry & Noness. 8 White-beaked Dolphin off Haroldswick. 2 Harbour Porpoise in Yell Sound.
Insect Sightings: Bedstraw Hawkmoth, Convolvulus Hawkmoth & Lesser Yellow Underwing at Boddam. 2 Sallow at Whiteness. First Shetland record of Tachystola acroxantha at Law Lane, Lerwick. Double Dart & Dog's Tooth at Voehead, Bressay.
20th August 2023
Bird Sightings:
Bumper day of scarce and common migrants although still spread mostly along the east coast. Willow Warblers and Pied Flycatcher by far the most numerous and found in all areas posting sightings today.
Unst: Arctic Warbler at Burrafirth burn. Lesser Whitethroat at Ordaal. Icterine and Garden Warbler at Maundeville. Wryneck at Skaw. 2 Wryneck, 6 Garden Warbler,14 Knot, 4 Ruff, and Spotted Flycatcher at Trolla Water. Garden Warbler at Easting Road, 2 Garden Warbler at Burrafirth Bridge. 3 Barred Warbler, Wryneck and Red-backed Shrike at Norwick. Icterine Warbler at Houlland and Clingera, Crossbill at Hunterswood, Redstart at Baliasta. Red-backed Shrike and Barred Warbler at Kirkaton. Red-backed Shrike at Valyie. Blyth's Reed Warbler at Halligarth.
Yell: Great Spotted Woodpecker at Windhouse. Another at Hillend, along with 2 Wryneck, 2 Wood Warbler, 3 Crossbill, Whitethroat and Merlin. Garden Warbler and 2 Merlin at Camb. Garden warbler at Gutcher and Cullivoe. 4 Redpoll spp. and Icterine Warbler at Otterswick, with Wood Warbler also there. 21 Knot and 6 Sanderling at Brough Bay, Cullivoe. Short-eared Owl and Merlin at Sand Water. Reports of large raptor at Sellafirth.
North Mainland: Crossbill on track to Fethaland. Whinchat at Gluss.
Foula: Common Rosefinch, Red-backed Shrike, Whinchat, Common and Green Sandpiper, Crossbill, 2 Garden Warbler on the island.
Whalsay: Wryneck at Isbister Plantation. Icterine Warbler at Grunitaing, and 2 at Skaw. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Hamister.
Out Skerries: Greenshank, Green Sandpiper, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Wryneck, Kestrel, Red-backed Shrike, 3 Swift, Grasshopper Warbler, 5 Reed Warbler, Whitethroat, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Icterine Warbler, 3 Garden Warbler, 3 Spotted Flycatcher, 3 Whinchat, Redstart, Flava Wagtail, Tree Pipit and Crossbill.
Bressay: Garden Warbler at Voehead.
Noss: 2 Red-backed Shrike, Icterine Warbler, 3 Redstart, 3 Whinchat, 2 Spotted Flycatcher, Garden Warbler, Swift and 2 Ruff on the island.
Central Mainland: Greenshank at head of Weisdale Voe. Red-backed Shrike and Redstart at Eswick, and Red-breasted Flycatcher and Lesser Whitethroat along the road. Barred Warbler, Whinchat and flock of Siskin over South Nesting School. 8 Crossbill at Skellister shop plantation. Great Spotted Woodpecker over Hillhead, Lerwick. Clickimin area held Wood Warbler, 2 Crossbill, 2 Siskin, Grey Wagtail, Whimbrel and Sparrowhawk. Barred Warbler, and 3 Garden Warbler at Wester Quarff.
Mousa: Knot on the island.
South Mainland: Hudsonian Godwit continues to favour airport near to Bristow's Hangers. Spotted Flycatcher at Cunningsburgh, and one at Hoswick burn. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Swinister burn. Wryneck at Levenwick campsite. Red-backed Shrike at NW Spiggie. Greenish Warbler and Barred Warbler, plus Spotted Flycatcher, Garden Warbler and Lesser Whitethroat at Dalsetter. Wryneck at Quendale near the quarry, with Turtle Dove and Sparrowhawk also in area. Barred Warbler, 3 Reed and 2 Garden Warbler, Spotted Flycatcher and Black-tailed Godwit near Brake. Green Sandpiper at Ellister roadside pools. Sandwich Tern at St Ninian's. Greenish Warbler at Sumburgh Head along with Redstart, Tree Pipit, Garden and Sedge Warbler. Whitethroat and Garden Warbler at Sumburgh quarry. Whinchat, Tree pipit at Sumburgh Farm. Icterine Warbler at Exnaboe, and another at Noness, Sandwick. Whitethroat, Whinchat, Tree Pipit, Garden Warbler and 20 Swallow at Scatness. Kestrel and Garden Warbler at Geosetter. Spotted Flycatcher at Williamsetter burn.
19th August 2023
Bird Sightings:
Strong Easterlies coupled with rain ensured a good spread of migrants today along the east coast.
Unst: Icterine Warbler and Red-backed Shrike at Norwick. Pied Flycatcher at Northdale. Willow Warbler at Uyeasound. Icterine Warbler and Great Spotted Woodpecker at Halligarth.
Yell: Willow Warblers at Cullivoe.
North Mainland: Crossbill on track to Fethaland. Whinchat at Gluss.
Whalsay: Reed Warbler, Redstart, Cuckoo and Lesser Whitethroat at Skaw, and Spotted Flycatcher at Lubba plantation.
Bressay: Willow Warbler at Voehead.
Noss: Red-backed Shrike, Wood Warbler, Garden Warbler, 2 Willow Warbler, Whinchat, Redstart and Spotted Flycatcher.
Central Mainland: Red-backed Shrike, Whitethroat, 2 Pied Flycatcher, Redstart, 4 Willow Warbler and Chiffchaff at Eswick, South Nesting. Magpie near Morrisons on King Harald Street, Lerwick. Magpie at Toogs, Burra.
Foula: Wood Warbler, 2 Crossbill, Green Sandpiper, 2 White Wagtail, 5 Willow Warbler and 2 Chiffchaff.
South Mainland: Great Spotted Woodpecker at Swinister Burn, Sandwick. 2 Pied and 1 Spotted Flycatcher at Geosetter. Red-backed Shrike at Channerwick. 2 Black-tailed Godwit and 10 Ruff at Spiggie. 5 Swift, 4 Sand Martin, 2 Ruff and Wood Sandpiper at Dalsetter. Hudsonian Godwit continues to favour airport near to Bristow's Hangers. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Exnaboe and Toab. Wood Sandpiper and Green Sandpiper at Grutness Pool. Redstart, Garden Warbler, Pied Flycatcher and Whinchat at Sumburgh Quarry. Willow Warbler at Sumburgh Head. Greenish Warbler in Rosa, Sumburgh Head.
Mammal and Fish Sightings:
Basking Shark in Dales Voe today.
Multiple records of Pink-barred Sallow moth today confirming colonisation of Shetland in the last 3-4years.
18th August 2023
Bird Sightings:
Strengthening easterlies today has brought in the first influx of migrants! And so it begins...
Unst: Barred Warbler at Leawart, Norwick and 4 Knot at Houb. Pied Flycatcher and 3 Common Crossbill at Halligarth.
Yell: Wood Warbler at Hillend, Mid Yell. Knot at West Yell. 7 Knot and 6 Sanderling at Papil beach, Cullivoe.
Whalsay: Icterine Warbler at Grunitaing. Barred Warbler, Wood Warbler, Willow Warbler, Pied Flycatcher, Lesser Whitethroat and Whinchat at Skaw.
Central Mainland: Magpie around North Staney Hill plantation. 3 Willow Warbler at Clickimin, and 4 Sanderling at Ness of Sound.
South Mainland: 2 Black-tailed Godwit at Spiggie. 11 Knot at Quendale Beach, Willow Warbler at Quendale quarry. Hudsonian Godwit continues to favour airport near to Bristow's Hangers. Pied Flycatcher and Garden Warbler in Sumburgh Head Rosa bushes. Lesser White-throat at Sumburgh Hotel.
Mammal and Fish Sightings:
Basking Shark at mouth of Vidlin Voe, and another in Boddam Voe. 6 White-beaked Dolphin seen off Baltasound heading south, later seen off Haroldswick.
2 Convolvulus Hawkmoths feeding on Honeysuckle last night in Foula, and island's first Pink-barred Sallow moth. Great Brocade moth at Baltasound.
17th August 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: 5 Knot at Easter Loch.
Yell: Bar-tailed Godwit, 2 Knot, and 3 Sanderling at Papil beach, Cullivoe. Glaucous Gull at Mid Yell. Fieldfare at Hillend, Mid Yell.
South Mainland: 8 Common Swift at Sumburgh Head. 38 Ruff and Turtle Dove at Hillwell. Green Sandpiper at Bakkasetter. Hudsonian Godwit continues to favour airport near to Bristow's Hangers.
Mammal and Fish Sightings:
3 Common Dolphin off Out Skerries. Basking Shark at Gutcher, Yell. Group of Risso's Dolphin off Mousa, with Basking Shark also present. 2 Minke Whale off Foula.
Great Brocade moth trapped in Mid Yell is new species for the island. Peacock butterfly was seen at North Dale, Unst and is first record since 2020. Epinotia caprana and Dotted Clay moths were both trapped in Foula, and are new species for the island, with Convolvulus Hawkmoth seen too. Flame Carpet moth trapped in Sandwick is only the second in Shetland along with Scarce Silver Y.
16th August 2023
Bird Sightings:
Foula: juvenile Turtle Dove, Red-backed Shrike, 2 Swift, Short-eared Owl, Pied Flycatcher, Willow Warbler, Green Sandpiper and Redwing on the island.
Central Mainland: Greenshank at Loch of Benston. Magpie still St Olaf Street, Lerwick. Large raptor seen above Dale Golf Course. Leaches Storm Petrel offshore from Gletness, South Nesting.
South Mainland: Grey Wagtail at Hoswick burn. 8 Common Swift over Sumburgh Lighthouse. 3 Lesser Redpoll at Hillwell. Hudsonian Godwit continues to favour airport near to Bristow's Hangers.
Mammal and Fish Sightings:
3 Risso's Dolphin seen off Boddam. Minke Whale close to shore off Compass Head, another at Dalsetter, and one off Breiwick, Eshaness. Also, Minke off Levenwick, and one at Heoganess, Burravoe, Yell. Basking Shark reported in Mousa Sound.
Manchester Treble-bar moth in South Nesting.
15th August 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: 13 Ruff and approx. 500 Golden Plover at Clivocast. Barnacle Goose at Ordaal. Little Egret now at Snaravoe.
Foula: Pied Flycatcher, Red-backed Shrike, Garden Warbler, 2 Common Swift and Turtle Dove present on the island.
Central Mainland: Ruff near Fire Station in Tingwall valley. Ness of Sound, Lerwick 2 Sanderling, 40 Ringed Plover, and 5 Great Norther Diver.
South Mainland: 2 Spotted Redshank, and 27 Ringed Plover on Hoswick Beach. 2 Green Sandpiper near to Bigton. Hudsonian Godwit continues to favour airport near to Bristow's Hangers.
Mammal Sightings:
Basking Shark reported off Grutness Harbour, and Mousa Sound today. Minke Whale report from Colsay, Yell and from Sumburgh Head.
14th August 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: 13 Ruff and approx. 500 Golden Plover at Clivocast. Barnacle Goose at Ordaal. Little Egret now at Snaravoe.
Foula: 2 Red-backed Shrike, Green Sandpiper, and Common Sandpiper on the island.
North Mainland: 191 Greylag Geese at Gluss. Breeding groups of Greylag Geese are now starting to join up together to form flocks.
Central Mainland: 100 Greylag Geese at Brae. Grey Wagtail at Lerwick Harbour. Juvenile Willow Warbler at Njugals Water plantation, Brig O'Fitch.
West Mainland: 3 Chiffchaff at Hoganess, Burrastow.
South Mainland: Quail singing at Hillwell. Hudsonian Godwit continues to favour airport near to Bristow's Hangers. 28 Swallow at Sumburgh Farm, and 50+ at Boddam.
Mammal Sightings:
Basking Shark reported off Ness O'Brough, Fetlar. Minke Whale report from Sumburgh Head. Harbour porpoise sightings from across Shetland today.
13th August
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Lesser Whitethroat and Garden Warbler at Norwick. Willow Warbler at Burrafirth and Haroldswick.
Foula: 2 Red-Backed Shrike at Ham. 3 Willow Warbler, Short-eared Owl, and Common Sandpiper also on island.
Noss: Storm Petrel sighted from boat, between North end of Noss and Score Point Bressay.
Skerries: Short-eared Owl, 5 Swallow and Willow Warbler reported.
Whalsay: Ruff at North Loch, Skaw.
Central Mainland Green Sandpiper at Petra Dale. Spotted Redshank at Clickimin Loch, Lerwick.
South Mainland: Hudsonian Godwit still at Pool of Virkie along with a Little Stint.
Insect Sightings: A few moths reported overnight including, Ingrained Clay, Rosy Rustic, Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing.
Cetacean: Minke Whale reported halfway across to Skerries and off Sumburgh head.
12th August
Bird Sightings:
Foula: Red-backed Shrike at Ham.
Central Mainland: Magpie at NW end of Clickimin Loch, Lerwick with a Green Sandpiper. 4 Great Northern Divers sighted on Voe Sound.
South Mainland: Hudsonian Godwit still at Pool of Virkie along with a Little Stint. A Quail was reported singing at Hillwell
Insect Sightings: A few moths reported overnight including, Convolvulus Hawkmoth, Antler, Eana Penziana, S Ambigulis, Twin-spotted carpet, and Zeiraphera griseana.
Cetacean: Yesterdays Orca sighting off Scarvister, on the West Mainland, was confirmed as 65's pod.
11th August
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Eagle species reported yesterday afternoon at Burrafirth and Pink-footed Goose opposite Ordaal today.
Central Mainland: Magpie still by Museum in Lerwick. 5 Goldeneye at Tingwall Loch.
South Mainland: Hudsonian Godwit still at Pool of Virkie. A Manx Shearwater reported moving south off Sumburgh Head.
Insect Sightings: A few moths reported overnight including, Rustic, Acleris Effractana, Garden Carpet, Dark Marble Carpet and Whiteline Dart.
Cetacean: 3 Risso's Dolphin seen heading South off Dalsetter. A Minke Whale were seen off Sumburgh head moving North and Orca were also seen off Scarvister heading towards Westerwick this afternoon.
10th August
Bird Sightings:
Foula: Red-backed Shrike, Willow Warbler, 2 Common Sandpiper seen at Ham.
Central Mainland: Magpie at Lerwick.
South Mainland: Hudsonian Godwit still at Pool of Virkie.
Insect Sightings: Cream-streaked Ladybird reported at Sumburgh head. The larvae of the fly Phytomyza Angelicae was reported making leaf mines.
Cetacean: Minke Whale were seen off Sumburgh head and the Knab today. Orca were also seen off Meal Beach, Burra heading West this afternoon.
9th August
Bird Sightings:
South Mainland: Hudsonian Godwit still at Pool of Virkie. Juvenile Red-necked Phalarope at Grutness.
Insect Sightings: Nothing reported overnight.
8th August
Bird Sightings:
Due to a change in weather and increase in winds, little has been reported.
Unst: Kestrel at Burrafirth.
South Mainland: Hudsonian Godwit still at Pool of Virkie.
Insect Sightings: Very low numbers of moths in traps reported overnight.
7th August
Bird Sightings:
Foula: Red-backed Shrike at Ham.
South Mainland: Hudsonian Godwit still at Pool of Virkie.
Insect Sightings: Common Rustic, Rosy Rustic, July Highflier, Square spot, Red Carpet, Eana Osseana, Dotted Clay and Dark Arches reported overnight.
Cetacean Sightings: 4+ Risso Dolphin photographed East of Sandness. 2 of which have been identified in the Risso Catalogue.
6th August
Bird Sightings:
Unst: 6 Sooty Shearwater off Hermaness.
Yell: Manx Shearwater off Gloup.
West Mainland: Magpie still at Sandness.
Central Mainland: Magpie in area around Museum & St Olaf Street, Lerwick
South Mainland: Hudsonian Godwit still at Grutness Beach for 8th day. Little Stint & 2 Merlin at Virkie. Ruff at The Wart Sandwick (17), Quendale (4) & Virkie (3). 2 Sanderling at Grutness Beach & 19 Swallow at Noss.
Insect Sightings: 2 Hummingbird Hawkmoths at Northmavine.
Cetacean Sightings: Approx 50 White-beaked Dolphin off Hermaness. 15 -20 Risso's Dolphin near North Havra.
5th August
Bird Sightings:
Yell: Little Egret at Sandwater.
North Mainland: Short-eared Owl at Ronas Hill.
Central Mainland: Black-throated Diver at Banna Minn. 2 Merlin near Dury Voe.
South Mainland: Hudsonian Godwit at Grutness Beach. 26 Ruff at Setter, Spiggie. Quail still singing at Quendale & in Hillwell area.
Insect Sightings:
Common Blue Damselflies in Nesting. Dotted Clay moth at Voehead, Bressay.
Cetacean Sightings: Minke off Levenwick, Papa Stour, Mousa & Skaw, Wahlsay (2). Humpback off Levenwick. Harbour Porpoise off Burravoe, Yell (4), Muness, Unst (2/3) & off Papa Stour.
4th August
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Greenshank near Ungirsta.
Foula: Common Rosefinch, Garden Warbler & Red-backed Shrike.
Bressay: Sparrowhawk at Voehead.
Central Mainland: Black-throated Diver at Banna Minn. 2 Crossbill over Law Lane & Willow Warbler near Anderson High School, Lerwick.
South Mainland: Hudsonian Godwit still in Grutness Beach/ Sumburgh Airport area.
Insect Sightings:
Deceased Death's Head Hawkmoth found in Port Arthur, Scalloway. Twenty Plume moth at Nesting & a Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing at Voehead, Bressay.
3rd August
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Little Egret & Green Sandpiper at Haroldswick Pool. Greenshank at Lund. 2 Green Sandpiper at Skaw and Sooty Shearwater off Skaw. 2 Sooty Shearwater, 52 Storm Petrel & 3 Blue phase Fulmar off Hermaness.
North Mainland: Little Egret reported at Eshaness.
South Mainland: Hudsonian Godwit still in Grutness Beach area. Yellow Wagtail at the Pool of Virkie. 18 Ruff at Setter & 6 at Spiggie. 2 Merlin Sanick/Noness.
Insect Sightings:
Approximately 150 Willow Ermine along Swinister Burn. Eudonia lineola at Bakkasetter.
2nd August
Bird Sightings:
Unst: 10 Ruff at Gerratown & 2 at Baltasound. Swallow & Sand Martin at Haroldswick.
Yell: Little Egret at Gutcher.
Central Mainland: 6 Whimbrel over Law Lane.
South Mainland: Hudsonian Godwit still in Grutness area for 4th day. Redpoll sp over Dalsetter.
Cetaceans Sightings:
Minke off Muness, Unst and Sumburgh Head. Pod of Orca off Helliness & Scatness. Report of Orcas in Firths Voe. 4 Dolphin sp off the Knab, Lerwick.
Insect Sightings:
Scarce Silver Y, Fair Isle. Triangle Plume at Sandwick.
1st August
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Little Egret at Dam Loch. 3 Ruff at Baltasound.
Foula: Greenshank.
West Mainland: Magpie still at Sandness. Ruff at Effirth Voe.
Central Mainland: Magpie in Lerwick. 3 Crossbill sp over Law Lane.
South Mainland: Hudsonian Godwit at Grutness for 3rd day. 3 Shoveler at Grutness Pool.
Cetacean Sightings:
cc 20 Harbour Porpoise east of Sumburgh Head. Also 1 at Bluemull Sound and 2 through Noss Sound. Minke off Fladdabister & Skaw, Whalsay.
Insect Sightings:
3 Manchester Treble Bar moths, Foula.
31th July 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Little Egret at Burrafirth. 2 Cuckoo at Norwick. 2 Green Sandpiper over Haroldswick. Fieldfare at Gerratown.
South Mainland: Hudsonian Godwit at Grutness for 2nd day. 9 Ruff at Spiggie.
Insect Sightings:
27s pod made their way down the East coast of Unst.
30th July 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Little Egret on Burrafirth Beach, also a Northern (Blue) Fulmar. Cuckoo and Black Redstart at Norwick. Cuckoo at Halligarth.
Yell: Short-eared Owl Gutcher
Whalsay: Melodious Warbler at Skaw
Central Mainland: Owl species at Brig of Fitch, Grey Heron at Girlsta
South Mainland: Hudsonian Godwit at Grutness, 1st record for Shetland, 5th for Britain. Honey Buzzard Grutness. Crossbill at Cunningsburgh
Insect Sightings:
Cream-streaked Ladybird at Sandwick, 1st record for Shetland. Convulvuous Hawkmoth Foula.
29th July 2023
Bird Sightings:
Central Mainland: Owl species at Brig of Fitch, Grey Heron at Girlsta
South Mainland: 7 Ruff at Pool of Virkie, Greenshank at Dalsetter and Scatness.
Mammal Sightings:
27s pod spent the afternoon hunting off the West side of Mainland, from Tresta, past Skeld and round towards Dale/Sandness.
28th July 2023
Bird Sightings:
Yell: 6 Bar-tailed Godwit at Hamnavoe
North Mainland: Sparrowhawk at Gluss
Central Mainland: 19 Goosander at Weisdale Voe
Insect sightings:
A Light Arches was trapped in Sandwick, South Mainland. The 1st record for Shetland.
27th July 2023
Bird Sightings:
Nothing to report.
Mammal Sightings:
Minke Whale South of Bressay and another North pas Hermaness.
26th July 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Siskin Baltasound
Whalsay: Ruff at Skaw
Bressay: Sparrowhawk Voehead
Central Mainland: 7 Crossbill Lerwick
South Mainland: Ruff at Pool of Virkie
Mammal Sightings:
65s pod was spotted coming through between Lerwick and Bressay before continuing North all the way to Yell Sound and up the West coast of Yell.
25th July 2023
Bird Sightings:
Yell: Cuckoo at Cullivoe.
South Mainland: Cuckoo Mossy Hill, Scousburgh
Mammal Sightings:
Minke Whale South of Noss
24th July 2023
Bird Sightings:
Yell: Ruff at Loch of Littlestart and 2 Bar-tailed Godwit at Hamnavoe
23th July 2023
Bird Sightings:
Yell: Glaucous Gull at Mid Yell.
Mammal Sightings:
65's pod were first sighted at Collafirth, Delting before heading around the islands in Yell Sound. Dolphin species seen from Skerries ferry east of Lunna today. Single small dolphin was seen from Good Shepherd approx. 5 miles south of Sumburgh.
Insect Sightings:
Small Rivulet was seen feeding on Fuschia flowers, at Stendaal, South Nesting (3rd record for Shetland).
22nd July 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Cuckoo in garden at Norwick.
North Mainland: 3 Crossbill at Gluss.
Central Mainland: 2 Common Crossbill at Loch of Voe.
South Mainland: Quail singing at Sumburgh Farm, and 2 heard from Sumburgh Hotel Carpark.
Mammal Sightings:
Minke Whale seen at Dalsetter, and another east of Noss. 2 bull Orca spotted from Sumburgh Head lower carpark before heading around the point moving northwest.
Insect Sightings:
Hummingbird Hawkmoth at Compass Head. Nutmeg trapped at Bakkasetter. 3 Manchester Treble-bars at Skaw, Whalsay.
21st July 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Kestrel at Setter's quarry.
North Mainland: 71 Curlew and 126 Oystercatcher gathered at Gluss.
Central Mainland: 2 Common Crossbill at Loch of Voe. Black-throated Diver still at south side of Bannaminn Beach, Papil.
South Mainland: Cuckoo north end of Spiggie. 2 juvenile Shelduck at Grutness. 2 summer plumaged Knot at Pool of Virkie.
Mammal Sightings:
Minke Whale was spotted 2km NE of Fladdabister. 7 Risso's Dolphin seen from Skerries Ferry. Harbour Porpoise were reported at Skerries, Muness, Noss and Burravoe, Yell today.
20th July 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Glaucous Gull near galley shed in Uyeasound.
Mammal Sightings:
New calf for the 65's pod of Orca was announced today! A pod of 4+ Orca was reported from West Yell in the evening heading south.
Insect Sightings:
Migrant Willow Erimine moths are still being reported today.
19th July 2023
Bird Sightings:
No sightings of note today.
Mammal Sightings:
Pod of Orca first seen in Dury Voe, before heading into Vidlin Voe. Eventually they tracked west and then north, last being reported across the entrance to Sullom Voe heading north.
18th July 2023
Bird Sightings:
Yell: Juvenile Cuckoo reported from Hillend and Burravoe.
West Mainland: Magpie is still at Sandness.
Central Mainland: Rose-coloured Starling still at Norget House, Dale. Cuckoo in a garden in Catfirth, South Nesting. Crossbill sp, flew over Lerwick Harbour.
Mammal Sightings:
65's Pod of Orca first seen off the Knab in Lerwick heading into the harbour, before heading northwards, only to return into the harbour later! After a while, they headed north again, being last seen out past Eswick.
17th July 2023
Bird Sightings:
Out Skerries: Cuckoo on the island.
South Mainland: Common Crossbill at Sandwick.
Mammal Sightings:
3 Northern Bottlenose Whales visible today from Lunna Kirk, Vidlin. Minke Whale seen from Skaw, Whalsay.
16th July 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: 3 Sanderling at Skaw. Carrion Crow at Baltasound and Chiffchaff fledged at Haligarth.
Cetacean Sightings: 15 White-sided Dolphins reported off Rover Head, Lerwick. 3 Northern Bottlenose Whales last seen today at 1246hrs. 1 Minke Whale was seen heading North between Westwick and Culswick this afternoon.
Lepidoptera Sightings: A better night for moths with reports of the following; Willow Ermine, Notocelia cynosbattella, Twin Spot, Dioryetria sp, Exile, Dimond back, Snout, Mother of Pearl and Lychnis.
15th July 2023
Bird Sightings:
Central Mainland: Rose-coloured Starling at Norget house, just South of Sandgarth, Dale.
South Mainland: Green Sandpiper at Dalsetter.
Cetacean Sightings: 3 Northern Bottlenose Whales reported today off East end of Yell Sound.
Lepidoptera Sightings: Quite night for moths with reports of the following; Hummingbird Hawkmoth, Willow Ermine, Common Rustic, Smoky Wainscott, Pinion-Streaked Snout and White-line Dart.
14th July 2023
Bird Sightings:
Central Mainland: Rose-Coloured Starling still present at Norget house just South of Sandgarth, Dale. Cuckoo at North Loch Drive Lerwick.
Cetacean Sightings: 2 Bull Orca reported heading South at Muckle Skerry. 2 Minke Whale reported off Skaw. 3 Orca seen from Islander aircraft 12 km north of Fair Isle.
Lepidoptera Sightings: Hummingbird Hawkmoth, Scoria ambigualis and 3 Bactra furfurals micro moths reported at Foula.
13th July 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Collard Dove reported moving West through Uyeasound.
North Mainland: Common Crossbill at Sternness.
Cetacean Sightings: The 2 Bull Orcas, known as Hulk and Nott delighted folk around Unst today. 7-8 Long Finned Pilot Whales were reported off Lunna Ness tonight moving North. Another small pod of Porpoises were reported off Burravoe, Yell moving South.
Insect Sightings: 5 Pammene gallicana at Ham Foula.
12th July 2023
Bird Sightings:
Foula: 6 Crossbill at Southness.
Mousa: report of a Cuckoo.
Central Mainland: Crossbill at Stromfirth.
Cetacean Sightings: Reports of 27's pod of Orca off Quarff, moving south began at 7am and continued all day. With the Pod moving around Sumburgh Head and into Quendale at 6pm. 2 Bull Orcas, known as Hulk and Nott were also seen this afternoon in the Sullom Voe and Yell sound area.
Lepidoptera Sightings: Heart and Dart moth, and Chrysoteuchia culmella were reported from Bakkasetter last night.
11th July 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Bar-tailed Godwit at Ordeal.
Outer Skerries: Black redstart reported.
North Mainland: Cuckoo sighted at Gluss.
South Mainland: Iceland Gull and Common Redpoll at Rerwick. Red Knot, Sandwich Tern and Bar-tailed Godwit at Pool of Virkie. Cuckoo at Clumlie and Hillwell.
Central Mainland: Rose-Coloured Starling reported in the Dale, at Norget House, just South of Sandgarth.
Lepidoptera Sightings: Report of the first Pyrausta despicata on Foula along with Eucasma Cara last night. Today a day flying Chrysoteuchia Culmella was also reported. Other reports overnight were of Dioryctria abiietella and Epiblema Foenellla.
10th July 2023
Bird Sightings:
Yell: 2 Goosander at Gutcher pier.
West Mainland: Quail calling between Redayre and Reawick.
Cetacean Sightings: A good day for Orca in Yell sound. 100+ White-sided Dolphins reported off Noss too.
Insect Sightings: A good night for moths overall. Reports of Silver Y, True Lovers Knot, Northern Rustic, Dark sword, Bright Line, Brown Eye, Snout, Wood Tiger West, Hummingbird Hawkmoth to name but a few. Reports of Common Blue Damselflies at Sand Water and Orca Voe on Unst.
9th July 2023
Bird Sightings:
Central Mainland: Common Crossbill at Law Lane, Lerwick.
South Mainland: Quail calling and 2 Linnet at Sumburgh Farm & . 12 Common Swift & 2 Tree Sparrow at Sumburgh Head. 2 Knot at Grutness. Sedge Warbler singing at Hillwell.
Insect Sightings: Convolvulus Hawkmoth in Foula. Hummingbird Hawkmoth at Lerwick, Rerwick, Mavis Grind,
Out Skerries (2) and Foula (2). Gold Spot & Small Rivulet (2nd Shetland record) at South Nesting. Nettle Tap moth at West Burrafirth.
8th July 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Glaucous Gull at Easter Loch.
North Mainland: Honey Buzzard at Glussdale Water & a Redwing at Gluss.
Central Mainland: Kestrel at Petta Water.
West Mainland: Magpie still at Sandness & 3 Common Swifts. Common Redpoll singing at Michaelswood, Aith.
South Mainland: Pacific Swift briefly over the Pool of Virkie. Sedge Warbler & Hen Harrier at Hillwell. Common Swift at Fleck & Quail calling. 2 Sandwich Terns at Virkie.
Cetacean Sightings: Pod of dolphin species off Burravoe,Yell.
Insect Sightings: Willow Ermine moths at Scatness, Lerwick, Noss NNR, South Nesting Foula (3). Moths Pammene gallicana & Phaulernis fulviguttella on Foula. Convolvulus Hawkmoth at Sumburgh Head.
Common Blue Damselflies (4) at Loch of Benston, South Nesting.
7th July 2023
Bird Sightings
Foula:- Common Crossbill
Central Mainland: Black-throated Diver at Banna Minn, Burra. Common Crossbill at Helendale, Lerwick
South Mainland: Singing Quail near Sumburgh Farm. Sandwich Tern at Grutness & West Voe. 3 Common Crossbills at Sumburgh Head.
6th July 2023
Bird Sightings:
Central Mainland: Iceland Gull at Sandy Loch & Common Sandpiper at Clickimin Loch with 2 Whimbrel flying over, Lerwick.
South Mainland: Quail calling near Sumburgh Farm. 4 + Common Crossbills at Leebitton. Common Crossbill at Bakkasetter.
Mammal Sightings: Minke Whale off N end of St Magnus Bay, Hillswick. Pod of approx. 20 Harbour Porpoise off Burravoe, Yell.
Fish Sightings:
Basking Shark below Braewick Cafe.
5th July 2023
Bird Sightings:
Yell: Quail singing at North Sandwick.
Central Mainland: Singing Marsh Warbler & 2 Willow Warblers, and Common Redpoll at Clickimin, Lerwick.
South Mainland: Quail singing near Quendale. Pacific Swift seen at Boddam Voe early morning. Common Crossbills at Sumburgh Head (4) and at Compass Head (7).
4th July 2023
Bird Sightings:
Central Mainland: 2 Willow Warblers at Clickimin, Lerwick.
West Mainland: Glaucous Gull at Huxter Loch, Sandness
South Mainland: 5 Common Crossbills & a Common Redpoll over Brakefield Road, Sandwick. Quail singing near Quendale. Pacific Swift over Dunrossness area from Hillwell to Boddam. Broad-billed Sandpiper at Boddam Voe.
Insect Sightings:
Bright-line Brown-eye moth trapped at Bakkasetter.
3rd July 2023
Bird Sightings:
Central Mainland: 8+ Common Crossbills at Hillhead, Lerwick.
South Mainland: Hen Harrier flying towards Hillwell. Glaucous Gull at Dalsetter.
Insect Sightings:
Hummingbird Hawkmoth at Uyeasound. Micro-moths Scoparia ambigualis and Crambus lathioniellus on moorland in Yell.
2nd July 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Dead Common Crossbill at Haroldswick.
North Mainland: 5 Crossbill at Gluss.
Central Mainland: Iceland Gull at rugby pitch at Clickimin, and Cuckoo at Helendale, Lerwick.
West Mainland: 2 Common Crossbill at Michealswood, Aith.
South Mainland: Honey Buzzard seen over Swinister Burn, and a second different bird was over Clumlie. Glaucous Gull and Broad-billed Sandpiper at Pool of Virkie. Common Crossbill at Boddam. 3 Common Crossbill over Bakkasetter. 3 Common Crossbill at Compass Head. Brief visit from a Pacific Swift, and 3 Common Swift at Sumburgh Head. 2 Crossbill at Rerwick.
Cetacean sightings:
20+ White-beaked Dolphin south off Noss.
1st July 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Common Quail singing at Baliasta Cemetery.
South Mainland: 3 Crossbill over Swinister Burn.
30th June 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Kestrel at Nikavord.
Central Mainland: Cuckoo at Kergord. Black-throated Diver off south side of Bannaminn Beach.
29th June 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Osprey flew east of North Side, pier area.
Yell: Singing Blackcap at Hillend.
North Mainland: 47 Black-tailed Godwit on West Loch, Stenness before flying south.
Central Mainland: Reed Warbler still at Peerie Oversund Park, Lerwick. Osprey over Lerwick flower park heading toward the harbour.
South Mainland: House Martin at Sumburgh Head. 3 Quail singing at Ringasta, east and south of Hillwell.
Mammal Sightings:
Minke Whale seen off Skaw, Whalsay.
28th June 2023
Bird Sightings:
Whalsay: Swift at Skaw.
Central Mainland: Osprey at Sand Water, Lang Kames. Icterine Warbler singing at Burn of Sound, Lerwick.
South Mainland: 3 Sandwich Tern, Black-tailed Godwit and 8 Bar-tailed Godwit at Virkie.
Mammal Sightings:
Minke Whale seen off Skaw, Whalsay.
27th June 2023
Bird Sightings:
Whalsay: Quail at Loch of Houllsquey, Isbister.
Central Mainland: Reed Warbler singing at Peerie Oversund Park, Sound. Icterine Warbler singing again at North Loch Drive, Lerwick.
West Mainland: Manx Shearwater seen 1 mile off Walls from Foula mailboat.
South Mainland: Singing Marsh Warbler at Swinister Burn. Honey Buzzard flew over Boddam heading north.
Mammal Sightings:
Minke Whale sightings reported from Levenwick, and Noss from Northlink Ferry. Also at least 3 off Lamb Heogo, Fetlar.
26th June 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Singing Marsh Warbler at Kirkaton, and Singing Lesser Whitethroat at Valyie.
Yell: Willow Warbler singing in West Yell.
North Mainland: White-tailed Eagle at Collafirth Hill.
Central Mainland: 3 Sandwich Tern at Laxfirth. Sparrowhawk at Mulla, Voe.
South Mainland: Quail at Ringasta and another at Hillwell.
Insect Sightings:
Pediasia aridella micro moth trapped at Bakkasetter, South Mainland, 2nd record for Shetland.
25th June 2023
Bird Sightings:
North Mainland: Kestrel at Gluss.
South Mainland: Honey Buzzard at Bakkasetter. Marsh Warbler at Hoswick Burn. Marsh Warbler at Geosetter. 2 Marsh Warbler at Rerwick.
Mammal Sightings:
2 male Orca (Hulk and Nott) seen off Sumburgh Head before heading up the east side of Shetland and moving further out to sea. Single male Orca seen later in evening at Sandsayre heading south to Levenwick.
24th June 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Singing Marsh Warbler at Kirkaton, Norwick.
Yell: Singing Willow Warbler in West Yell.
Central Mainland: Osprey over Asta Loch, Tingwall.
South Mainland: Singing Marsh Warbler at Williamsetter Burn, Bigton. Honey Buzzard north over Bakkasetter. Nightjar at Geosetter. Quail at Hillwell. Marsh Warbler at Rerwick. Common Rosefinch in Scousburgh.
Mammal Sightings:
Single male Orca seen from Skerries ferry. 2 male Orca south through Yell Sound from ferry. Minke Whale off the Drongs, Braewick.
23rd June 2023
Bird Sightings:
Out Skerries: Tree Pipit and Whinchat on the island.
Fetlar: Manx Shearwater seen from Fetlar ferry.
Central Mainland: Singing Blyth's Reed Warbler in a garden at Firth, Mossbank. Osprey at Sand Water, Lang Kames. Cuckoo and Redwing at Kergord. Woodcock at North Nesting. ​
Mammal Sightings:
Minke Whale south of Lerwick harbour. 64's pod of 5 Orca seen in Bluemull Sound at 11:28 and continued to head south past Fetlar and east coast of Yell, eventually coming through Lerwick harbour from the north at 21:57, before being seen last off Bressay.
22nd June 2023
Bird Sightings:
Noss: 8 Canada Geese on the island today. Honey Buzzard south over the island.
Foula: Marsh Warbler at Burns.
Central Mainland: Cuckoo in garden in North Road, Lerwick. Quail at South Nesting.
20th June 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: 2 Honey Buzzard seen roaming around the North of the isle.
Fetlar: Brent Goose at Loch of Funzie.
Foula: Blyth's Reed Warbler at Ham.
Central Mainland: Icterine Warbler still at Lerwick, also Cuckoo. Osprey still at Sandwater.
South Mainland: Marsh Warbler still singing Sandwick,
Cetacean Sightings:
Minke Whale, Hams of Roe. 5 Orca seen between Fetlar and Yell, then seen travelling South through Yell sound. 2 Bull Orca off Whalsay headed South, likely Hulk and Nott. Also Minke Whale off Whalsay.
Invertebrate Sightings:
Phiaris schulziana at Nesting. 62 Red Admirals in small area of Ground Elder in Levenwick, part of an excellent spring for this migrant butterfly. Painted Lady at Kergord. Wood Tiger at Loch of Gonfirth. Eucosma cana at South Netsing.
21st June 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Sandwich Tern off Haroldswick. Honey Buzzard close to Last Checkout, Baltasound.
Foula: Golden Oriole and Blyth's Reed Warbler at Ham.
Central Mainland: Osprey still at Sand Water, Lang Kames. Kestrel at South Nesting.
19th June 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: 2 Siskins at Ordall.
Foula: Blyth's Reed Warbler at Ham.
Central Mainland: Icterine Warbler still at Lerwick. Osprey still at Sandwater
South Mainland: Spotted Flycatcher and 2 Black-tailed Godwit at Spiggie. Marsh Warbler still singing Sandwick, also Pied Flycatcher Swinister Burn.
Cetacean Sightings:
6-8 Orca off Skaw, Whalsay, which headed towards Out Skerries. Orca aslo reported off Eshaness but no further details
Invertebrate Sightings:
Herina frondescentiae (Picture-winged Fly) at Nibon. Setaceous Hebrew Character in Unst is the 4th June Record in 30+ years of trapping. 5 Dark Brocade and a Dusky Brocade at Ronas Voe. Possible Small Clouded Brindle caught in Bressay, 1st for Shetland if confirmed. Previous claim with photo from 2006.
18th June 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Iceland Gull at Burrafirth and Haroldswick.
Out Skerries: Subalpine Warber and Nightjar, Spotted flycatcher.
Foula: Blyth's Reed Warbler at Broadfit.
Central Mainland: Icterine Warbler still at Lerwick along with a Cuckoo. Icterine Warbler also reported at Busta House, Brae. Osprey still at Sandwater and Quail at South Nesting.
South Mainland: Quail reported at Bakkasetter and Exnaboe.
Cetacean Sightings:
Today began with pod 27's Ocas reported of Sanday in Orkney. Several reports of Minkie Whale and Risso's Dolphin with a Basking Shark off Hermaness.
Invertebrate Sightings:
The first for the year of Eudonia angustea, Garden Carpet, Map Wing Swift and Hebrew Carpet were reported.
17th June 2023
Bird Sightings:
Central Mainland: Icterine Warbler still at Lerwick.
West Mainland: Black-throated Diver at Bamamin Beach, West Burra.
South Mainland: Marsh Warbler at Sandwick. 2 Tufted ducks and a Mute swan at Quendale bay.
Cetacean Sightings:
Today began with pod 27's Ocas reported of Sumburgh head moving towards Quendale Bay. Followed by Risso's Dolphin off Hamnavoe.
Invertebrate Sightings:
The first Ghost moth, Dark Brocade and Dusky Brocade of the year were reported.
16th June 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Marsh warbler still at Haroldswick.
Foula: White-tailed Eagle and Blyth's Reed Warbler.
Bressay: Long-eared Owl at Gorie.
Out Skerries: Black Redstart.
North Mainland: Nightjar at Ronas Hill.
Central Mainland: Icterine Warbler still at Lerwick. Black-throated Diver at Wester Burra. Osprey at Sandwater. 3 Goldeneye at Tingwall. 2 Quail and Cuckoo still at Kergord.
West Mainland: Black-throated Diver at Bamamin Beach
South Mainland: Marsh Warbler, Garden Warbler, Chiffchaff and Redpoll at Hoswick. Quail still at Ringasta.
Cetacean Sightings:
Risso's Dolphin continue to be reported today around Sumburgh Head up to Mousa and at Quendale heading West.
Invertebrate Sightings:
Hummingbird Hawkmoth at Foula and a first Ingrailed Clay at Baltasound.
15th June 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Marsh warbler at Haroldswick, Iceland Gull at Burrafirth. Osprey still at Dam Loch, Uyeasound. Quail at Buness House.
Bressay: Long-tailed Duck
Yell: Swallow at Cullivoe.
North Mainland: Garden Warbler at Hillswick.
Central Mainland: Icterine Warbler at Lerwick. Hobby at Wester Quarf.
West Mainland: Black-throated Diver at Bamamin Beach
South Mainland: Woodchat Strike still at Bigton. Hobby and 2 Common Swift at Sumburgh Head. Marsh Warbler, Spotted Flycatcher, Chiffchaff, 4 Linnet at William Setter. Marsh Wabler at Hillwell. Red-backedShrike at Bakkasetter. Osprey at Levenwick. 25+Great Skua and 30 Tufted Ducks at Loch Spiggie. Quail at Ringasta. Whinchat at Cullsetter.
Cetacean Sightings:
Minke Whale and Risso's Dolphin continue to be seen today around Shetland .
Invertebrate Sightings:
A quite night for moth's, Large White and Red Admiral continue to be reported.
14th June 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Lesser Whitethroat and Chiffchaff at Halligarth. Osprey seen at Uyeasound. Quail at Westing.
Out Skerries: Rosefinch
Yell: Swallow at Cullivoe.
North Mainland: 14 Wood pigeon at Tingon. Whinchat at Noness.
Central Mainland: Ring Ouzel and Red-Back Shrike at Lerwick. Red-backed Shrike at Stromfirth. Marsh Harrier at Dale golf course. Blyth's Reed Warbler at Scatsta. Osprey at Sandwater Loch.
South Mainland: Woodchat Strike at Bigton. Hobby at Sumburgh Head.
Cetacean Sightings:
Minke Whale and Risso Porpoise continue to be seen today around Shetland .
Invertebrate Sightings:
A quite night for moth's, however a scarce immigrant Dioryctria abietella for Foula.
13th June 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Osprey seen at Uyeasound. 2 Quail at Baltasound.
Whalsay: Marsh Warbler at Grunitaing.
Central Mainland: Turtle Dove at Girlsta. 20 Goosander at Weisdale. Kestrel at Stromfirth. Crossbill and Cuckoo at Kergord.
South Mainland: Blyth's Reed Warbler and Woodchat Strike at Bigton. Red Backed Shrike at Boddam. Red-breasted Flycatcher at Hillwell. Quail at Virkie.
Cetacean Sightings:
Minke Whale and Risso Porpoise continue to be seen today around Shetland .
Invertebrate Sightings:
First Xamthandrus comtus Hoverfly for Foula. More butterflies and Hoverflies reported today. Plenty of Moth activity reported overnight.
12th June 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: European Bee-eater at Haroldswick. Marsh Warbler at Hostel Garden. Osprey and Little Stint at Westing. Spotted Flycatcher, Lesser Whitethroat, Chiffchaff, 2 x Willow Warbler at Halligarth. Spotted Flycatcher, Garden Warbler and Blackcap at Norwick. Quail at Baltasound. Marsh Warbler at Northdale.
Fetlar: Rosefinch at Gord.
Foula: Garden and Icterine Warbler at Ham. Red-backed Shrike at North.
Bressay: Western Subalpine Warbler at Gorie.
North Mainland: Marsh Harrier at Fethaland yesterday 11th Jun 23.
Central Mainland: 3 Swift at Loch of Strom.
South Mainland: Marsh Warbler at Quendale. Woodchat Shrike at Bigton. 10 Sanderling, 4 Swallow at Grutness.
Cetacean Sightings:
More Minke Whale and Porpoise seen today .
Invertebrate Sightings:
More Large White, Red Admiral, Peacock butterflies and Hoverflies reported today. Unst, Yell and Mainland report and increase in Moth activity.
11th June 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Common Rosefinch at Haroldswick. Common Crossbill & Repoll sp at Uyeasound.
Out Skerries: Nightjar, Wryneck, Pied Flycatcher & 2 Chiffchaff.
Bressay: Honey Buzzard over Gorie.
North Mainland: Marsh Warbler at Swinning. House Martin & Swallow at Eshaness.
Central Mainland: Cuckoo, Quail & Golden Oriole at Kergord. Spotted Flycatchers at Lunna and Vidlin.
South Mainland: Marsh Warbler at Quendale. Whinchat at Grutness Pool. Quails calling Maywick Road & Hillwell/Ringasta.
Cetacean Sightings:
2-3 Orca reported off Brough, Fetlar.
Invertebrate Sightings:
60 Silver Y on Out Skerries & a Red Admiral. Report from 10th of 2 Large White & 4 Red Admiral at Busta House and 3 Red Admiral at South Nesting Bay. 3rd record of Yellow Spot Tortrix (Pseudargyrotoza conwagna) at Busta House. 50+ Cocksfoot Moths at Bakkasetter. Migrant hoverflies, Eupeodes corollae, Scaeva pyrastri, Scaeva selenitica, Sericomyia lappona, Parasyrphus punctualata and Episyrphus balteatus reported.
9th June 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Quail calling at Halligarth. Lesser Whitethroat & Marsh Warbler also at Halligarth. Osprey over Burrafirth and Common Rosefinch singing at Norwick.
Yell: Pintail & Goosander at Gutcher.
Fetlar: Common Rosefinch at Tresta.
Whalsay: 5 Barnacle Geese at Vatshoull & 2 Bar-tailed Godwit at Skaw.
Out Skerries: White-billed Diver, Swift, Greenish Warbler & Black Redstart.
Foula: Blyth's Reed Warbler at Ham.
Noss: Blyth's Reed Warbler..
Central Mainland: Black-throated Diver S of Banna Minn, Burra. Quail calling near Kergord.
West Mainland: European Bee-eater reported from Sandness.
South Mainland: Eastern Olivaceous Warbler still at Quendale. Spotted Flycatcher, Willow Warbler & 2 Sedge Warblers at Swinister, Sandwick. Gadwall & 4 Black-tailed Godwits at Setter Marsh, Spiggie. Lesser Whitethroat at Sumburgh Head.
Cetacean Sightings:
Minke Whales in Aith Voe, off Skaw, Whalsay, Muckle Roe, Hillswick Ness & Lambhoga Head, Fetlar. Porpoises off Mail Beach, Cunningsburgh, & Lambhoga Head. Risso' Dolphins off Eshaness (6) and the Bard, Bressay (6).
Invertebrate Sightings: Crambus lathoniellus on grassland, Out Skerries and Cocksfoot Moths reported from Bakkasetter, South Mainland, Lerwick and Bressay.
10th June 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Common Rosefinch & 2 Shelduck at Haroldswick. Kestrel, Cuckoo & Blackcap at Norwick. Pied Flycacher at Northdale & Spotted Flycatcher at Burrafirth. Osprey at Uyeasound. White-billed Diver off Haroldswick.
Yell: Merlin at Gutcher.
Out Skerries: Nightjar
Foula: Blue-cheeked Bee-eater & Blyth's Reed Warbler at Ham.
Noss: Blyth's Reed Warbler..
Central Mainland: Kestrel at Girlsta. Quail calling at Kergord. Wryneck in plantation in East Burra. Please only view from track and do not enter or walk round the plantation. Spotted Flycatcher & Common Whitethroat at Frakkafield.
West Mainland: Linnet at Sandness & Osprey at Aith Voe.
South Mainland: Broad-billed Sandpiper briefly at Levenwick marshes. View only from the road at South Punds and do not enter the area below the road.
Blyth's Reed Warbler near Crofthouse Museum. Please do not enter gardens in area. Tree Pipit at Levenwick beach & Quail calling Ireland/Maywick Road.
Cetacean Sightings:
Pod of Harbour Porpoise off Meal Beach, Burra. Report of 2 bull killer whales N of Lerwick.
Invertebrate Sightings:
Codling Moth on Out Skerries.
8th June 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Quail calling near Buness & Common Sandpiper at Haroldswick.
North Mainland: Long-tailed Duck at Hillswick.
Central Mainland: Cuckoo & 3 Blackcap at Kergord & 7 Goosander at Weisdale Voe. Black-throated Diver off Banna Minn, Burra.
South Mainland: Eastern Olivaceous Warbler at Quendale. Calling Quail at Hillwell/Ringasta & Wood Sandpiper. Wood Sandpiper at Levenwick.
Cetacean Sightings:
Minke Whales off Whalsay & Dale of Walls. 3-4 Porpoise off Tangwick. Report of probable Humpback off Fetlar.
7th June 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Cuckoo at Norwick, Kestrel at Northdale & Quail calling N of Ordaal.
Central Mainland: Cuckoo at Kergord. Tundra Bean Goose at the Ness of Sound, Lerwick.
West Mainland: Ortolan Bunting reported from Papa Stour.
South Mainland: Broad-billed Sandpiper at Levenwick marshes. View only from the road at South Punds and do not enter the area below the road.
Eastern Olivaceous Warbler & calling Quail at Quendale. Curlew Sandpipers at Virkie & Scatness. Pale-bellied Brent Goose on loch at Scatness. Spotted Flycatcher at Hoswick & Osprey over Channerwick. Red-backed Shrike still at Boddam.
Cetacean Sightings:
Minke Whales reported off Levenwick, Dalsetter, Mousa & Papa Stour (3).
Invertebrate Sightings: Sandy Carpet at Law Lane, 2nd Shetland record.
6th June 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Short-eared Owl at Northdale.
Central Mainland: Red-rumped Swallow at Lunna. Wryneck in East Burra.
South Mainland: Broad-billed Sandpiper at Levenwick marshes. View only from the road at South Punds and do not enter the area below the road.
Marsh Warbler at Hoswick. Linnet at Spiggie. 6 Bar-tailed Godwit and Red-backed Shrike at Boddam.
Cetacean Sightings:
Minke Whales reported off Sumburgh Head, Skaw, Whalsay, Fladdabister & Vementry. Risso's Dolphin reported north of Mousa , off Fladdabister (8+) & off Brough Lodge, Fetlar (6). Harbour Porpoise north of Noss (3), off North Sandwick (6), off Mousa (1) and between Sumburgh and Fair Isle (6).
5th June 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Flock of around 120 Great Black-backed Gulls at Loch of Belmont. 2 Goosander at Dam Loch.
Fetlar: Red-breasted Flycatcher at Funzie.
Out Skerries: Spotted Flycatcher.
West Mainland: 2 Greater Canada Geese & Magpie at Melby.
Central Mainland: White-tailed Eagle over North Swinning, North Nesting and Cunningsburgh. Sandwich Tern at Lerwick Harbour.
South Mainland: Broad-billed Sandpiper at Levenwick marshes. View only from the road at South Punds and do not enter the area below the road.
Marsh Warbler at Levenwick. Curlew Sandpiper & 2 Little Stints at Pool of Virkie & Hobby over Virkie.
Cetacean Sightings:
Minke Whales reported from Sumburgh Head, Whalsay & South Nesting (2). Risso's Dolphin reported off Sumburgh Head (2), Colgrave Sound (> 6) and off Troswick (6). Pod of > 20 White-beaked Dolphins in Colgrave Sound. Harbour Porpoise off Noss (3), Mousa (7) and South Nesting Bay (1).
Invertebrate Sightings:
Common Heath and Satyr Pug in West Mainland hills.. Red Admiral at Michaelswood. Large White at Michaelswood (2) and Voe (1).
4th June 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Marsh Warbler singng at Halligarth.
Fetlar: Red-backed Shrike at Aithsness.
Central Mainland: Spotted Flycatcher & Blackcap at Burn of Sound & Crossbill at North Road, Lerwick.
South Mainland: Broad-billed Sandpiper at Levenwick marshes. View only from the road at South Punds and do not enter the area below the road.
Quail at Ringasta/Hillwell. Curlew Sandpiper & Little Stint at Pool of Virkie.
Cetacean Sightings:
Minke Whales reported from Sumburgh Head, Westerskeld, off Noness and Bressay. Pod of 12 Risso's Dolphin reported off Sumburgh Head.
Invertebrate Sightings:
Marbled Coronet at Scatness & 2 trapped on Fair Isle. Flame Shoulder at Bakkasetter..
3rd June 2023
Bird Sightings:
Foula: Amur Wagtail (Motacilla alba leucopsis) at Ham.
Central Mainland: 5 Barnacle Geese at Loch of Trondravoe, Scatsta. Black-throated Diver flew north between Stavaness and Symbister. Quail at Kergord. Sand Martin at Pullars Loch.
South Mainland: Sedge Warbler and Chiffchaff at Sumburgh Head. Red-rumped Swallow over the dunes of West Voe of Sumburgh. 2 White-billed Diver at sea in West Voe of Sumburgh. Common Nightingale at Exnaboe. Pale-bellied Brent Goose still at Scatness.
Cetacean Sightings:
Minke Whales reported from Skaw Whalsay, Sumburgh Head (3), Wick of Aith, Fetlar, Aith Voe, West side, with 2 off Boddam, and another at Levenwick. Minke Whale also south through Colgrave Sound, and in Mousa Sound. Risso's Dolphin were reported off The Bard, Bressay (8), and also off Lambhoga, Fetlar.
Invertebrate Sightings:
2 Clouded-bordered Brindle at Stendaal. Large White Butterfly reported at Tagon Stores, South Nesting and at Burravoe Wigwams in Brae.
Mammal Sightings:
Bat species on Out Skerries today.
2nd June 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Glaucous Gull at Easter Loch. Red-rumped Swallow at North Dale.
Yell: Common Buzzard flew over Cullivoe.
Whalsay: 30 Knot seen at sea.
Central Mainland: Cuckoo calling at Vidlin.
South Mainland: Cuckoo at Kergord. Whitethroat at Frakkafield still. 5 Common Scoter in Mousa Sound.
Eastern Subalpine Warbler close to Sumburgh Hotel. Common Swift circling over Exnaboe. Pale-bellied Brent Goose at Scatness. Greenshank, 3 Black-tailed Godwit, 4 Sanderling, and Long-tailed Duck at Spiggie. Spotted Flycatcher at Culsetter. Little Stint at Pool of Virkie.
1st June 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Short-eared Owl at Haroldswick. 3 Goosander at Small Waters, Uyeasound.
Yell: Glaucous Gull at Cullivoe pier. Chiffchaff singing at Hillend, Mid Yell.
South Mainland: Blyth's Reed Warbler and Red-rumped Swallow at Sumburgh Hotel. Quail singing at Swinister Mires, and also at Ringasta/Hillwell. Lesser whitethroat at Virkie.
Cetacean Sightings:
Long-finned Pilot Whale visited the pier at Ulsta, Unst. Gone by the following morning.
31st May 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Quail singing at Baltasound.
Yell: Chiffchaff at Basta and Hillend.
North Mainland: Black-throated Diver at Hamnavoe, Eshaness. 15 Barnacle Geese north over Hillswick.
~500 Arctic Terns feeding in Mangasta Voe.
Central Mainland: ~700 Arctic Terns feeding in Lower Voe, on sprats, feeding on Reddish Plankton bloom. Black-throated Diver Min Beach, at Papil, Burra. 5 Goosander at Loch of Hellister, Weisdale.
Cuckoo and Blackcap at Kergord. 2 Whitethroat at Frakkafield.
South Mainland: Quail singing in Swinister Burn, Sandwick. Quail at Exnaboe. Pale-bellied Brent Goose at Scatness. Wood Sandpiper and 2 Black-tailed Godwit at Setter Marsh.
Cetacean Sightings:
Minke Whale headed west through Yell sound seen from the Yell Ferry.
30th May 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Quail calling close to the Keen of Hamar NNR carpark.
Yell: Tree Sparrow and singing Chiffchaff at Hillend, Mid Yell. Chiffchaff at Camb.
Whalsay: American Golden Plover at Skaw.
North Mainland: Black-throated Diver at Hamnavoe, Eshaness.
West Mainland: Garganey at Norby Loch, Sandness.
Central Mainland: Black-throated Diver (winter plumage) Min Beach, at Papil. 2 Common Whitethroat at Frakkafield. Wood Sandpiper over Seafield, Lerwick.
South Mainland: Quail at Stove, Sandwick. American Wigeon still at Scatness and a Linnet at Toab. Common Whitethroat at Boddam, Coot at Hillwell, and 2 Common Scoter in the Bay of Quendale.
Cetacean Sightings:
Male Orca's Hulk (#062) and Nott were off Sumburgh Head this afternoon.
29th May 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Quail calling close to the Keen of Hamar NNR carpark.
Yell: Tree Sparrow and singing Chiffchaff at Hillend, Mid Yell. Chiffchaff at Camb.
North Mainland: 4 Barnacle Geese flew over North Collafirth.
West Mainland: Grey-headed Wagtail, Magpie and 2 Shoveler at Melby, Sandness. Glaucous Gull at Dale of Walls.
Central Mainland: Lesser Redpoll at Mulla, Voe. Willow Warbler still singing at Clickimin.
South Mainland: American Wigeon still at Scatness.
Cetacean Sightings:
A very busy Orca day in Shetland today! First sighting at 06:48 from Yell Ferry of a pod heading south. 169's Pod seen from the Foghorn at Sumburgh Head at 11:20 before moving across West Voe, before doubling back to the Head, and moving up the west coast past Levenwick. 65's pod were sighted off Dale of Walls at 14:00!!! This pod were seen again at Huxter, Sandness. 3 Orca were sighted from Eshaness Lighthouse at 16:00 heading northwards at speed. What an incredible day!
28th May 2023
Bird Sightings:
Yell: Osprey, Whale Firth.
West Mainland: 10 Goosander at Loch of Hellister.
Central Mainland: White-tailed Eagle over Sound.
South Mainland: American Wigeon, Garganey still Scatness. Little Stint and a brief Red-necked Phalarope at Virkie. Kestrel at Sumburgh Airport. Sandwich Tern, Garden Warbler and Chiffchaff at Quendale. Common Scoter and Long-tailed Duck at St. Ninians Isle. Tundra Bean Goose at Bakkasetter and Spotted Redshank at Spiggie. Lesser Whitethroat Boddam. White-tailed Eagle seen at a few sites in the South end before reaching Lerwick.
Cetacean Sightings: 4 probable Risso's Dolphin seen South of Bressay.
27th May 2023
Bird Sightings:
North Mainland: Great-spotted Woodpecker, Busta house.
West Mainland: 10 Goosander at Loch of Hellister.
Central Mainland: Scaup and Pintail at Tingwall Loch.
South Mainland: American Wigeon, Garganey still Scatness. Redwing Sumburgh Farm. 5 Black-tailed Godwits and a Wood Sandpiper at Hillwell.
Cetacean Sightings: 5 Orca moved South down the West side of Sumburgh Head. Photos show female 169 and calf.
26th May 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Yellowhammer at Ordale.
North Mainland: Pomarine Skua past Eshaness.
Central Mainland: Sandwich Tern Lerwick Harbour. 2 Sandwich Tern at Minn Beach. Blackcap at Frakkafield. Cuckoo at Kergord. 2 Common Scoter South Nesting Bay. Osprey at Sandwater Loch.
South Mainland: American Wigeon, Garganey and Iceland Gull at Scatness. Turtle Dove in private garden near Virkie. Wood Sandpiper at Loch of Huesbreck.
25th May 2023
Bird Sightings:
Central Mainland: Long-eared Owl in private garden Lerwick.
South Mainland: Wood Sandpiper at Hillwell. 2 Common Scoter at Quendale. Pied Flycatcher Hoswick.
24th May 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Iceland Gull at Easter Loch.
Whalsay: Long-eared Owl at Symbister.
Foula: White-tailed Eagle and Osprey at Ham.
West Mainland: 11 Goosander at Loch of Hellister.
Central Mainland: Scaup at Tingwall Loch.
South Mainland: Tundra Bean Goose at Scatness then flew towards the Sumburgh Hotel. Sandwich Tern at Spiggie.
23rd May 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: No sign of yesterdays Western Subalpine Warbler or Bluethroat at Norwick, but 2 Flava Yellow Wagtails and 2 Tree Sparrows. Gadwall at Skibboul. 5 Mute Swan at Baltasound. Common Sandpiper at Small Waters. Common Scoter at Westing.
Central Mainland: Iceland Gull, 3 Sand Martin, Moorhen, 2 Redpoll sp. and a Willow Warbler at Clickimin. Garden Warbler Helendale.
South Mainland: Tundra Bean Goose at Scatness. Garganey at Hillwell.
22nd May 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Western Subalpine Warbler at Norwick, also Bluethroat and Blue-headed Wagtail. Wood Sandpiper over the Houb.
Central Mainland: House Martin, Song Thrush and Grey Wagtail at Lower Voe. Iceland Gull at Clickimin Loch, Lerwick. Scaup at Tingwall Loch.
South Mainland: American Wigeon at Spiggie then Scatness before flying South, also 2 Gadwall, 2 Barnacle Geese, 4 Sanderline, 6 Black-tailed Godwit, 65 Turnstone, 6 Dunlin, 3 House Martin and an Arctic Skua. Common Scoter at Quendale.
Cetacean: Minke whale seen off Skaw, Whalsay. Minke seen south of Noss, heading east.
19th May 2023
Bird Sightings:
Eastern Subalpine Warbler still at Clickimin today. Western Subalpine Warbler still at Quendale.
Long term Magpie still at Sandness.
Unst: Tufted Duck on Loch at Cliff. 2 Blackcap, Sedge Wabler and Knot at Harldswick. 3 Willow Wabler, Sedge Wabler and 2 Whimbrel at Haigarth. 2 Teal, 2 Whopper, Willow Warbler, Whimbrel, 2 Wood Pigeon, and Moorhen at Northdale. 2 carrion Crow at Saxavord. Kestrel, Short-eared Owl, 2 Collared Dove, 3 Swallow, SandMartin, Tree pipit, and 10 Carrion Crow at Norwick.
Central Mainland: 2 Tree Sparrow and 2 Crossbill at Lerwick. Scaup, Pintail, 2 Black Tail Godwit, Common Sandpiper at Tingwall.
South Mainland: Reed Bunting, 2 Chiffchaff, 4 Swallow and a Sedge Wabler at Swinister. Sandwich Tern at Spiggie.
Cetacean: 3 Risso Dolphin seen this morning off Sumburgh Head.
Lepidoptera: 4 Dark Swordgrass at Wiltrow
21st May 2023
Bird Sightings:
Eastern Subalpine Warbler still at Clickimin today. Western Subalpine Warbler still at Quendale.
Unst: Lesser White Throat at Northdale. Kestrel at Norwick. 2 Willow Warbler, Sedge warbler and Chiffchaff at Haligarth. Blue headed Wagtail at Haroldswick.
Yell: 2 Artic Skua
Foula: Broad Billed Sandpiper
Skerries: 4 Willow warbler, 1 Redstart, 2 Blackcap, 2 House Martin, 1 Whinchat, 1 Kestrel, 2 Tree Pipit, 2 Lesser White Throat and 1 Wagtail.
North: Great Grey Shrike at Firth.
Central Mainland: Night Heron at Sullom Wood. 2 Cuckoos at South Nesting. Wood Warbler and Blackcap at Helendale. Osprey at Loch of Strom. Wood Sandpiper at Tingwall.
West Mainland: Willow Warbler at Da Gairdins​. Robin, 2 Collared Dove, 4 Red Breasted Merganser, Great Northern Diver, 1 dunlin, 2 Ringed Plover, 4 Artic Tern at Sand Beach. Blackcap and Goldcrest at Weisdale.
South Mainland: Pochard at Loch Clumlie. Osprey at St Ninians, Sedge Warbler at Swinster. Artic Tern, 2 Pied Wagtail, 2 Great Northern Diver, 4 Wheatear, Great Skua, 50 Artic Tern 8 Common Tern, 2 Long Tailed Duck, 5 Great Northern Diver, Red Breasted Merganser, 6 Sanderling, 8 Ring Plover, 4 Turnstone and 2 Mute Swan at Grutness.
Cetacean: Minke whale seen off Skaw, Whalsay. Minke seen between Vidlin and Skerries. Minke seen East of Sumburgh Head.
Lepidoptera: Large White at Setter. Red Admiral at Ocraquoy. Silver Y at Middale. Epoides Huniger, hoverfly at Foula.
18th May 2023
Bird Sightings:
Western Subalpine Warbler still at Quendale.
Unst: Goldfinch at Hostel Garden. Carrion Crow, Jack Snipe at Ballast Burn. Drake Common Scoter, 5 Swallow and Whopper Swan at Easter Loch. Whopper Swan at Baltasound. Whimbrel at White Lady.
Fetler: Pacific Diver at Brough Lodge Pier.
Whalsay: Long Eared Owl at Skaw.
Bressay: 2 Glaucous Gull at Hill of Gunnister.
Mousa: Goldcrest
Central Mainland: Drake Velvet Scoter at Lerwick. Merlin at Clickmin. Merlin at Watness.
South Mainland: Quail, Ruff at Hillwell. Goldcrest at Dalsetter.
Cetacean: Minke Whale, Risso Dolphin seen this morning off Sumburgh Head.
17th May 2023
Bird Sightings:
Eastern Subalpine Warbler still at Clickimin today. Western Subalpine Warbler still at Quendale.
Unst: Pied Flycatcher at Ordale. Garden Warbler, Sedge Warbler, Whitethroat, 2 Chaffchaff, 2 Willow Warbler at Halgarth.
Yell: Blackcap at Gutcher. and Sellafirth.
Central Mainland: Great Spotted Woodpeaker at Brae Wood. Sedge Warbler at Voe. Siberian Chiffchaff at Clickmin. 2 Tree Sparrow, 5 Sheldrake, Sedge Warbler, Grey Wagtail, at Lerwick.
South Mainland: Wood Sandpipper at Spiggie Loch. Garden Warbler at Spinster Burn.
Cetacean: 2 Dorsal fins seen at Stromness Voe this morning .
16th May 2023
Bird Sightings:
Hoopoe still flying between Bressay and Noss. Eastern Subalpine Warbler still at Clickimin today.
Unst: Black Redstart, Jack Snipe and 2 Whopper Swan at Saxa Vord. Shore Lark, Sanderling, Sparrowhawk, Collared Dove, Redwing and Ring Ouzel at Norwick.
Yell: Blackcap, Chiffchaff and Fieldfare at Gutcher.
Whalsay: Collared Dove at Skaw
North Mainland: 14 Pomarine Skua and 2 Long-tailed Skua seen from Eshaness while sea-watching 0730-1230.
Central Mainland: Lesser White Throat, Lesser Redpoll, Willow Warbler, 2 Chiffchaff, Swallow and 12 Blackcap at Clickimin. Pomarine Skua, 2 Manx Shearwater, 2 Common Scoter and 11 Great Skua seen fly past Watsness while sea watching 0730-1230. Kestrel at Tingwall. Robin at Voe. 16 collared Dove at Weisdale.
South Mainland: Wood Sandpiper at Setter Marsh. Sanderling, 23 Dunlin and Knot at Spiggie Loch.
Cetacean: 2 Orca off Eshaness heading South, past Stenness this evening.
15th May 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Sedge Warbler at Skaw. Sedge Warbler, Lesser White, Garden Warbler, (F) Blackcap, 6 Siskins, Lesser Redpoll at Baltasound.
Yell: Blackcap, 2 Siskins and Robin at Gutcher. 2 Wood pigeon at North a Voe
Bressay: Hoopoe in vicinity of Noss carpark still.
Central Mainland: Eastern Subalpine Warbler still at Clickimin Loch. 2 Wigeon and a Carrion Crow at Pillar's loch.
South Mainland: Great White Egret at Hillwell. Sedge Warbler, Kestrel and Western Subalpine Warbler at Quendale. Wood Sandpiper, Grey Plover at Pool of Virkie. Knot, 2 Great Skua, 2 Swallows, Arctic Skua, Shelduck Yellow Wagtail and Osprey at Spiggie Loch.
Cetacean: Minke reported off Sumburgh head in the morning.
Lepidoptera: Red Admiral at Noss Sound.
14th May 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Adult Sabine's Gull off Norwick, headed south towards Haroldswick.
Yell: Goldfinch at Cullivoe marina.
Out Skerries: 4 Chaffinch, 3 Tree Pipit, 7 Reed Bunting, Pied Flycatcher, 3 Common Redstart, Short-eared Owl, and Whinchat on the island.
Bressay: Hoopoe in vicinity of Noss carpark.
Noss: Common Crane on the island.
West Mainland: Magpie and Pink-footed Goose at Norby, plus Garganey and Greenshank, which moved in the evening to Melby Loch.
Central Mainland: Eastern Subalpine Warbler still in scrub/trees alongside the Clickimin Loch. 2 Willow Warbler singing there also. Cuckoo singing at Lower Voe.
South Mainland: Common Crane flew south past Noness, Sandwick. Cuckoo and Sedge Warbler at Hoswick burn. Great White Egret at Hillwell. Western Subalpine Warbler still at the dam, Quendale. Wood Sandpiper, Grey Plover and summer plumaged Knot at NW Spiggie Loch. Osprey at southern end of Spiggie Loch. Tree Sparrow briefly, and Whitethroat at Sumburgh Hotel garden. 2 Linnet on fence east of West Voe.
13th May 2023
Bird Sightings:
Fewer reports of common migrants today suggesting many have moved on overnight.
Unst: White-tail Eagle over Norwick. 4 Lesser Redpoll at Maundeville. Kestrel at Shore Station. Carrion Crow and Sparrowhawk at Saxa Vord.
Yell: 2 Kestrel and Hen Harrier at Heatherdale. Dunnock at Ottersrest, Sellafirth.
Whalsay: 3 Carrion Crow at Skaw.
Noss: Shorelark on island before seen to fly towards Bressay.
Bressay: Hoopoe is still present at Ullins Water.
Central Mainland: Eastern Subalpine Warbler initially at Westerloch Drive, before relocating to scrub/trees alongside the Clickimin Loch. Willow Warbler singing there also.
South Mainland: Great White Egret flew from Bakkasetter back towards Hillwell.
Western Subalpine Warbler still at the dam, Quendale. Flock of 16 Carrion Crow over Dalsetter. 42 Long-tailed Duck remaining at West Voe. Common Sandpiper at Grutness.
Cetacean Sightings:
A single male Orca was seen 6 miles south of Sumburgh. A pod of Orca was spotted in the evening off Dury Voe.
12th May 2023
Bird Sightings:
Common migrants remaining throughout the islands. Widespread reports of Arctic Tern flocks.
Unst: 2 Common Redpoll and Lesser Redpolls at Daisy Park, Baltasound.
Yell: Spotted Flycatcher and 4 Fieldfare at Gutcher. 4 Sanderling at Gossabrough. 4 Fieldfare and Brambling at Hillend, Mid Yell. Osprey at Lochs of Lumbister, west of Dalsetter/Sellafirth.
Out Skerries: Bluethroat, and 1, possibly 2, Grey-headed Wagtail on the island.
Fetlar: Whinchat present for the 3rd day at Aith.
Bressay: Kestrel yesterday and today at Ham. Hoopoe is still present between Noss carpark and Ullins Water.
Central Mainland: 2 Grey Wagtail in the burn at Mulla, Voe. Garden Warbler and Lesser Whitethroat at Frakkafield. 2 Sand Martin at Pullars Loch. 2 Redpoll spp and Garden Warbler at Trondra.
South Mainland: White-billed Diver at northern end of Mousa Sound. Great White Egret at Hillwell.
Western Subalpine Warbler at the dam, Quendale. Cuckoo at Dalsetter. Red-backed Shrike at Sumburgh Head. Grey-headed Wagtail still at Grutness pool.
Cetacean Sightings:
A single Risso's dolphin was at Stromfirth Voe near the Oligarth Brig. Minke Whale in Colgrave Sound. 5 Orca reported off Papa Stour. Minke Whale and Barrel Jellyfish seen from Skerries ferry.
11th May 2023
Bird Sightings:
Numbers of common migrants remain widespread, including Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Redstart, Common Whitethroat, Siskin, Lesser Whitethroat and a scattering of Brambling, Redwing and Fieldfare reports. Shetland-wide reports of Swallow.
Unst: 2 House Martin at Haroldswick, and Kestrel at Burrafirth. Knot and House Martin at Easter Loch area.
Yell: Reed Bunting at Sellafirth. Summer plumaged White-billed Diver off coast, and Whinchat, at Vatsetter.
Whalsay: 2 Hawfinch at Symbister since 7th May. Yellow Wagtail 'Flava ssp' at Skaw.
Bressay: Hoopoe has left Noss and was seen between Noss car park and Setter.
West Mainland: Great Spotted Woodpecker in Walls.
Central Mainland: House Martin at Lunna. Kestrel at Lower Voe. Hawfinch, Merlin, 2 Linnet, Sedge Warbler, 31 Siskin, 3 Tree Pipit, Common Sandpiper and Goosander in Clickimin/Helendale area. Reed Warbler at Burn of Sound. 2 Swift at Fjara, and Coot at Lerwick Marina. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Gulberwick.
South Mainland: Sedge Warbler at Brakefield Road, Sandwich. Great White Egret at Brow Marsh before moving to Hillwell. 19 Barnacle Geese over Toab. Goldfinch, and Wood Sandpiper at Virkie. Red-rumped Swallow and House Martin with a flock of Sand Martin and Barn Swallow at Pool of Virkie. Grey-headed Wagtail still at Grutness pool. Garganey at Scatness.
Cetacean Sightings:
Pod of Orca were first seen off Muness, in Unst, and travelled south towards Fetlar, before turning northwest, with last report as they headed past Burravoe. Minke Whale at Skaw.
10th May 2023
Bird Sightings:
Numbers of common migrants remain widespread, including Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Redstart, Common Whitethroat, Siskin, Lesser Whitethroat and a scattering of Brambling, Redwing and Fieldfare reports.
Unst: Dotterel at Hermaness NNR. 2 Common Cranes circled over Uyeasound, with a Grey Wagtail also there. 2 Sand Martin, Reed Bunting and Tree Pipit at Halligarth.
Yell: Kestrel at Gutcher.
West Mainland: The long-staying Magpie was still at Sandness today.
Central Mainland: Black-crowned Night Heron at south end of Loch of Strom. 4 House Martin at Stendaal, South Nesting. Drake Pintail still, and Common Sandpiper at Tingwall Loch. Kestrel at Meal Beach. 2 Reed Bunting at Pullar's Loch.
South Mainland: Great White Egret at Setter Marsh. Knot at NW Spiggie. Grey-headed Wagtail at Grutness.
9th May 2023
Bird Sightings:
Calm damp conditions continue with Arctic Terns, Common Sandpipers, Swallows, and the first Linnets back to Shetland to breed. Decent numbers of common migrants remain widespread, including Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Redstart, Common Whitethroat, Siskin, Fieldfare, Lesser Whitethroat and a scattering of Redwing.
Unst: Grey-headed Wagtail, 3 Whooper Swan, Jackdaw, Whinchat and Mealy Redpoll at Norwick. 2 Whinchat at Skaw. Hawfinch at Haroldswick. House Martin at Easter Loch.
Yell: Wood Warbler and 5 Barnacle Geese at Kirk Loch, Papil.
Whalsay: Goosander and Kestrel at Skaw.
North Mainland: Osprey overhead near Hillswick.
Bressay: Garden Warbler at Voehead.
Noss: Hoopoe still on the island.
West Mainland: White-billed Diver seen at sea from Foula Mailboat off Walls.
Central Mainland: Shoveler at Lunning, Vidlin. Sand Martin in Voe. Black-crowned Night Heron at south end of Loch of Strom. Blue Tit above Lerwick Cemetery. 7 Common Scoter in Lerwick Harbour. House Martin at Fjara, Whinchat at Pullar's Loch, and a Wood Sandpiper near Sandy Loch Reservior. Garden Warbler, Tree Pipit, and Kestrel at Meal Beach, Burra. 2 Common Redpoll at Trondra.
South Mainland: Hoopoe still at Orca Inn, with Whinchat, 2 Reed Bunting and Pied Flycatcher in Hoswick. Kestrel at Sandwick. Hen Harrier at Maywick. Great White Egret at Setter Marsh. Whinchat at Spiggie Hotel. Garganey at Hillswick. Black Redstart at Exnaboe. 3 Sedge Warbler, Garden Warbler, Grasshopper Warbler, Tree Pipit, Whinchat, 2 Reed Bunting, at Virkie/Eastshore. Grey-headed Wagtail, Tree Pipit, Whinchat, Sedge Warbler, Gadwall and Pintail at Scatness. Spotted Flycatcher and Glaucous Gull at Grutness.
Invertebrate Sightings:
Common Heath moth seen today in North Nesting.
8th May 2023
Bird Sightings:
Favourable winds continue with common migrants, Redstart, Whitethroat, Willow Warbler and Chiffchaff spreading out across the isles today.
Unst: Grey-headed Wagtail and 3 Black-tailed Godwit at Norwick. Whinchat and Ring Ouzel at Northdale. Bar-tailed Godwit, Sand Martin and Pied Flycatcher at Baltasound. Grey-headed Wagtail at Uyeasound. 140 Barnacle Geese flew over Unst during the evening, with 25 making landfall to join the 4 already at Haroldswick.
Yell: 2 Hawfinch at Cullivoe. Spotted Flycatcher at Otterswick, and Pied Flycatcher at North Aywick.
Bressay: Lesser Whitethroat at Voehead.
Noss: Hoopoe still on the island.
Foula: 2 Wood Sandpiper on the island.
West Mainland: 8 Siskin, male Great Tit, and Pied Flycatcher at Engamore. 20+ Siskin, 2 Pied Flycatcher and Wood Warbler at Modesty, both West Burrafirth. Whinchat at Mid Dale.
Central Mainland: Sand Martin, 2 Common Sandpiper, and Lesser Whitethroat at Lower Voe. Great Grey Shrike at Newing, Pied Flycatcher and 2 House Martin at Stendaal, and Pied Flycatcher at Da Watts Plantation, with 2 Redpoll sp., South Nesting. Pied Flycatcher, 3 Lesser Whitethroat, and Redpoll sp. at Frakkafield. Sandwich Tern, Lesser Whitethroat, and Goosander at Clickimin. Pied Flycatcher at Hayfield. Greenshank over Seafield, and Tree Pipit at Helendale, Lerwick.
South Mainland: Hoopoe still at Orca Inn, Hoswick. Sedge Warbler at Swinister. 6 Redstart and Whinchat at Noness, Sandwick. Whinchat and Stonechat at NW Spiggie. Glaucous Gull, 6 Shoveler, Gadwall and Whinchat at Hillwell. Redstart at Quendale. Sedge Warbler and Tree Pipit at Dalsetter. 2 Common Cranes over the Ness travelling northwards. Eastern Stonechat at Scatness. 2 Snow Buntings on Mossy Hill, near Scousburgh.
Cetacean Sightings:
A Risso's dolphin visited Scalloway harbour this morning.
6th May 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Kestrel at Burrafirth. 3 Sparrowhawks, Common Whitethroat & Jackdaw at Norwick. Common Sandpiper, Whinchat & Common Whitethroat at Skaw. Arctic Tern & Yellow Wagtail, Haroldswick and 6 Swallow, Baltasound. 3 Swallow at Easter Loch.
Yell: Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Reed Bunting, Chiffchaff & Carrion Crow at Cullivoe, Carrion Crow at Sellafirth.
Whalsay: Cuckoo at Lubba.
Foula: Common Nightingale still at Ham & Golden Oriole in north of island.
Bressay: Songthrush, Chiffchaff & Willow Warbler at Voehead.
North Mainland: House Martins at Lunna.
Central Mainland: Pied Flycatcher at Voe. Hawfinch at Trondra. Kestrel at Meal Beach, Burra. Hawfinch & 3 Swallow at Helendale, Lerwick.
South Mainland: Hoopoe at Hoswick. Osprey over Culsetter & Hen Harrier over Spiggie. Kestrel, 2 Redstart, Blackcap, Reed Bunting, 2 Whinchat, Garden Warbler, Pied Flycatcher, Glaucous Gull and Arctic Skua Grutness/ Sumburgh Farm/ Sumburgh Hotel. Sandwich Tern & Pintail at Scatness. Garden Warbler & Blackcap at Sumburgh Head. Common Scoter and 5 Arctic Tern at West Voe.
7th May 2023
Bird Sightings:
Widespread records of common migrants including Willow Warbler (40 on Out Skerries), Chiffchaff, Robin, Blackcap. Redstart, Brambling, Chaffinch, Swallow, House Martin & Sand Martin.
Continued reports of Whimbrel & Arctic Skua.
Unst: Tree Pipit, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, & Garden Warbler at Halligarth. Pied Flycatcher, 2 Song Thrush, 2 Siskin, Common Whitethroat & Sparrowhawk at Baltasound. 3 Barnacle Geese still at Haroldswick & Carrion Crow at Buness. Yellow Wagtail (grey-headed) at Uyeasound.
Yell: 4 Siskin & Sparrowhawk at Cullivoe & Siskin at Gutcher.
Whalsay: 2 Ring Ouzel, Grasshopper Warbler & Common Sandpiper at Skaw. Yellow Wagtail at Symbister.
Out Skerries: 5 Common Whitethroat, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, Garden Warbler, Grasshopper Warbler, 2 Pied Flycatcher, 14 Tree Pipit, Dunnock, 5 Ring Ouzel, 7 Song Thrush, Common Redpoll, 13 Reed Bunting, Short-eared Owl, Sparrowhawk, 3 Kestrel & Greenshank.
Bressay: Song Thrush, Common Redpoll, Siskin & Lesser Whitethroat at Voehead.
Noss: Spotted Flycatcher, Pied Flycatcher, 4 Whinchat, 5 Common Whitethroat, Tree Pipit, 2 Ring Ouzel, 4 Song Thrush, Kestrel, 2 Common Sandpiper and a Hoopoe.
Central Mainland: Carrion Crow at Lunna. 12 Siskin at Voe. Whinchat at Sand Water. Pintail at Tingwall Loch. Goosander, Whinchat, Tree Pipit, Garden Warbler, 2 Common Whitethroat & 2 Siskin at Clickimin.
South Mainland: Hoopoe & Tree Pipit at Hoswick. 2 Garden Warbler, Song Thrush, Reed Bunting at Sumburgh Hotel/Farm. Long-eared Owl, Lesser Whitethroat, Tree Pipit & Sparrowhawk, Bigton/ Maywick Road. Tree Sparrow at Spiggie. Pied Flycatcher & Garden Warbler at Geosetter. Sedge Warbler & 2 Whinchat at Quendale. 2 Black-tailed Godwit at Dalsetter.
5th May 2023
Bird Sightings:
Several reports of Swallows today
Unst: Kestrel at Burrafirth. Carrion Crow at Buness. Lesser Whitethroat, Jackdaw & 3 Brambling at Norwick. 2 Shelduck, Yellow Wagtail & Reed Bunting at Haroldswick. Sand Martin at Easter Loch.
Whalsay: Grasshopper Warbler at Skaw. Also on island 4 Lesser Whitethroat, Common Whitethroat, Tree Pipit, 3 Reed Bunting, Whinchat, 2 Redstart, 2 Blackcap & a scattering of Willow Warbler and Chiffchaff.
Foula: Common Nightingale still at Ham & Golden Oriole in north of island.
Bressay: Songthrush at Voehead.
North Mainland: Carrion Crow at Lunna.
Central Mainland: Lesser Whitethroat, Willow Warbler & House Martins at Voe. 2 Arctic Skua at Strand.
South Mainland: Great White Egret at Loch of Spiggie and then near Bakkasetter. Hoopoe at Hoswick.
4th May 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Jackdaw at Norwick & Sparrowhawk at Baltasound. Report of large bird of prey at Westing and a White-tailed Eagle at Hermaness.
Whalsay: Sandwich Tern at Skaw.
Bressay: 2 Redwing at Voehead.
Central Mainland: Pied Flycatcher at Law Lane, Lerwick.
West Mainland: Goosander at Weisdale Voe. Mistle Thrush, Woodcock & Fieldfare at Kergord plantation.
South Mainland: Bonaparte's Gull at Loch of Spiggie. Great White Egret still at Brow Marsh. Merlin at Bigton. Kestrel at Sumburgh Airport & Swallow at Sumburgh Head. Gadwall at Hillwell & 3 Pintail at Scatness. Glaucous Gull at Dunrossness. Glaucous Gull, 16 Purple Sandpiper, 86 Turnstone & 28 Sanderling at Grutness. 2 Common Tern, 56 Turnstone, 18 Purple Sandpiper & Goldeneye at Sandsayre. Hoopoe at Hoswick.
3rd May 2023
Bird Sightings:
Whimbrel reported from several locations.
Unst: Swallow at Bunness. 3 Barnacle Geese at Heritage Centre, Haroldswick. Pair of Gadwall at Easter Loch.
Fetlar: Black-tailed Godwit at Funzie.
Whalsay: Swallow at Skaw.
Foula: Marsh Warbler at Ham..
Central Mainland: 5 Siskin & 3 Chaffinch at Mulla, Voe. Blue-headed Wagtail & 2 Common Tern at Clickimin Loch and Hawfinch & Swallow at Helendale, Lerwick.
West Mainland: Goosander at Weisdale Voe & Jackdaw at Weisdale.
South Mainland: Bonaparte's Gull at Loch of Hillwell. Great White Egret at Brow Marsh. Lesser Whitethroat & Chiffchaff, Ireland. Common Whitethroat at Noness, Sandwick. Merlin, Pied Flycatcher, Willow Warbler, Blackcap
& Reed Bunting at Swinister Burn. Common Tern at Spiggie, Glaucous Gull at Rerwick and Iceland Gull at
2nd May 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Hawfinch, Brambling & 3 Chiffchaff at Norwick. Snow Bunting at Ordaal.
Yell: Goldfinch at Gutcher. King Eider at Basta Voe.
Bressay: Robin at Voehead. Manx Shearwaters offshore.
North Mainland: Common Redpoll & 3 Siskin at Scatsta.
Central Mainland: 3 Siskin & 3 Redpoll sp, Brae Community Wood.
South Mainland: Hoopoe at Hoswick. Bonaparte's Gull at Loch of Hillwell. Goldfinch at Hestingott. Short-eared Owl & 4 Wood Pigeon at Bigton. Arctic Tern, Short-eared Owl & Yellow-browed Warbler at Virkie. Merlin at Boddam. Pair of Scaup & 7 Common Tern at Loch of Spiggie.
1st May 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: 4 Pink-foot at Bunness. Blackcap, Song Thrush & Willow Warbler, Halligarth. Iceland Gull at Easter Loch.
Yell: Song Thrush & 60 Skylark, Gutcher.
Bressay: Chaffinch & 2 Siskin at Voehead.
Central Mainland: Black-throated Diver at Sound. Cuckoo at Seafield, Lerwick. Reed Bunting at Stendaal & Song Thrush at Catfirth, South Nesting. White-billed Diver in South Nesting. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Scalloway at Blydoit Park. Iceland Gull at Lunna.
South Mainland: 4 Siskin, Cunningsburgh. 2 Reed Bunting, Lesser Whitethroat, Blackcap & Pied Flycatcher at Swinister, Sandwick. Common Redstart at Scousburgh and Black-tailed Godwit & Common Tern at Spiggie. 4 Siskin & 2 Chaffinch at Dalsetter.
Cetacean Sightings:
Orcas at Sumburgh Head going North.
30th April 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Ring Ouzel and Jackdaw at Norwick. 2 Whimbrel Setters Quarry. Jackdaw at Muness. 3 Swallows at Easter Loch.
Yell: Blue-headed Wagtail at Cullivoe.
Bressay: Chaffinch, Chiffchaff, Robin.
Central Mainland: Black-throated Diver, Common Tern at Sound. Goldfinch and Sparrowhawk at Seafield, Lerwick. Reed Bunting at Whiteness.
South Mainland: Yellow-browed Warbler still at Virkie also Reed Bunting, Chiffchaff and 3 Willow Warbler. Hawfinch, Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Blackcap at Sandwick. Marsh Harrier at Dalsetter, also 2 Chaffinch and 3 Whimbrel. Kestrel at West Voe. Kestrel at Geosetter. Black-tailed Godwit and Common Tern at Spiggie. 4 Brambling and a Blackcap at Quendale. 3 Sisking Trondra.
Cetacean Sightings:
Pod of c10 Orca headed South from Levenwick Cliffs to Sumburgh Head. A male from the pod has been matched by photos to an animal seen off Noss in May 2022, the first photo ID match for this individual.
29th April 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Night Heron still around. Black-tailed Godwit at Easter Loch. Pied Flycatcher at Uyeasound.
Bressay: Chaffinch, Chiffchaff, Robin.
Central Mainland: Cuckoo at The Knab, Lerwick. Black-throated Diver at Sound. Jackdaw, 2 Tree Pipit, 10 Brambling at Kergord. Common Tern at Burra.
South Mainland: Yellow-browed Warbler at Virkie. Hawfinch, Lesser Whitethroat and Blackcap at Sandwick. Ring Ouzel, Lesser Whitethroat, 14 Sand Martin, 2 Whimbrel at Spiggie. Glaucous Gull and 3 Blackcap at Quendale. Kestrel at West Voe.
28th April 2023
Bird Sightings:
Yell: 2 Woodpigeon and Robin at Gutcher.
Foula: Great Tit, Common Nightingale.
Noss: Chiffchaff, Swallow, Snow Bunting and 5 Robin.
West Mainland: 3 Brambling and 2 Common Tern Weisdale.
South Mainland: Kestrel at Sumburgh Airport. Siskin and Hawfinch at Toab. Ring Ouzel, Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Dunnock, Siskin at Sumburgh. Glaucous Gull and 3 Gadwall at Hillwell. 50 Fieldfare at Quendale. 45 Fieldfare at Swinister.
27th April 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Common Scoter off Heogland.
Yell: Possible Snowy Owl reported South of Gloup Voe. 3 Bar-tailed Godwit at Galtigarth. Chiffchaff at Gutcher. 2 Chiffchaff, 2 White Wagtail and a Robin in Burravoe.
Central Mainland: Mandarin Duck at Pullars Loch, Lerwick. White-billed Diver at South Nesting Bay. Iceland Gull at Lunna.
South Mainland: Whimbrel at Scord Beach, Scatness. 2 Chiffchaff and a Blackcap Swinister Burn. Blackcap, 3 Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler and 2 Reed Bunting at Virkie. 2 Sparrowhawk at Sumburgh Head.
25th April 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Night Heron still around.
Yell: Brambling at Gutcher.
Central Mainland: Ring Ouzel above Anderson High School, Common Sandpiper and White Wagtail around Clickimin Loch, Lerwick. Grey Wagtail Tingwall.
South Mainland: Arctic Skua at Cunningsburgh. Grey Wagtail at Hoswick Burn. Tree Sparrow at Virkie. 2 Barnacle Geese at Scatness. Pink-footed Goose at Fleck. European White-fronted Goose at Hillwell. Glaucous Gull, Black-tailed Godwit and 3 Sand Martin at Spiggie.
26th April 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Night Heron, 2 Hawfinch and 2 Ring Ouzel Norwick. White-billed Diver South of Uyea.
Yell: Chiffchaff and Robin at Gutcher.
Bressay: Chiffchaff, Chaffinch and Robin.
Central Mainland: Ring Ouzel still above Anderson High School. Hawfinch at South Nesting.
South Mainland: Common Tern at Hoswick and Channerwick. 48 Long-tailed Duck and 3 Great Northern Diver at West Voe.
24th April 2023
Bird Sightings:
Bressay: 2 Chaffinch and a Robin.
Central Mainland: Greenshank at Sand Water. Green Sandpiper at Burn of Flamister, Nesting. Great Northern Diver and 12 Knot at Da Sletts, Lerwick.
South Mainland: 7 Shoveler and a Pintail at Scatness. 2 Jack Snipe and a Black-tailed Godwit at Spiggie. Tundra Bean Goose at Swinister.
23rd April 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Sparrow hawk at Northdale.
Yell: Hobby, Hawfinch and Collared Dove.
Central Mainland: 4 Great Northern Diver at South Nesting. 2 Brambling and 4 Chaffinch at Brae community Woodland.
South Mainland: 100+ Dunlin at Pool of Virkie. 2 Iceland gull at Leebitton. 2 Great Northern Diver, 2 Common Scoter and several Long tail Duck at West Voe. 1 Merlin, 9 Great Northern Diver at Sumburgh head
22nd April 2023
Bird Sightings:
Yell: 2 Wood Pigeon, Hawfinch at Gutcher. Pied Wagtail at Cullivoe.
South Mainland: Little Tern, 8 Sanderling, Glaucous Gull at West Voe beach.
Lepidoptera Sightings:
2 Hebrew Character at Bakkasetter.
21st April 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: 3 White-billed Divers in transition plumage off Norwick. Stock Dove at Uyeasound.
Yell: Hawfinch at Gutcher.
Whalsay: Moorhen at Houb.
Foula: Great Tit, Common Nightingale.
North Mainland: White-billed Diver at Ronas Voe.
Central Mainland: 2 White-billed Diver at South Nesting. Female Ring Ouzel, 2 Chiffchaff at Sullom Voe Terminal. Willow Warbler at Cullivoe Marina. Brambling at Catfirth.
South Mainland: Male Bullfinch at Swinister, Sandwick. 3 Swallow at Sumburgh Head. Tree Sparrow at Bakkasetter. 6 Sandling, 58 Turnstone, 4 Ring Plover, 2 Wheatear, 2 Great Northern Diver, 5 Red-Throated Diver, Shelduck, 38 Long Tailed Duck, 4 Red-Breasted Mergansers at West Voe beach.
Cetacean Sightings:
small pod of Risso Dolphins at Colgrave this morning. 10-12 Risso Dolphin South of Bard, Bressay.
20th April 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: 2 White-billed Divers in transition plumage off Norwick.
Yell: Reed Bunting, Artic Skua at Kirk Loch, Cullivoe. 3 Wood Pigeon at Gutcher. Robin at Cullivoe.
Whalsay: Female Hawfinch at Marrister.
Central Mainland: Rough-legged Buzzard at Burn of Fitch. 2 M/F Hawfinch at Mulla, Voe.
South Mainland: Common Crane over Hoswick moving towards Ireland North of Channerwick, Bigton rd. Tundra Bean Goose at Hoswick. Blackcap at Channerwick. Swallow, Robin at Sumurgh Head. Long-eared Owl at Ireland.
Lepidoptera Sightings:
Creophilius maxillosus beetle, North Haven Pier, Fair Isle. (Confirmed)
Cetacean Sightings:
Large Pod (8+) of Risso dolphins at Papil Bay. Report of Orca heading North up East side of Sumburgh Head this afternoon.
19th April 2023
Bird Sightings:
Yell: 2 Brambling at Sellafirth, Chiffchaff, Robin at Gutcher. Pied Wagtail at West Sandwick. Chaffinch, Robin at Cullivoe.
Bressay: Glaucous Gull, 3 female Common Scoter.
Noss: Black Redstart, 2 Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, 2 Robin.
Central Mainland: 1 Hawfinch, 6 Siskin, 4 Redpoll, 2 Chaffinch, 2 Brambling at Brae community wood. 2 Wheatear at Aith and Sullom. Robin, Pied Wagtail at Weisdale. Hawfinch at Mulla, Voe.
West: 2 Lesser Black-Backed Gull at Norby.
South Mainland: Robin, Brambling, Chaffinch, Collared Dove at Cunningburgh. 2 Sand Martin at Channerwick. 2 Tree Sparrow, Brambling at Trondra.
Lepidoptera Sightings:
Creophilius maxillosus beetle, North Haven Pier, Fair Isle.
Cetacean Sightings:
Minke Whale seen of ferry, in Yell Sound. 10 rise Dolphins seen of Noss, heading SSW, Bard of Brassy going South. 50+ Pod of Atlantic White beaked dolphins reported off Foula this afternoon.
18th April 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Night Heron still around. Arctic Skua at Baltasound, Swallow at Hermaness. Jackdaw, Whimbrel at Skaw. 2 House Martin at Burafirth.
Yell: 12 Mute Swan. between Gutcher and Wick of North Garth. 2 Chiffchaff, Robin at Cullivoe Marina. Black Redstart, Chiffchaff, Robin, 2 Redwing, Goldcrest, Chaffinch at Otterswick. Hawfinch, Brambling at Hillend, Mid Yell.
Central Mainland: 3 GND, 1 Male Wheatear at South Nesting. 1 Jackdaw, 30+ Rook at Kergord.
South Mainland: 5 Chiffchaff at Dalsetter. Wood Pigeon, Stonechat, 2 Robin, 2 Chiffchaff, 6 Twite, Pied Wagtail at Quendale. 4 Bonxie at Spiggie, 2 Brambling, Chiffchaff, Blackcap at Ocraquoy. Black Redstart, Chiffchaff at Noness.
17th April 2023
Bird Sightings:
Yell: Song Thrush at Gutcher and 2 Chiffchaff, Robin at Cullivoe.
West Mainland: Waterail at Da Gairdins, Sand.
Central Mainland: Hawfinch, Siskin at Mulla, Voe. Hawfinch, 2 Siskin, 2 Bramling and 1 Chiffchaff at Lower Voe. Dunnock, 10 Redpoll, Brambling and Sparrowhawk. at Clickimin.
South Mainland: Whimbrel at Spiggie. 2 Wheatears at Wester Quarf, 2 Sand Martin and Swallow at Virkie. Tree Sparrow, 5 Siskin, 6 Chaffinch at Brakefield rd, Sandwick.
16th April 2023
Bird Sightings:
Lower numbers of finches reported today.
Unst: Night Heron still at Norwick Mires. 3 Barnacle Geese at Heritage Centre. Glaucous Gull and Song Thrush at Burrafirth. Shelduck flew past Muness.
Yell: Hawfinch still Hillend, Mid Yell. Pied Wagtail and Chaffinch at Gutcher.
Whalsay: Black Redstart at Grunitaing.
Central Mainland: 2 Great Skua over Mulla, Voe. Dunnock, Chiffchaff, Water Rail and 6 Redpoll spp. at Clickimin.
South Mainland: Blackcap and Rook at Leebitton. Black Redstart, Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, Grey Wagtail and 8 Great Skua at Noness, Sandwick. Dunnock at Scousburgh. Great Skua at Clumlie. 3 Pink-footed Geese and European White-fronted Goose at Hillwell.
15th April 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Night Heron still between Norwick Mires and Holsens Road area. Ring Ouzel and 2 Hawfinch at Valyie. 5 Pied Wagtail at Norwick, and Song Thrush at Burrafirth. 2 Brambling, and Iceland Gull at Belmont. Iceland Gull also at Easter Loch. 50 Woodpigeon at Baltasound. Collared Dove at Cullivoe.
Bressay: 2 Chaffinch, 7 Brambling, and 2 Goldcrest at Voehead.
West Mainland: Kestrel at West Burrafirth.
Central Mainland: 5 Chaffinch, Brambling and Robin at Mulla, Voe. Dunnock at north end of Clickimin Loch. Rook over Seafield, Goldfinch, 2 Siskin and 10 Redpoll at Helendale, Lerwick. Rough-legged Buzzard still at Burn of Fitch.
South Mainland: Siskin and Blackcap at Ocraquoy. Water Rail, 2 Chiffchaff, and 12 Twite at Grutness. Stonechat, Pied Wagtail and 4 Wheatear at West Voe. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Skelberry.
Invertebrate Sightings:
Hebrew Character moth seen feeding on Willow catkins today at Mulla, Voe.
Cetacean Sightings:
Minke Whale seen off Whalsay and Skerries of Skea, in Yell Sound.
13th April 2023
Bird Sightings:
Variety of finches are currently visiting bird feeders in folks gardens, in good numbers.
Unst: Night Heron still between Norwick Mires and Holsens Road area. Ring Ouzel at Leawart.
Yell: Blackcap, Dunnock, 3 Chiffchaff and Chaffinch at Cullivoe. Chiffchaff, Merlin, 2 Chaffinch and Siskin at Mid Yell. Windhouse had 2 Chiffchaff, 2 Chaffinch and a Blackcap.
Fetlar: Hawfinch again, plus 6 Siskin, 4 Brambling and 30+ Chaffinch at Aithness.
Whalsay: Mistle Thrush, Dunnock, 7 Brambling, 10 Chaffinch, and 2 Chiffchaff at Skaw.
Bressay: 5 Chaffinch, 4 Brambling, 2 Chiffchaff, and Blackcap at Voehead.
Central Mainland: 12 Chaffinch and 6 Brambling at Mulla, Voe. 2 Siskin at Catfirth. 2 Lesser Redpoll and 4 Brambling at Trondra. Hawfinch at Bakland, Lerwick. Rough-legged Buzzard still at Burn of Fitch.
South Mainland: Hawfinch, 4 Chiffchaff and Song Thrush at Cunningsburgh. Tree Sparrow, Hawfinch, 3 Chiffchaff, 6 Brambling, 5 Siskin, and 11 Chaffinch at Brakefield Road, Sandwick. 3 Blackcap, 5 Chiffchaff, Willow Warbler, 2 Grey Wagtail, and Pied Wagtail at Swinister Burn. Short-eared Owl over sea at Quendale Bay. Ring Ouzel and Brambling at north end of Spiggie Loch. Sand Martin, Knot and 7 Sanderling at Virkie.
14th April 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Night Heron still between Norwick Mires and Holsens Road area. Hawfinch and Willow Warbler at Setter's Hill Estate. Rook at Saxa Vord. Iceland Gull at Uyeasound. Dunnock in hostel garden, and Carrion Crow at Buness.
Yell: 2 Hawfinch, 2 Brambling, Siskin and Chaffinch at Mid Yell. Dunnock, Song Thrush, 3 Chaffinch and 2 Brambling at Cullivoe. Song Thrush, Brambling, Chaffinch and 2 Robins at Gutcher.
Fetlar: Hawfinch again, plus 6 Siskin, 4 Brambling and 30+ Chaffinch at Aithness.
Whalsay: Mistle Thrush, Dunnock, 7 Brambling, 10 Chaffinch, and 2 Chiffchaff at Skaw.
Bressay: 2 Chaffinch, 3 Brambling at Voehead.
Central Mainland: Song Thrush singing at Lower Voe. Blackcap at Mulla. 2 Siskin and Robin at Catfirth. Ring Ouzel at Viking Wind Farm. Song Thrush at Kergord, and Swallow at Haggersta. Coot at Tingwall Loch.
Rough-legged Buzzard still at Burn of Fitch.
west Mainland: Great Skua at Skeld, and Brambling in Walls.
South Mainland: Grey Wagtail at Hoswick Burn. Sparrowhawk at Swinister. Tree Sparrow, 3 Siskin, 2 Brambling, 3 Chaffinch, Chiffchaff and Goldcrest in Sandwick. Black-throated Diver, Sand Martin and 2 Pintails at Kettlaness. Blackcap and Brambling at Spiggie Beach.
12th April 2023
Bird Sightings:
Yell: Hawfinch and Siskin at Mid Yell. Swallow and Dunnock at Gutcher.
Fetlar: Hawfinch at Aithness.
Bressay: 4 Brambling, 4 Chaffinch, Siskin, Song Thrush, Goldcrest and Chiffchaff at Voehead.
Central Mainland: 8 Chaffinch and Siskin at Lower Voe. Siskin and Robin at Catfirth. Rough-legged Buzzard still around Burn of Fitch.
South Mainland: House Martin at Virkie. Black Redstart and 4 Wheatear at Scatness.
11th April 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Short-eared Owl, Hawfinch, 2 Brambling and 6 Chaffinch at Valyie. Yellowhammer at Halligarth.
Yell: Hawfinch at Mid Yell. Dunnock, 2 Chaffinch, and Chiffchaff at Gutcher. Snow Buntings over Burravoe.
Fetlar: Hawfinch at Aithness.
Whalsay: Black Redstart and Brambling at Skaw.
Bressay: Willow Warbler, 2 Chiffchaff at Voehead.
Central Mainland: Goldfinch and 15 Siskin at North Road, Hawfinch and Water Rail at Burn of Sound, and Tundra Bean Goose at Ness of Sound, Lerwick. Iceland Gull still at Heogan. Rough-legged Buzzard still present around Burn of Fitch.
West Mainland: 2 Swallow at Effirth. Dark-eyed Junco alluded searchers today around cemetery area in Walls. First seen at Stove, Walls on 7th April.
South Mainland: Chiffchaffs at Dalsetter (3), Boddam (11), Virkie (4), Spiggie (5) and Grutness (3). Great Grey Shrike at Virkie. 2 Greater Scaup at Spiggie. 98 Long-tailed Duck at West Voe.
10th April 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Night Heron still at Norwick, plus Hawfinch. Kumlien's Gull still at Uyeasound.
Yell: 2 Siskin and Chiffchaff at Cullivoe. 3 Stock Dove at Mid Yell. 2 Chaffinch and Hawfinch at Gutcher.
Whalsay: Sparrowhawk at Skaw.
Bressay: Siskin, 3 Chaffinch, 2 Brambling, Dunnock, Song Thrush and Water Rail at Voehead.
Central Mainland: 7 Snow Bunting at Lunna. Hawfinch, 11 Chaffinch, Brambling, and 2 Dunnock at Lower Voe. Coot at Tingwall Loch. 3 Siskin, 6 Chaffinch, 2 Brambling and a Blackcap at Stendaal, South Nesting.
South Mainland: Hawfinch at Cunningsburgh. Greenfinch and Goldfinch at Brakefield Road, Sandwick. Gadwall and Iceland Gull at Scatness. Peregrine and Carrion Crow at Sumburgh Head.
Cetacean Sightings:
Report of a pod of Orca again in the Muckle Roe area today.
Insect Sightings:
Red Swordgrass moth came to apples tonight at Stendaal, South Nesting.
9th April 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Night Heron and Chiffchaff at Norwick, plus Hawfinch and 2 Tree Pipits at Millfield. Marsh Harrier at Skaw. Hen Harrier at Loch of Cliff. 2 Chiffchaff and remains of Stock Dove at Halligarth. Northern Wheatear at Haroldswick. 27 Long-tailed Duck on Easter Loch, with Kumlien's Gull still present.
Yell: 3 Stock Doves with 6 Woodpigeon at Mid Yell School. 10 Chaffinch at Hillend, Mid Yell.
Bressay: Dunnock at Voehead.
Central Mainland: Rough-legged Buzzard at Black Gaet. 5 Chaffinch, 2 Siskin at Sandgarth, Voe. 3 Chaffinch, and 2 Siskin at Catfirth.
South Mainland: Greenfinch at Cunningsburgh. Sparrowhawk at Dalsetter. Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff and Chaffinch at Boddam. House Martin and Pied Wagtail at Grutness.
Cetacean Sightings:
27's pod of Orca travelled between Aith and Brae Voe's today.
8th April 2023
Bird Sightings:
Bonxie at Toft & Sumburgh
Pied Wagtails at Whalsay, Hoswick, Spiggie & Quendale.
Unst: Night Heron at Norwick
Yell: Song Thrush at Breckon, 2 Chaffinch at Cullivoe. Goldcrest at Gutcher. 5 Sanderling at Gossabrough.
Fetlar: 3 Common Crane flew over Strand/Hestaness.
Whalsay: Wheatear & Dunnock at Skaw.
Bressay: 2 Brambling at Voehead. Wheatear & Song Thrush at Aithness. Iceland Gull at Heogan.
Central Mainland: Song Thrush (in song), Voe. Siskin & 4 Chaffinch at Catfirth. Rough-legged Buzzard at Black Gaet. Wheatear & 2 Brambling South Lerwick. Tundra Bean Goose still at Ness of Sound. Brambling, 2 Chaffinch, Goldcrest & 2 Lesser Redpoll at North Road.
West Mainland: 12 Siskin at Da Gairdins O' Sand.
South Mainland: 2 Goldcrest, Chiffchaff & Sparrowhawk, Hoswick. Willow Warbler & Iceland Gull, Dalsetter. Chiffchaff & 3 Goldcrest, Quendale. Brambling & Song Thrush, Spiggie. 2 pairs of Shoveler & Tree Sparrow, Hillwell. Water Rail still at Grutness.
7th April 2023
Bird Sightings:
Further influx of Chaffinch at several locations with flocks up to 50. Highest numbers were 50 at Aithness, Fetlar, 18 at Breckon, Yell, & 17 at Sandwick, South Mainland.
Unst: large record flock of 86+ Woodpigeon, Halligarth/Bunness. Carrion Crow at Buness. Goldfinch still at
Yell: 2 Chiffchaff at Breckon, Brambling at Cullivoe, 5 Siskin, Goldcrest & Chiffchaff at Gutcher, Swallow at
Fetlar: 2 Siskin, Aithness.
Whalsay: 100+ Purple Sandpipers at Houb
Bressay: Song Thrush, Water Rail & Chiffchaff at Voehead, 4 Woodpigeon at Keldabister Farm.
North Mainland: 9 Woodpigeon, Lunna & 2 Greenfinch, Busta.
Central Mainland: 2 Siskin at Catfirth. Chiffchaff at Kergord. Bullfinch, Lerwick.
West Mainland: Kestrel at Mid Walls.
South Mainland: Willow Warbler, Hoswick.
6th April 2023
Bird Sightings:
Yell: 12 Woodpigeon
Whalsay: Brambling & Water Rail, Marrrister.
Bressay: Song Thrush & Water Rail at Voehead.
Central Mainland: Siskin at Catfirth.
West Mainland: Wheatear & Snow Bunting at West Burrafirth.
Mammal Sighting: Stoat at Catfirth.
Insect Sighting: Clouded Drab at Catfirth
5th April 2023
Bird Sightings:
Northern Wheatears in Yell and South Mainland.
Yell: Greenfinch at Cullivoe. Goldcrest & Chiffchaff at Gutcher.
Whalsay: Hawfinch at Symbister.
Bressay: Chiffchaff & Water Rail at Voehead.
North Mainland: 20 Siskin at Ronas Voe. Ringtail Hen Harrier at Toft.
Central Mainland: Swallow at Tingwall & Voe. Siskin & Chaffinch at Catfirth. 2 Lesser Redpoll, Law Lane, Lerwick.
West Mainland: Grey Wagtail, Burn of Lunklet.
South Mainland: 2 Scaup Spiggie. 2 Chiffchaff & a Greenfinch, Sandwick. Grey Wagtail at Hoswick Burn.
Cetacean Sightings: Orcas in Busta Voe and Aith Voe.
4th April 2023
Bird Sightings:
Continued sightings of Northern Wheatears in Unst, and South Mainland
Unst: Black Redstart still at Haroldswick and Goldfinch at Baltasound.
Bressay: Chaffinch and Chiffchaff at Voehead.
North Mainland: Long-eared Owl at Lunna. Swallow at Scatsta. Pied Wagtail at Collafirth.
Central Mainland: Chaffinch at Kergord. House Martin at Voe. Tundra Bean Goose still at Ness of Sound, Lerwick and 6 Crossbill at Clickimin.
West Mainland: Sandwich Tern at Melby, Sandness.
South Mainland: Swallow at Spiggie.
3rd April 2023
Bird Sightings:
Gentle increase in Northern Wheatear sightings with singles seen at Noness, Sandwick, and Mousa, Brow, all South Mainland, and Watsness, on the Westside.
Unst: Black Redstart at Haroldswick and Uyeasound.
Yell: Green-winged Teal at Sand Water, and Iceland Gull at Mid Yell.
Central Mainland: 2 Snow Bunting at Loch of Brindister. Rough-legged Buzzard still present at Black Gaet.
South Mainland: Short-eared Owl at Hoswick Burn. Puffins flocking on the sea this morning at Sumburgh Head, with 2 making landfall briefly. Fly-by Great Skua there in the afternoon.
Cetacean Sightings:
Pod of Orca were seen leaving Aith Voe this afternoon. They were spotted around the island south of Brae before heading out to open sea past Vementry.
31st March 2023
Bird Sightings:
With favourable winds in the islands today, a noticeable increase in passerines was recorded today across the isles.
Unst: 3 Goldcrest, Dunnock, Song Thrush, 2 Siskin, Brambling, 30 Chaffinch and Yellowhammer at Norwick. Siskin, 2 Chiffchaffs, Chaffinch at Uyeasound. Kumlien's Gull still Easter Loch.
Yell: Chaffinch at Brekon, one at Cullivoe along with Iceland Gull. Yellowhammer, 12 Chaffinch, 4 Goldcrest, 2 Robin and Iceland Gull at Mid Yell. Chaffinch and 2 Chiffchaff at Gutcher.
Whalsay: Yellowhammer, 2 Chiffchaffs, Goldcrest, 3 Robins, 2 Woodcock, Long-eared Owl and Chaffinch at Skaw.
Central Mainland: 5 Chaffinch at Mulla, Voe. Greenfinch at Wadbister. Greenfinch at Stendaal, and 2 Brambling and Blackcap at South Nesting. 6 Crossbill at Law Lane, followed by 2 over the bowling green, with another 5 seen at Helendale.
West Mainland: 2 Snow Bunting at Watsness. Chaffinch at Fogrigarth, West Burrafirth.
South Mainland: Water Rail at North Sandwick. 7 Chaffinch and Chiffchaff at Brakefield Road, Sandwick. A Reed Bunting at Noness. Grey Wagtail at Hoswick. 4 Shelduck at south Fleck. Woodcock at Dalsetter.
Kite sp. seen flying between Hillwell and Noss.
Cetacean Sightings:
A pod of Orca was seen off Collafirth, North Roe, before heading northwards.
1st April 2023
Bird Sightings:
Large numbers of common migrants in the isles today, with many sightings of flocks of Blackbird, Woodpigeon, Thrush species, and numbers of Pied Wagtail, Chiffchaff and Chaffinch reported from north to south.
Unst: Shelduck at Westing. Black Redstart at Skaw. Hen Harrier at Saxa Vord. Glaucous Gull, Long-eared Owl and notable 14 Chiffchaff at Baltasound. 12 White-fronted Geese at Haroldswick and 2 Snow Bunting at Norwick.
Yell: Yellowhammer, and Iceland Gull at Mid Yell. 4 Iceland Gull at Cullivoe. 3 White-billed Diver off Gloup Head.
Central Mainland: 2 Goldfinch at Wadbister. Tundra Bean Goose remains at Ness of Sound. 6 Crossbill and Siskin at Helendale, Lerwick. Brambling at Mulla, Voe. Rough-legged Buzzard remains in vicinity of clay pigeon shoot in Black Gaet.
South Mainland: Black Redstart at Boddam. 2 Woodcock at Bigton, and Geosetter. Dunnock at Cunningsburgh. Blackcap at Scatness, and 2 Carrion Crow at Quendale.
Insect Sightings:
First Hebrew Character moths of the year were seen in Voe.
2nd April 2023
Bird Sightings:
It appears that there was a large exit of birds from Shetland last night.
Unst: Mistle Thrush at Westing. 2 Brambling and Woodcock at Uyeasound.
Yell: Song Thrush, and 3 Chiffchaff at Gutcher.
Central Mainland: Blackcap at Stendaal, South Nesting. Rough-legged Buzzard still present at Black Gaet.
South Mainland: Mistle Thrush at Swinister, and Tundra Bean Goose and 3 Chiffchaff at Hoswick.
Northern Wheatear at Grutness - first reported mainland sighting.
Mousa: Chiffchaff on the island.
30th March 2023
Bird Sightings:
Small but widespread influx of Chaffinch today, with birds reported from Mid Yell (5), Whalsay (2), Mulla Voe (1), Stendaal, South Nesting (6), North Road Lerwick (1), Sandwick (1), and Sumburgh Head (1).
Unst: Glaucous Gull, Long-eared Owl, 3 Woodcock and Siskin at Norwick. Kumlien's Gull at Easter Loch, and 4 Siskin and Water Rail at Uyeasound.
Whalsay: Wintering Great Spotted Woodpecker still Symbister. Chiffchaff, Woodcock and Long-eared Owl at Skaw.
Central Mainland: Pied Wagtail at Mulla, Voe.
West Mainland: 140+ Common Eider off Ness of Bixter.
South Mainland: 2 Pied Wagtail at Ireland. Black Redstart and Blackcap at Setter, Sandwick. Lapland Bunting overhead at NW Spiggie Loch.
Cetacean Sightings:
A pod of Orca was seen in Basta voe, Yell today in poor visibility. They were seen later off Burravoe heading northwards.
29th March 2023
Bird Sightings:
Influx of Woodpigeon continues across the isles.
Unst: Shelduck at Uyeasound.
Yell: Chiffchaff, and now 5 Mute Swan at Gutcher. Iceland Gull and Pied Wagtail at Papil, Cullivoe. Slavonian Grebe at West Sandwick. Kumlien's Gull, Iceland Gull and Yellowhammer at Mid Yell.
Whalsay: Woodcock at Skaw.
Central Mainland: Rough-legged Buzzard again around the Black Gaet.
South Mainland: Pied Wagtail and Sparrowhawk at Hoswick Burn. Carrion Crow at Skelberry, South Mainland.
28th March 2023
Bird Sightings:
Increasing reports of Woodpigeon across the isles.
Unst: Shelduck at Uyeasound. Kumlien's Gull has moved from Uyeasound to Cullivoe in Yell.
Yell: Chiffchaff, 3 Mute Swan, 2 Iceland Gull and Glaucous Gull at Gutcher. Yellowhammer, Song Thrush, and Iceland Gull at Mid Yell. Chiffchaff at Otterswick.
Bressay: Greenfinch, and 2 Water Rail at Voehead. 3 Bar-tailed Godwits also on island.
Central Mainland: Rough-legged Buzzard seen high over Black Gaet. Chaffinch at Lerwick. Long-eared Owl at Lunna. Goldfinch and Chiffchaff at Vidlin. Snow Bunting at Meal Beach, Burra.
South Mainland: Pied Wagtail at Hoswick Burn, and 3 Pied Wagtails, plus 5 summer plumaged Slavonian Grebe at Boddam. Chiffchaff at Dalsetter.
27th March 2023
Bird Sightings:
Continued reports of Woodpigeon arrivals from various locations.
Unst: Shelduck at Uyeasound.
Yell: Chiffchaff and Glaucous Gull at Gutcher. Yellowhammer, Song Thrush and Iceland Gull at Mid Yell.
Central Mainland: 2 Iceland Gull at Mair's Pier Lerwick.
South Mainland: 2 Long-eared Owls at Cunningsburgh. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Skelberry, South Mainland.
26th March 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Lots of Ringed Plover and Golden Plover seen over the last two days at Baltasound. Stock Dove at Halligarth, Pied Wagtail at Skeo Taing. Stonechat, Mistle Thrush, Pied Wagtail, and 7 European White-fronted Geese at Haroldswick. Sparrowhawk, Chaffinch and Chiffchaff at Norwick.
Yell: Growing number of Skylark and Woodpiegeon seen. Merlin at Cullivoe. Pied Wagtail at Gutcher. Chaffinch, Song Thrush, 2 Iceland Gull and Yellow Hammer at Mid Yell.
Bressay: 3 Greenfinch 2 Robin, Goldcrest and Brambling.
Central: Male Gooseander and 2 Great Northern Diver at Voe of Sound, Tundra Bean Goose with 51 Greylag Geese at Ness of Sound. Grey Wagtail at Skeld Marina.
South: Great Spotted Woodpecker at Skelberry, Dunrossness. Tundrabean Goose and Chiffchaff at Hoswick Burn.
Cetacean Sighting:
27's pod "five' which have been here since Tuesday were seen today between 09:30 and 12:42 at Brae and Aith. The remaining 27's (72, 73 & 153) were seen yesterday in Orkney with 65's pod and the 169's joined the 64's. This could make for an interesting few days ahead.
25th March 2023
Bird Sightings:
Widespread reports of Woodpigeon today indicating birds returning to breed across the isles.
Unst: Stonechat, Mistle Thrush, Pied Wagtail, and 7 European White-fronted Geese at Haroldswick. Sparrowhawk at Uyeasound.
Yell: Glaucous Gull at Cullivoe. 3 Lesser Black-backed Gull at Brekon. Mistle Thrush at Sellafirth and Mid Yell School. Iceland Gull and 2 Dunlin at Vatsetter. Chaffinch, Yellowhammer, Greenfinch and Song Thrush at Mid Yell. 10 Bar-tailed Godwit at Galtigarth.
Bressay: Greenfinch and Brambling at Voehead.
Central: Black Redstart at Lingness, South Nesting. Grey Wagtail at Knab Cemetery, Lerwick.
Cetacean Sighting:
All members of 27's pod have been identified in last two days, some here and others in Orkney with 65's pod.
24th March 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Scandinavian Rock Pipit at Ordaal.
Yell: 7 Woodpigeon, Mistlethrush, Iceland Gull and Chaffinch Mid Yell. Scandinavian Rock Pipit, 2 Dunlin at Vatsetter.
Cetacean Sighting:
A report of dead Porpoise on Lund Beach. 27's Pod of Orcas (with 150, 152 & 34) seen leaving Raewick, West Mainland, moving West throughout the day passing Westerwick at 13:49hrs.
23rd March 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Snow Bunting, Kumlien's Gull and lots of Skylark at Uyeasound. Stonechat at Haroldswick.
Yell: Glaucous gull at Cullivoe. Mistle Thrush at Sellafirth.
Bressay: Iceland Gull at Heogan.
Whalsay: Dunnock at Skaw.
Central Mainland: Rough-legged Buzzard north of Black Gaet and Firecrest at Burn of Sound. Goldfinch at Lawlane, 28 Wood pigeon at Seafield, 9 Woodpigeon at Helendale, Song Thrush at North road, and 2 Pied Wagtail, Lerwick.
West Mainland: 2 Moorhen at Norby beach, Iceland Gull at Melby and Tundra Bean Goose at Sandness School.
South Mainland: Song Thrush at Sandwick, 2 Chaffinch at Spinster. Goldcrest, Woodcock, 8 Wood pigeon and Tundra Bean Goose at Hoswick. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Skelberry.
Cetacean Sighting:
A small pod 3-5 dolphins seen from Outrabister and Yell ferry heading North on Yell side. 27's Pod of Orcas also seen leaving Gulberwick heading South. Last seen heading into Sanick.
22nd March 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Imm Glaucous Gull at Burrafirth beach.
Yell: Juv Glaucous gull at Papil water and Greenfinch at Callivoe. 3 Mute swan at Wick of of North Garth. Male Chaffinch and Robin at Hillend.
Bressay: Goldcrest
Whalsay: Goldcrest at Isbister. Woodcock, Wood Pigeon, and 2 Chiffchaffs at Skaw.
Central Mainland: Firecrest still with Goldcrest at Burn of Sound.
South Mainland: Water Rail at Skelberry.
Lepidoptera Sighting:
Quite a few White-Shouldered House Moth emerged today.
21th March 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Dunnock at Skaw.
Central Mainland: Mistle Thrush, Longland, Lerwick.
Cetacean Sighting:
5 Orca first reported at 13:38hrs, Skald Marina. Seen moving West throughout the day, Westerwick at 1453hrs, Gruting Voe at 1626hrs and Vaila Salmon cages at 1740hrs. Last seen continuing West at 1803hrs.
20th March 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Dunnock, 3 Stonechat, Singing Song Thrush, 4 Chaffinch and 3 Chiffchaff at Norwick. Male Stonechat at Haroldswick Pool different from yesterday.
West Mainland: Magpie, Bean Goose, Adult White Fronted Goose, and Chiffchaff at Sandness. 69 Wigeon, 10 Knot, 9 Slavonian Grebe and 82 Oystercatcher at Effirth Voe towards Bixter.
Central Mainland: Rough-legged Buzzard north of Black Gaet and Firecrest at Burn of Sound.
19th March 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: 3 Stonechat, Woodcock, Song Thrush, 3 Robin and 3 Chiffchaff at Norwick. Kumlien's Gull and Chaffinch at Uyeasound. 2 Stonechat at Skeggie. Chaffinch and Stonechat at Haroldswick Pool.
Yell: 2 Chaffinch, Brambling and 2 Robin at Hillend. Robin at Camb. Iceland Gull at North Sandwick.
Whalsay: Stonechat at Skaw Plantation.
North Mainland: Great Spotted Woodpecker, 2 Greenfinch and 3 Chaffinch at Brae Community Woodland.
Central Mainland: Rough-legged Buzzard north of Black Gaet, also Mistle Thrush. Stonechat at Pullars Loch.
South Mainland: Tundra Bean Goose at Hoswick and 2 more in Sandwick. Iceland Gull at North end of Spiggie.
2 Stonechat and a Chiffchiff at Bakkasetter. 5 Water Rail around Sandwick, Water Rail and Stonechat at Grutness. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Skelberry.
18th March 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Rough-legged Buzzard at Westing. Stonechat and Glaucous Gull at Norwick. Kumlien's Gull at Uyeasound.
Whalsay: Sparrowhawk at Skaw.
Central Mainland: Rough-legged Buzzard around Black Gaet area over the last few days.
South Mainland: Tundra Bean Goose at Hoswick. Peregrine at Spiggie. Hawfinch at Bigton.
17th March 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Chiffchaff and Lesser Black-backed Gull at Halligarth, Chaffinch at Daisy Park, Baltasound. Mistle Thrush at North Dale. Chiffchaff and Glaucous Gull at Norwick. Peregrine at Noosthamar. Lesser Black-backed Gull at Easter Loch. Stonechat at Westing.
Whalsay: Great Spotted Woodpecker at Symbister.
West Mainland: Lesser Black-backed Gull at Effirth.
Central Mainland: Firecrest again at Burn of Sound, Lerwick, also 3 Brambling and 4 Siskin. Tundra Bean Goose at Ness of Sound and Shoveler on Pullar's Loch. 9 Woodpigeon at Veensgarth. A pair of Scaup and 9 Woodpigeon at Loch of Benston.
South Mainland: Tundra Bean Goose at Hoswick. Stonechat at Sumburgh Head, Spiggie and Swinister. Black Redstart at Leebitton.
15th March 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: 2 Snow Bunting at Hermaness and 1 at Uyeasound.
West Mainland: Tundra Bean Goose and Magpie at Sandness.
Central Mainland: Barnacle Goose and 2 Coot at Tingwall Loch. Tundra Bean Goose at Ness of Sound. Song Thrush at North Road and 2 Iceland Gull at Mair's Pier, Lerwick. 2 White-billed Diver at South Nesting Bay and a further 2 off Stava Ness.
South Mainland: Black-throated Diver at Channerwick. Black-throated Diver at Quendale. Black Redstart at Leebitten, Sandwick. 2 Gadwall, 4 Carrion Crow and 2 Rook at Hillwell. Pied Wagtail at Spiggie.
Other sightings:
Barrel Jellyfish found washed ashore at Uyeasound.
16th March 2023
Bird Sightings:
Yell: Iceland Gull at Mid Yell and Vatsetter.
Central Mainland: 3 Siskin at Lunna.
South Mainland: Great Skua and Tundra Bean Goose at Hoswick. Siskin at Swinister. 2 Tundra Bean Goose at Leebitten.
14th March 2023
Bird Sightings:
Central Mainland: Chaffinch at Mulla.
South Mainland: 2 Water Rail at Sandwick, 200 Skylark at Spiggie, Merlin at Dalsetter, Spiggie and Channerwick.
13th March 2023
Bird Sightings:
Yell: Snow Bunting at Cullivoe.
Central Mainland: Ringtail Hen Harrier near Voe. 4 Iceland Gull at Mair's Pier.
West Mainland: Blue Tit at Walls.
South Mainland: Peregrine at Scatness. 2 Lesser Black-backed Gull and 2 Iceland Gull at Hillwell.
12th March 2023
Bird Sightings:
Yell: Snow Bunting at Cullivoe.
Whalsay: Notable count of 38 Great Northern Diver, and Snow Bunting at Skaw.
South Mainland: Pintail at Boddam Voe. Black-throated Diver, 3 Jack Snipe and 6 Meadow Pipit at Quendale. Water Rail at Bakkasetter.
11th March 2023
Bird Sightings:
Yell: 2 Snow Bunting at Cullivoe.
Whalsay: 3 long-eared Owls at Skibberhoull, and Jack Snipe at Simbister.
Bressay: 2 Brambling, Moorhen and Water Rail at Voehead.
Central Mainland: 2 Brambling at Law Lane. 3 Woodcock on the roadside at Weisdale.
South Mainland: 2 Lesser Black-backed Gull and Song Thrush at Brentfield, Sandwick.
9th March 2023
Bird Sightings:
With the continued deep lying snow, Jack Snipe are more noticeable, counts today from Bressay (1), Cunningsburgh (4), Boddam (5) and Dalsetter (2).
Unst: 'Kumlien's' Iceland Gull at Uyeasound. Sparrowhawk at Ordaal.
Yell: Snow Bunting, Red Grouse, and Water Rail at Cullivoe. 2 Glaucous Gull at Kirk Loch, and 1 at Gutcher.
Whalsay: Woodcock at skaw.
Bressay: 2 Brambling at Voehead.
Central Mainland: Song Thrush and Robin at Twageos, Lerwick.
South Mainland: Water Rail at Cunningsburgh.
10th March 2023
Bird Sightings:
Out Skerries: 5 Jack Snipe, 4 Grey Heron, and 2 Lapwing on the island.
Bressay: 2 Brambling at Voehead.
Central Mainland: Water Rail at Longland, Lerwick.
West Mainland: Jack Snipe at Watsness and West Burrafirth.
South Mainland: Goldfinch at Swinister, Sandwick.
8th March 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: 10 Jack Snipe at the Houb.
Yell: Snow Bunting, 2 Water Rail and Robin at Cullivoe.
Central Mainland: Grey Wagtail at Wethersta, Brae. 5 Wood pigeon and Long-eared Owl at Sandgarth. Song Thrush at Grostane, Lerwick.
South Mainland: Merlin at Swinister Burn, and Song Thrush at Sandwick. Long-eared Owl at Ocraquoy and Peregrine at Spiggie. 20 Snow Bunting at Rerwick, and 2 Song Thrush at Setter.
7th March 2023
Bird Sightings:
Influx of Skylark today, of note - Toab (43), Grutness/West Voe (42), Dalsetter (12), Spiggie North (18)
Unst: 2 Jack Snipe, Pink-footed Goose and Skylarks at the Houb.
Yell: Snow Bunting at Cullivoe.
Bressay: Brambling at Voehead.
Central Mainland: Song Thrush at North Road, Lerwick.
South Mainland: Woodcock and Jack Snipe at South Voe, Dunrossness. Jack Snipe at Dalsetter (3) and Boddam (2). Black-throated Diver and 2 Shelduck at Quendale. Song Thrush at Levenwick.
6th March 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Jack Snipe at Uyeasound.
Yell: Water Rail at Cullivoe.
Whalsay: 3 Short-eared Owls at Skibberhoull. Goldfinch at Skaw.
Bressay: Glaucous Gull on the island.
Central Mainland: 2 Iceland and Common Scoter at Mair's Pier. Shoveler still at Pullars Loch. 2 Redpoll spp at Kellister, Weisdale.
Invertebrate sightings:
A Large Yellow-underwing moth caterpillar was discovered in the snow today, on Whalsay.
5th March 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Ring-tail Hen Harrier at Uyeasound.
Yell: Song Thrush at Gloup, and Robin at Cullivoe.
Bressay: 2 Greenfinch at Voehead.
South Mainland: 2 Common Scoter at Boddam. 2 Black-throated Diver and Moorhen at Quendale. 2 Long-tailed Duck and 2 Slavonian Grebe at Spiggie.
Invertebrate sightings:
A micro moth Rhigognostis senilella was found at South Nesting today - this tiny moth can overwinter as an adult.
4th March 2023
Bird Sightings:
Yell: Merlin and 3 Skylarks at Cullivoe.
Whalsay: 4 Skylarks on the island today.
North Mainland: 2 Chaffinch at Hillswick.
West Mainland: 2 Rock at Bridge of Walls.
South Mainland: Tundra Bean Goose still at Hoswick. Merlin at Spiggie. Black-throated Diver at Garth's Voe, nr Quendale.
Mammal sightings:
3 Orca seen distantly from Sumburgh Head today.
3rd March 2023
Bird Sightings:
Yell: Merlin at Bastavoe.
Central Mainland: Tundra Bean and European White-fronted Goose at Ness of Sound, with Firecrest again at Burn of Sound, Lerwick. 2 Iceland Gull remain at Mair's Pier, Lerwick.
South Mainland: Red-throated Diver on Clumlie Loch. Red-throated Diver, Little Grebe, Pink-footed and 21 European White-fronted Geese at Loch of Brow. Lesser Black-backed Gull and 2 Coot at Setter, Spiggie. Merlin seen at NW corner of Spiggie Loch, Boddam and Quendale today.
2nd March 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Black-throated and White-billed Diver, King Eider and 3 Northern Eiders, 2 Velvet and 20 Common Scoters in Bluemull sound.
Yell: Merlin at Gutcher. Iceland Gull at Mid Yell. Grey Plover at Vatsetter.
Central Mainland: Ring-tail Hen Harrier at Toft. Tundra Bean Goose remaining at Pullars Loch, Lerwick.
South Mainland: Tundra Bean Goose still at Hoswick.
1st March 2023
Bird Sightings:
Central Mainland: Ring-tail Hen Harrier at Sullom Voe Oil Terminal, and a Harrier spp at Burn of Lunklet later. Tundra Bean Goose remaining at Pullars Loch, Lerwick.
West Mainland: Sparrowhawk at Mid Walls.
South Mainland: Singing Skylarks heard at Hoswick and Spiggie.
Mammal sightings:
Pod of Orca seen initially off Scalloway, tracked quickly along the coast from Skeld to Dale of Walls. Reported as possibly 65's pod.
Insect sightings:
Bee seen both at Toab and Trondra today.
28th February 2023
Bird Sightings:
Central Mainland: Firecrest Burn of Sound, and 5 Iceland Gulls at Heogan, Lerwick. 10 Siskin at East Voe, Scalloway. Redpoll sp, Greenfinch and 2 Robin at Mulla, Voe. Great Spotted Woodpecker at feeders in Tingwall.
South Mainland: Carrion Crow at Brentfield, Sandwick. Song Thrush and Red-throated Diver at Grutness. 2 Little Auk seen from Good Shepherd approx. 1 mile off Sumburgh.
Yell: Merlin at Cullivoe.
27th February 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: White-billed Diver off Holm of Heogland. 12 Snow Buntings west of Small Waters, Pink-footed Goose at Baltasound. Pintail on Dam Loch, and Skylark at Uyeasound. Carrion Crow at Saxa Vord. Glaucous Gull, Common Scoter and 6 Red-throated Divers at Burrafirth. 3 Iceland and an adult Glaucous Gull at Gutcher.
West Mainland: Adult Black-throated Diver off Scarvister, 3 Snow Bunting at Watsness. 2 European White-fronted Geese at Twatt.
Central Mainland: Slavonian Grebe on Loch of Strom. Sparrowhawk at Trondra.
26th February 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Woodcock at Springpark road, and 3 Siskin at Haroldswick.
Central Mainland: Sparrowhawk at Voe. 2 Greenfinch at Stendaal, 2 Scaup and 4 Woodpigeon at Loch of Benston, in South Nesting.
South Mainland: Carrion Crow at Fleck. Tundra Bean Goose at Hoswick. Glaucous Gull, Jack Snie, Sparrowhawk, and 4 Song Thrush at Quendale. Hornemann's Arctic Redpoll at Hoswick, and been present since 17th February.
25th February 2023
Bird Sightings:
North Mainland: 3 Slavonian Grebes at Ollaberry.
Central Mainland: Puffin seen from Bressay ferry. Tundra Bean and European White-fronted Goose at Seafield. Shoveler still at Pullars Loch. 6 Iceland Gull, 2 Red-throated Diver and Common Scoter off Mair's Pier.
South Mainland: Merlin at Sumburgh and Grutness. 4 European White-fronted Geese at Bigton. 250 Fieldfare at Scousburgh, Little Grebe at Spiggie. 3 Pochard on Loch of Brow. 2 Short-eared Owls at Brow Marsh. 26 Twite, 3 Red-throated Divers, 12 Sanderling at Grutness. Song Thrush at Sumburgh Quarry.
24th February 2023
Bird Sightings:
Central Mainland: Greater Spotted Woodpecker at Skelberry, Vidlin. Long-eared Owl at Burn of Fitch. 3 Iceland Gulls off Mair's Pier, Lerwick.
South Mainland: Water Rail at Brakefield Road, and Tundra Bean Goose at Swinister Burn, Sandwick. 2 Iceland Gull at both Spiggie and Hillwell.
23rd February 2023
Bird Sightings:
Central Mainland: Goldfinch at Mulla, Voe. Song Thrush at Trondra.
22nd February 2023
Bird Sightings:
Yell: Little Auk seen from boat near Cullivoe.
Central Mainland: Firecrest again at Burn of Sound. 12 Knot and Shoveler remaining at Pullars Loch, Lerwick. Tundra Bean at Seafield, Lerwick.
South Mainland: 2 Barnacle and 2 Tundra Bean Geese in Sandwick. Little Auk seen from Good Shepherd 1mile off Sumburgh.
21st February 2023
Bird Sightings:
Foula: 2 overwintering Long-eared Owl, and 2 Skylark on the island.
Whalsay: Black-throated Diver off Skaw, and 70 Purple Sandpiper at Houb.
West Mainland: Barn Owl at Semblister.
Central Mainland: Tundra Bean at Seafield, Shoveler at Pullars Loch, and 41 Knot at Ness of Sound, Lerwick.
South Mainland: Red-throated Diver on Spiggie Loch. 2 Barnacle Geese at Spiggie. Tundra Bean Goose at Hoswick.
20th February 2023
Bird Sightings:
Central Mainland: Goldfinch at Mulla, Voe.
South Mainland: Merlin at Cunningsburgh. Tundra Bean Goose and Sparrowhawk at Hoswick Burn.
19th February 2023
Bird Sightings:
Bressay: 4 Iceland Gull at Heogan.
South Mainland: Glaucous Gull, Little Grebe and Scaup at Spiggie.
18th February 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Drake Green-winged Teal at Loch of Heogland, with White-billed Diver on the sea off Heogland.
Whalsay: Red-throated Diver seen on fresh water for first time this year.
North Mainland: Snow Bunting and 2 Woodcock at Ronas Hill.
Central Mainland: Tundra Bean Goose at Sullom Voe Oil Terminal. Hornemann's Arctic Redpoll at Setter, Kergord. Short-eared Owl at Lunna. Redpoll spp, 2 Greenfinch and Water Rail at Wadbister.
South Mainland: 3 Short-eared Owl at Brow Marsh.
Mammal Sightings:
30+ Porpoise in South Nesting Bay. Pod of Risso's Dolphin was initially sighted off the Ord, Bressay, watched by onlookers at the Knab. A short time later, a pod of Orca were seen Ness of Sound heading south, and seen from close to shore at various places right down to Mousa Sound during the afternoon.
17th February 2023
Bird Sightings:
Central Mainland: 2 Iceland Gull at Shetland Catch, Tundra Bean Goose at Seafield, and European White-fronted Goose at Sea Road, Lerwick.
South Mainland: Goldfinch at Swinister Burn, and 2 Tundra Bean Geese at Sandwick. Water Rail at Fladdabister Burn.
16th February 2023
Bird Sightings:
Bressay: 3 Bar-tailed Godwits on the island.
Central Mainland: Shoveler at Pullars Loch, European White-fronted Goose at Ness of Sound. Northern Eider and 6 Iceland Gull at North Ness, and Song Thrush, Lerwick.
South Mainland: Tundra Bean Goose at Sandwick. 20 European White-fronted Geese, 2 Pink-footed Geese and 2 Short-eared Owl at Ringasta. 8 Shelduck and 7 Sanderling at Virkie.
15th February 2023
Bird Sightings:
Central Mainland: Great Spotted Woodpecker at Skelberry, Vidlin. Shoveler at Pullars Loch.
South Mainland: White-billed Diver briefly at Boddam.
14th February 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: 4 Glaucous Gull at Burrafirth. 2 Glaucous Gull south through Westing, plus a Peregrine too.
Central Mainland: Firecrest moving along gardens at Helendale. Merlin, and 4 Iceland Gulls in Lerwick.
South Mainland: 2 Tundra Bean Geese at Sea Gaet, Sandwick.
13th February 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: 3 Glaucous Gull and Iceland Gull at Burrafirth. Glaucous Gull, and a Goldfinch briefly at Westing.
Yell: Brünnich's Guillemot seen from a RIB, during bird survey, in Yell Sound, south of Brother Isle.
Central Mainland: Greater Spotted Woodpecker at Skelberry, Vidlin. 2 Greenfinch at Stendaal, South Nesting. Shoveler and Goldeneye at Pullars Loch.
South Mainland: Long-eared Owl at Sandwick.
Mammal sightings:
20 Porpoise seen from Outrabister, Lunna today. ​
12th February 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: 2 Glaucous Gull and Iceland Gull at Burrafirth. Puffin and Glaucous Gull at Norwick.
Central Mainland: 2 Iceland Gull at Lerwick Harbour.
South Mainland: Glaucous Gull at Virkie. Iceland Gull at Ocraquoy.
11th February 2023
Bird Sightings:
Central Mainland: Firecrest at Sound, Lrerwick. 7 Iceland Gull at Lerwick Harbour.
South Mainland: Iceland Gull and Black Redstart at Sandsayre, Sandwick.
10th February 2023
Bird Sightings:
Nothing of interest reported today
9th February 2023
Bird Sightings:
Central Mainland: Moorhen at Scalloway.
8th February 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: 4 Glaucous Gull and Iceland Gull at Burrafirth. Glaucous Gull at Westing.
Central Mainland: Tundra Goose at Seafield, lerwick. 6 iceland Gull at Lerwick Harbour.
South Mainland: Iceland Gull at Hillwell. Tundra Goose at Brake.
7th February 2023
Bird Sightings:
North Mainland: 2 Great Spotted Woodpecker at Bardister.
Central Mainland Tundra Goose and Firecrest at Sound, Lerwick. 6 Iceland Gull at Lerwick Harbour.
South Mainland: Glaucous Gull at Virkie. Tundra Goose at Ringasta, 5 Pochard at Loch of Brow.
6th February 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Glaucous Gull at Small Waters. 3 Glaucous Gull at Houland. 2 Iceland Gull at Westing.
West Mainland: Velvet Scoter at Bridge of Walls. Magpie at Sandness.
Central Mainland: Water Rail at Wadbister. Firecrest at Sound, Lerwick. 12 Iceland Gull at Lerwick Harbour..
South Mainland: Iceland Gull at Virkie.
5th February 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Glaucous Gull at Burrafirth.
Central Mainland 11 Iceland Gull at Lerwick Harbour. 4 Greenfinch at Brae.
4th February 2023
Bird Sightings:
Bressay: Iceland Gull at Noss Sound.
Central Mainland Tundra Goose at Seafield, Lerwick. 5 Iceland Gull at Lerwick Harbour.
South Mainland:Tundra Goose at Ringasta. Tundra Goose at Sandwick. Black Redstart at Leebitton, Sandwick.
3rd February 2023
Bird Sightings:
West Mainland: Magpie at Sandness. Velvet Scoter at Bridge of Walls.
Central Mainland Tundra Goose at Seafield, Lerwick. Glaucous Gull and 4 Iceland Gull at Lerwick Harbour.
South Mainland: Glaucous Gull at Exnaboe. Scaup at Hillwell.Tundra Goose at Ringasta. Hen Harrier at Scousburgh.
2nd February 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Glaucous Gull at Burrafirth.
Central Mainland Firecrest at Sound, Lerwick. Brambling at Helendale.Tundra Goose at Seafield, Lerwick. Iceland Gull at Twageos, Lerwick. 2 Iceland Gull at Lerwick Harbour.
1st February 2023
Bird Sightings:
Central Mainland: Greenfinch at Brae. Tundra Bean Goose at Ness of Sound. 3 Iceland Gull at Lerwick Harbour.
31st January 2023
Bird Sightings:
Whalsay: Glaucous Gull at Marrister. Glaucous Gull and Iceland Gull at Symbister.
Central Mainland 4 Iceland Gull at Lerwick Harbour. Rough-legged Buzzard at Dales Voe.
South Mainland: Glaucous Gull at Virkie.
30th January 2023
Bird Sightings:
Whalsay: Glaucous Gull at Houb.
North Mainland: Glaucous Gull at Eshaness.
West Mainland: Velvet Scoter at Bridge of Walls.
Central Mainland: Tundra Goose at Ness of Sound. 2 Iceland Gull at Lerwick Harbour. Iceland Gull at Voe.
South Mainland: Tundra Goose at Loch of Spiggie. Tundra Goose at Sandwick. Black Redstart at Leebitton. Glaucous Gull at Quendale. Glaucous Gull at Loch of Spiggie.
29th January 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Glaucous Gull at Westing.
Central Mainland: Hen Harrier at South Nesting. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Brae.
South Mainland: Tundra Goose at Swinister, Sandwick.
27th January 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Rough-legged Buzzard at Lund.
Fetlar: 2 Velvet Scoter at Bluemull Sound. 2 Glaucous Gull at Tresta.
Central Mainland: Tundra Goose at Ness of Sound. 3 Iceland Gull at Lerwick Harbour.
28th January 2023
Bird Sightings:
Central Mainland: Rough-legged Buzzard at Kirkabister.
South Mainland: Glaucous Gull at Quendale. Glaucous Gullat Loch of Spiggie.
26th January 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Rough-legged Buzzard at Lund.
Central Mainland: Glaucous Gull at Lerwick Harbour.
25th January 2023
Bird Sightings:
South Mainland: Black Redstart at Leebitton.
24th January 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: 5 Glaucous Gull at Burrafirth
23rd January 2023
Bird Sightings:
South Mainland: 6 Little Auk 1mile east of Sumburgh Head.
22nd January 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Iceland Gull at Burrafirth. Iceland Gull at Westing.
21st January 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: 4 Glaucous Gull and 2 Iceland Gull at Burrafirth.
Yell: Tundra Goose at Sellafirth.
Whalsay: Rough-legged Buzzard at Brough.
Central Mainland: Tundra Goose at Freester.
South Mainland: Black Redstart at Leebitton.
20th January 2023
Bird Sightings:
Yell: White-billed Diver and Glaucous Gull at Vatsetter. Iceland Gull at Mid Yell.
Central Mainland: 2 Little Auk at South Nesting Bay. Hen Harrier at Loch of Benston.
South Mainland: Hen Harrier at Clumlie. Black Redstart at Leebitton.
19th January 2023
Bird Sightings:
Whalsay: Glaucous Gull at Vatshoull Loch. Grey Plover at Houb.
Central Mainland: Greenfinch at Stendaal, Nesting.
South Mainland: 5 Glaucous Gull and 2 Iceland Gull at Loch of Spiggie. Black Redstart at Leebitton.
18th January 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Carrion Crow at Baltasound. Kumlien's Iceland Gull at Uyeasound.
Whalsay: Great Spotted Woodpecker at Symbister.
17th January 2023
Bird Sightings:
Whalsay: Grey Plover at Skaw.
South Mainland: 2 Short-eared Owl at Clumlie. 14 European White-fronted Goose at Ringasta. Black Redstart at Leebitton.
16th January 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: 2 Glaucous Gull at Burrafirth.
Central Mainland:Great Spotted Woodpecker at Kergord. Great Spotted Woodpecker at Mulla, Voe.
South Mainland: Hen Harrier at Dalsetter.
15th January 2023
Bird Sightings:
South Mainland: Long-eared Owl at Sumburgh. Female Hen Harrier at Brow Marsh. Mediterranean Gull and male Hen Harrier at Boddam.
14th January 2023
Bird Sightings:
Whalsay: Goldfinch at Skaw.
West Mainland: Velvet Scoter at Bridge of Walls.
13th January 2023
Bird Sightings:
South Mainland: 2 Goldfinch at Boddam.
12th January 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Goosander at Caldback. Little Auk at Uyeasound.
Central Mainland: Brambling at Catfirth.
South Mainland: Little Auk off Sumburgh Head. Velvet Scoter at Mousa Sound. Tundra Goose at Sandwick.
11th January 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Rough-legged Buzzard at Westing. 73 Glaucous Gull and 5 Iceland Gull at Loch of Cliff.
Central Mainland: Hen Harrier at Grunna Water, Nesting.
South Mainland: 3 Glaucous Gull and Iceland Gull at Loch of Spiggie.
10th January 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Coue's Arctic Redpoll at Halligarth. Hen Harrier at Uyeasound. Wood Pigeon at Halligarth.
Central Mainland: Goldfinch at Eswick.
9th January 2023
Bird Sightings:
Whalsay: Iceland Gull at Symbister.
Central Mainland: Tundra Goose at Ness of Sound, Lerwick.
8th January 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Coue's Arctic Redpoll at Halligarth. 2 Glaucous Gull at Westing. 2 Iceland Gull at Haroldswick.
Yell: Glaucous Gull at Gutcher.
South Mainland: Tundra Goose at Fleck. Iceland Gull at Boddam.
Mammal Sightings:
West Mainland: 7 Orca (27s pod) tracked south along Clift Sound.
7th January 2023
Bird Sightings:
Yell: Tundra Goose at Sellafirth.
Mammal Sightings:
West Mainland: Pod of Orca (unknown number, unidentified pod) at Rerwick.
6th January 2023
Bird Sightings:
Central Mainland: Great Spotted Woodpecker at Skellister, South Nesting.
5th January 2023
Bird Sightings:
Yell: Tundra Goose at Sellafirth. White-billed Diver at Breckon. 2 Glaucous Gull in Bluemull Sound.
Central Mainland: White-billed Diver at South Nesting Bay.
South Mainland: 2 Taiga Bean Goose at Brake. Glaucous Gull at Loch of Spiggie.
4th January 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Glaucous Gull at Underhoull Beach.
Yell: Tundra Goose at Sellafirth.
Whalsay: Iceland Gull at Vatshoull Loch.
3rd January 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Hen Harrier at Easting.
South Mainland: Black Redstart at Sandwick.
2nd January 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Rough-legged Buzzard at Da Kugg.
South Mainland: 2 Taiga Goose and 11 Tundra Goose at Hillwell. Tundra Goose and Glaucous Gull at Spiggie. Tundra Goose at Sandwick.
1st January 2023
Bird Sightings:
Unst: Kumlien's Iceland Gull at Uyeasound. Glaucous Gull at Haroldswick.
West Mainland: Magpie at Norby.
South Mainland: Kestrel at Spiggie. Tundra Goose at Sandwick.